
JSON CLI tool (diff, rearrange, pretty print, minify, yaml convert, etc...)

Installs: 7 502

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 76

Watchers: 3

Forks: 7

Open Issues: 4


v1.11.2 2023-12-19 00:50 UTC


Swiss Knife

A CLI app to find unordered diff between two JSON documents (based on swaggest/json-diff), generate JSON Schema and Go/PHP code, pretty print, minify, yaml convert, etc....

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  • To simplify changes review between two JSON files you can use a standard diff tool on rearranged pretty-printed JSON.
  • To detect breaking changes by analyzing removals and changes from original JSON.
  • To keep original order of object sets (for example swagger.json parameters list).
  • To make and apply JSON Patches, specified in RFC 6902 from the IETF.
  • To convert between YAML/JSON/PHP serialization.
  • To resolve JSON Pointer to data.
  • To resolve JSON Pointer to file position.
  • To validate JSON data against JSON Schema.
  • To generate or update JSON Schema with instance value(s).
  • To generate sample JSON value from JSON Schema.
  • To render JSON Schema as Go structure.
  • To render JSON Schema as PHP classes.
  • To render JSON Schema as JSDoc type definitions.
  • To render JSON Schema as Markdown documentation.



docker run swaggest/json-cli json-cli --help
v1.6.1 json-cli
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli

json-cli can load schema from stdin (using - as a file path) which can be handy with docker, for example:

cat ./tests/assets/swagger-schema.json | docker run -i --rm swaggest/json-cli json-cli gen-jsdoc -


Install PHP Composer

composer require swaggest/json-cli

CLI tool


v1.9.0 json-cli
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
   json-cli <action>
   action   Action name
            Allowed values: diff, apply, rearrange, diff-info, pretty-print, minify, replace, resolve,
            resolve-pos, validate-schema, gen-go, gen-php, gen-jsdoc, gen-json, build-schema

Input paths can be .json/.yaml/.yml/.serialized files, file format is detected by file extension:

  • .json JSON
  • .yaml, .yml YAML
  • .serialized PHP serialization format

Diff, make JSON Patch from two documents

v1.3.0 json-cli diff
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Make patch from two json documents, output to STDOUT
   json-cli diff <originalPath> <newPath>
   originalPath   Path to old (original) json file
   newPath        Path to new json file

   --rearrange-arrays    Rearrange arrays to match original
   --pretty              Pretty-print result JSON
   --output <output>     Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml             Output in YAML format
   --pretty-short        Pretty short format


Making JSON Patch

json-cli diff tests/assets/original.json tests/assets/new.json --rearrange-arrays --pretty-short

Apply JSON Patch to document

v1.3.0 json-cli apply
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Apply patch to base json document, output to STDOUT
   json-cli apply [patchPath] [basePath]
   patchPath   Path to JSON patch file
   basePath    Path to JSON base file

   --pretty             Pretty-print result JSON
   --output <output>    Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml            Output in YAML format
   --tolerate-errors    Continue on error

Rearrange JSON document to keep original order

v1.3.0 json-cli rearrange
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Rearrange json document in the order of another (original) json document
   json-cli rearrange <originalPath> <newPath>
   originalPath   Path to old (original) json file
   newPath        Path to new json file

   --rearrange-arrays    Rearrange arrays to match original
   --pretty              Pretty-print result JSON
   --output <output>     Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml             Output in YAML format


Using with standard diff

json-cli rearrange tests/assets/original.json tests/assets/new.json --rearrange-arrays --pretty | diff <(json-cli pretty-print ./tests/assets/original.json) -
<         4,
>         5,
<     "key2": 2,
<         "sub0": 0,
<         "sub1": "a",
<         "sub2": "b"
>         "sub1": "c",
>         "sub2": false,
>         "sub3": 0
<             "b": false
>             "c": false
<             "a": 3
>             "a": 3,
>             "c": 1
<     ]
>     ],
>     "key5": "wat"

Show difference between two JSON documents

json-cli diff-info --help
v1.3.0 json-cli diff-info
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Show diff info for two JSON documents
   json-cli diff-info <originalPath> <newPath>
   originalPath   Path to old (original) json file
   newPath        Path to new json file

   --rearrange-arrays    Rearrange arrays to match original
   --pretty              Pretty-print result JSON
   --output <output>     Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml             Output in YAML format
   --with-contents       Add content to output
   --with-paths          Add paths to output


Showing differences in JSON mode

json-cli diff-info tests/assets/original.json tests/assets/new.json --with-paths --pretty
    "addedCnt": 4,
    "modifiedCnt": 4,
    "removedCnt": 3,
    "addedPaths": [
    "modifiedPaths": [
    "removedPaths": [

Pretty-print JSON document or convert between formats

json-cli pretty-print --help
v1.4.2 json-cli pretty-print
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Pretty print JSON document
   json-cli pretty-print <path>
   path   Path to JSON/YAML file

   --output <output>   Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml           Output in YAML format
   --to-serialized     Output in PHP serialized format

Minify JSON document

json-cli minify --help
v1.7.5 json-cli minify
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Minify JSON document
   json-cli minify <path>
   path   Path to JSON/YAML file
   --output <output>   Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-serialized     Output in PHP serialized format      
   --eol               Add line break to the output         

Bash command to minify all JSON files in current directory.

for f in *.json; do json-cli minify $f --output $f; done

Replace values in JSON document

json-cli replace --help
v1.3.0 json-cli replace
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Minify JSON document
   json-cli replace <path> <search> <replace>
   path      Path to JSON/YAML file
   search    Search JSON value
   replace   Replace JSON value

   --path-filter <pathFilter>   JSON path filter regex, example "/definitions/.*/properties/deletedAt"


json-cli replace swagger.json '{"type": "string","format": "date-time"}' '{"type": "string","format": "date-time","x-nullable":true}' --path-filter '/definitions/.*/properties/deletedAt' --output swagger-fixed.json

Resolve JSON Pointer to a value from document

json-cli resolve --help
v1.3.0 json-cli resolve
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
   json-cli resolve [path] [pointer]
   path      Path to JSON/YAML file
   pointer   JSON Pointer, example /key4/1/a


json-cli resolve tests/assets/original.json /key4/1

Resolve JSON Pointer to a position in JSON file (line:col)

json-cli resolve-pos --help
v1.3.0 json-cli resolve-pos
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
   json-cli resolve-pos [path] [pointer]
   path      Path to JSON file
   pointer   JSON Pointer, example /key4/1/a

   --dump-all    Dump all pointer positions from JSON


json-cli resolve-pos tests/assets/original.json /key4/1

Validate JSON document against JSON Schema

json-cli validate-schema --help
v1.4.0 json-cli validate-schema
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
   json-cli validate-schema <data> [schema]
   data     Path to data (JSON/YAML)
   schema   Path to schema, default JSON Schema


json-cli validate-schema tests/assets/sample-data.json tests/assets/sample-schema.json
Data is invalid
No valid results for oneOf {
 0: String expected, 5 received at #->oneOf[0]
 1: Value more than 10 expected, 5 received at #->oneOf[1]->$ref[#/definitions/int10plus]

Generate/update JSON Schema from instance value(s).

New or existing schema is synchronized to match data samples.

v1.7.8 json-cli build-schema
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
   json-cli build-schema <data> [schema]
   data     Path to data (JSON/YAML)
   schema   Path to parent schema   
   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema>           JSON pointer to structure in root schema, default #                      
   --ptr-in-data <ptrInData>               JSON pointer to structure in data, default #                             
   --jsonl                                 Data is a stream of JSON Lines                                           
   --use-nullable                          Use `nullable: true` instead of `type: null`, OAS 3.0 compatibility      
   --use-xnullable                         Use `x-nullable: true` instead of `type: null`, Swagger 2.0 compatibility
   --defs-ptr <defsPtr>                    Location to put new definitions. default: "#/definitions/"               
   --collect-examples                      Collect scalar values example                                            
   --heuristic-required                    Mark properties that are available in all samples as `required`.         
   --additional-data <additionalData...>   Additional paths to data                                                 
   --pretty                                Pretty-print result JSON                                                 
   --output <output>                       Path to output result, default STDOUT                                    
   --to-yaml                               Output in YAML format                                                    
   --to-serialized                         Output in PHP serialized format                                          

Basic example:

json-cli build-schema tests/assets/original.json 


Advanced example:

json-cli build-schema dump-responses.jsonl ./acme-service/swagger.json --ptr-in-schema "#/definitions/Orders" --jsonl --ptr-in-data "#/responseValue" --pretty --output swagger.json

Updates swagger.json with actual response samples provided in dump-responses.jsonl.

Generate Go structure from JSON Schema.

Go code is built using swaggest/go-code-builder.

v1.8.0 json-cli gen-go
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Generate Go code from JSON schema
   json-cli gen-go <schema>
   schema   Path to JSON schema file

   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema...>          JSON pointers to structure in root schema, default #
   --def-ptr <defPtr...>                     Definitions pointers to strip from symbol names, default #/definitions
   --patches <patches...>                    JSON patches to apply to schema file before processing, merge patches are also supported
   --output <output>                         Path to output .go file, STDOUT is used by default
   --package-name <packageName>              Go package name, default "entities"
   --root-name <rootName>                    Go root struct name, default "Structure", only used for # pointer
   --show-const-properties                   Show properties with constant values, hidden by default
   --keep-parent-in-property-names           Keep parent prefix in property name, removed by default
   --ignore-nullable                         Add `omitempty` to nullable properties, removed by default
   --ignore-xgo-type                         Ignore `x-go-type` in schema to skip generation
   --with-zero-values                        Use pointer types to avoid zero value ambiguity
   --enable-xnullable                        Add `null` to types if `x-nullable` or `nullable` is available
   --enable-default-additional-properties    Add field property for undefined `additionalProperties`
   --fluent-setters                          Add fluent setters to struct fields
   --ignore-required                         Ignore if property is required when deciding on pointer type or omitempty
   --renames <renames...>                    Map of exported symbol renames, example From:To
   --with-tests                              Generate (un)marshaling tests for entities (experimental feature)
   --require-xgenerate                       Generate properties with `x-generate: true` only
   --validate-required                       Generate validation code to check required properties during unmarshal
   --name-tags <nameTags...>                 Set additional field tags with property name, example "msgp bson"


json-cli gen-go http://json-schema.org/learn/examples/address.schema.json
// Code generated by github.com/swaggest/json-cli v1.6.3, DO NOT EDIT.

// Package entities contains JSON mapping structures.
package entities

// Structure structure is generated from "#".
// An address similar to http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card.
type Structure struct {
        PostOfficeBox   string `json:"post-office-box,omitempty"`
        ExtendedAddress string `json:"extended-address,omitempty"`
        StreetAddress   string `json:"street-address,omitempty"`
        Locality        string `json:"locality,omitempty"`
        Region          string `json:"region,omitempty"`
        PostalCode      string `json:"postal-code,omitempty"`
        CountryName     string `json:"country-name,omitempty"`

Advanced example:

json-cli gen-go "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/asyncapi/2.0.0-rc1/examples/1.2.0/streetlights.yml" \
    --ptr-in-schema "#/components/messages/lightMeasured/payload" "#/components/messages/turnOnOff/payload" \
    --def-ptr "#/components/schemas" \
    --package-name message \
    --output ./entities.go

cat ./entities.go
// Code generated by github.com/swaggest/json-cli v1.6.3, DO NOT EDIT.

// Package message contains JSON mapping structures.
package message

import (

// LightMeasuredPayload structure is generated from "#/components/schemas/lightMeasuredPayload".
type LightMeasuredPayload struct {
        Lumens int64      `json:"lumens,omitempty"` // Light intensity measured in lumens.
        SentAt *time.Time `json:"sentAt,omitempty"` // Date and time when the message was sent.

// TurnOnOffPayload structure is generated from "#/components/schemas/turnOnOffPayload".
type TurnOnOffPayload struct {
        Command TurnOnOffPayloadCommand `json:"command,omitempty"` // Whether to turn on or off the light.
        SentAt  *time.Time              `json:"sentAt,omitempty"`  // Date and time when the message was sent.

// TurnOnOffPayloadCommand is an enum type.
type TurnOnOffPayloadCommand string

// TurnOnOffPayloadCommand values enumeration.
const (
        TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOn = TurnOnOffPayloadCommand("on")
        TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOff = TurnOnOffPayloadCommand("off")

// MarshalJSON encodes JSON.
func (i TurnOnOffPayloadCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
        switch i {
        case TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOn:
        case TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOff:

                return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected TurnOnOffPayloadCommand value: %v", i)

        return json.Marshal(string(i))

// UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON.
func (i *TurnOnOffPayloadCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
        var ii string
        err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ii)
        if err != nil {
                return err
        v := TurnOnOffPayloadCommand(ii)
        switch v {
        case TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOn:
        case TurnOnOffPayloadCommandOff:

                return fmt.Errorf("unexpected TurnOnOffPayloadCommand value: %v", v)

        *i = v
        return nil

Generate PHP classes from JSON Schema.

PHP code is built using swaggest/php-code-builder.

Generated classes require swaggest/json-schema package.

v1.8.0 json-cli gen-php
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Generate PHP code from JSON schema
   json-cli gen-php <schema> --ns <ns> --ns-path <nsPath>
   schema   Path to JSON schema file

   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema...>           JSON pointers to structure in root schema, default #
   --def-ptr <defPtr...>                      Definitions pointers to strip from symbol names, default #/definitions
   --patches <patches...>                     JSON patches to apply to schema file before processing, merge patches are also supported
   --ns <ns>                                  Namespace to use for generated classes, example \MyClasses
   --ns-path <nsPath>                         Path to store generated classes, example ./src/MyClasses
   --root-name <rootName>                     Go root struct name, default "Structure", only used for # pointer
   --setters                                  Build setters
   --getters                                  Build getters
   --no-enum-const                            Do not create constants for enum/const values
   --declare-property-defaults                Use default values to initialize properties
   --build-additional-properties-accessors    Build accessors for additionalProperties

Advanced example:

mkdir ./StreetLights

json-cli gen-php "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/asyncapi/2.0.0-rc1/examples/1.2.0/streetlights.yml" \
    --ptr-in-schema "#/components/messages/lightMeasured/payload" "#/components/messages/turnOnOff/payload" \
    --def-ptr "#/components/schemas" \
    --ns MyApp\\StreetLights \
    --ns-path ./StreetLights
cat ./StreetLights/*
Classes are generated in /path/to/StreetLights

 * @file ATTENTION!!! The code below was carefully crafted by a mean machine.
 * Please consider to NOT put any emotional human-generated modifications as the splendid AI will throw them away with no mercy.

namespace MyApp\StreetLights;

use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Constraint\Properties;
use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Schema;
use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Structure\ClassStructure;

 * Built from #/components/schemas/lightMeasuredPayload
 *  <- streetlights.yml#/components/messages/lightMeasured/payload
class LightMeasuredPayload extends ClassStructure
    /** @var int Light intensity measured in lumens. */
    public $lumens;

    /** @var string Date and time when the message was sent. */
    public $sentAt;

     * @param Properties|static $properties
     * @param Schema $ownerSchema
    public static function setUpProperties($properties, Schema $ownerSchema)
        $properties->lumens = Schema::integer();
        $properties->lumens->description = "Light intensity measured in lumens.";
        $properties->lumens->minimum = 0;
        $properties->sentAt = Schema::string();
        $properties->sentAt->description = "Date and time when the message was sent.";
        $properties->sentAt->format = "date-time";
        $ownerSchema->type = 'object';
        $ownerSchema->components = (object)array(
            'schemas' =>
                 'sentAt' =>
                     'description' => 'Date and time when the message was sent.',
                     'type' => 'string',
                     'format' => 'date-time',
 * @file ATTENTION!!! The code below was carefully crafted by a mean machine.
 * Please consider to NOT put any emotional human-generated modifications as the splendid AI will throw them away with no mercy.

namespace MyApp\StreetLights;

use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Constraint\Properties;
use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Schema;
use Swaggest\JsonSchema\Structure\ClassStructure;

 * Built from #/components/schemas/turnOnOffPayload
 *  <- streetlights.yml#/components/messages/turnOnOff/payload
class TurnOnOffPayload extends ClassStructure
    const ON = 'on';

    const OFF = 'off';

    /** @var string Whether to turn on or off the light. */
    public $command;

    /** @var string Date and time when the message was sent. */
    public $sentAt;

     * @param Properties|static $properties
     * @param Schema $ownerSchema
    public static function setUpProperties($properties, Schema $ownerSchema)
        $properties->command = Schema::string();
        $properties->command->enum = array(
        $properties->command->description = "Whether to turn on or off the light.";
        $properties->sentAt = Schema::string();
        $properties->sentAt->description = "Date and time when the message was sent.";
        $properties->sentAt->format = "date-time";
        $ownerSchema->type = 'object';
        $ownerSchema->components = (object)array(
            'schemas' =>
                 'sentAt' =>
                     'description' => 'Date and time when the message was sent.',
                     'type' => 'string',
                     'format' => 'date-time',

Generate JSDoc type definitions from JSON Schema.

v1.8.4 json-cli gen-jsdoc
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Generate JSDoc code from JSON schema
   json-cli gen-jsdoc <schema>
   schema   Path to JSON schema file
   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema...>   JSON pointers to structure in root schema, default #                                 
   --def-ptr <defPtr...>              Definitions pointers to strip from symbol names, default #/definitions                  
   --patches <patches...>             JSON patches to apply to schema file before processing, merge patches are also supported


json-cli gen-jsdoc "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/asyncapi/2.0.0-rc1/examples/1.2.0/streetlights.yml" \
    --ptr-in-schema "#/components/messages/lightMeasured/payload" "#/components/messages/turnOnOff/payload" \
    --def-ptr "#/components/schemas"
 * @typedef ComponentsMessagesLightMeasuredPayload
 * @type {object}
 * @property {number} lumens - Light intensity measured in lumens.
 * @property {string} sentAt - Date and time when the message was sent.

 * @typedef ComponentsMessagesTurnOnOffPayload
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} command - Whether to turn on or off the light.
 * @property {string} sentAt - Date and time when the message was sent.

Generate Markdown documentation from JSON Schema.

v1.10.0 json-cli gen-markdown
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Generate Markdown document from JSON schema
   json-cli gen-markdown <schema>
   schema   Path to JSON schema file, use `-` for STDIN
   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema...>   JSON pointers to structure in root schema, default #                                    
   --def-ptr <defPtr...>              Definitions pointers to strip from symbol names, default #/definitions                  
   --patches <patches...>             JSON patches to apply to schema file before processing, merge patches are also supported   


json-cli gen-markdown "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asyncapi/asyncapi/2.0.0-rc1/examples/1.2.0/streetlights.yml" \
    --ptr-in-schema "#/components/messages/lightMeasured/payload" "#/components/messages/turnOnOff/payload" \
    --def-ptr "#/components/schemas"
# Types

* [`ComponentsMessagesLightMeasuredPayload`](#componentsmessageslightmeasuredpayload)
* [`ComponentsMessagesTurnOnOffPayload`](#componentsmessagesturnonoffpayload)
* [`LightMeasuredPayloadLumens`](#lightmeasuredpayloadlumens)

### <a id="componentsmessageslightmeasuredpayload"></a>ComponentsMessagesLightMeasuredPayload

|Property|Type                                                                 |Description                             |
|`lumens`|[`LightMeasuredPayloadLumens`](#lightmeasuredpayloadlumens), `Number`|Light intensity measured in lumens.     |
|`sentAt`|`String`, Format: `date-time`                                        |Date and time when the message was sent.|

### <a id="componentsmessagesturnonoffpayload"></a>ComponentsMessagesTurnOnOffPayload

|Property |Type                         |Description                             |
|`command`|`'on'`, <br>`'off'`          |Whether to turn on or off the light.    |
|`sentAt` |`String`, Format: `date-time`|Date and time when the message was sent.|

### <a id="lightmeasuredpayloadlumens"></a>LightMeasuredPayloadLumens
Light intensity measured in lumens.

|minimum   |0    |

Generate JSON sample from JSON Schema.

v1.9.0 json-cli gen-json
JSON CLI tool, https://github.com/swaggest/json-cli
Generate JSON sample from JSON schema
   json-cli gen-json <schema>
   schema   Path to JSON schema file, use `-` for STDIN

   --ptr-in-schema <ptrInSchema...>   JSON pointers to structure in root schema, default #
   --def-ptr <defPtr...>              Definitions pointers to strip from symbol names, default #/definitions
   --patches <patches...>             JSON patches to apply to schema file before processing, merge patches are also supported
   --max-nesting <maxNesting>         Max nesting level, default 10
   --default-additional-properties    Treat non-existent `additionalProperties` as `additionalProperties: true`
   --rand-seed <randSeed>             Integer random seed for deterministic output
   --pretty                           Pretty-print result JSON
   --output <output>                  Path to output result, default STDOUT
   --to-yaml                          Output in YAML format
   --to-serialized                    Output in PHP serialized format
echo '{
  "properties": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "abc"
    "bar": {
      "enum": ["baz", "quux"]
}' | ./bin/json-cli gen-json - --rand-seed 10