
v0.8.3 2016-09-14 15:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:38:19 UTC


If you are familiar with Nette Framework and Symfony Console (especially implementation by Kdyby), you probably had idea to used it for cron operations. This tool will help you with maintenance of cron tasks.


This library requires PHP 5.5 or higher. CronCommand library is designed for Nette Framework; however, it can be also used with other frameworks or pure PHP.


The best way to install this library is using Composer:

$ composer require sw2eu/cron-command


Firstly, register extension Sw2\CronCommand\Bridges\Nette\DI\CronCommandExtension. For more information about configuration see the class definition. Some features would not work in version 0.8.x (simply - they are not yet been implemented), so please be patient and stay tuned.

    cron: Sw2\CronCommand\Bridges\Nette\DI\CronCommandExtension

Now define your first task. Here is full source code of my AwesomeTask:


namespace App\Commands;

use Sw2\CronCommand\Task;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * Class AwesomeTask
 * @package App\Commands
 * @cron 0 0 * * 0
class AwesomeTask extends Task
	/** @var MySuperAwesomeService @inject */
	public $youCanInjectYourServices;

	protected function configure()
		$this->setDescription('Totally awesome task that would totally change your life');

	 * @param InputInterface $input
	 * @param OutputInterface $output
	 * @return void
	protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
		// do something awesome
		$output->writeln("<info>I am awesome task!</info>");


Annotation @cron use the same syntax as you know from crontab. For the parsing of the cron expression is used library mtdowling/cron-expression where you can find more information about syntax. Syntax with @ is not yet supported (maybe in the future).

So now register your task to the cron runner:

		- App\Commands\AwesomeTask

This way you can create service and register it right to the runner. Tasks in CronCommandExtension works in the same way like services in Nette Framework. You can define just class name, or define the whole service with arguments, setup, etc. The other way how to register your task is much more automatic: Just create service and tag it with defined tag (default tag is sw2.cron.task but can be also configured) like this:

	- class: App\Commands\AwesomeTask
	  tags: [sw2.cron.task]

You need not define kdyby.console.command, it will be added automatically. So this mean, that every cron task is automatically also console command -- can be started manually if needed.

Now you can run your first cron task using console command cron:runner.

$ php www/index.php cron:runner

This library implements locking system. Every task can run only once at a time. If the task is running, you cannot start it manually and vice versa.

Advanced documentation will be added in the future. But if you look on my source codes, you will understand what you can do with this small (but powerful) library.