
Active anti-hack protection for Laravel

dev-master 2019-11-09 20:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 07:54:13 UTC


This is active anti-hack protection tool that will guard your project from most hack attempts that use HTTP requests. It also contains whitelist and blacklist functionality based on config files or database table contents


Add "swayok/laravel-antihack-tool": "master-dev" to your composer.json into require section and run composer update


For Laravale 5.5+

Service provider will be automatically loaded

For Laravel 5.4-

Add LaravelAntihackTool\AntihackServiceProvider to yor app.providers config

Add section to your CMF section

Add \LaravelAntihackTool\PeskyCmf\CmfHackAttempts\CmfHackAttemptsScaffoldConfig::class to your cmf section's config (probably config/admin.php) into 'resources' key:

    'resources' => [


  1. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider=LaravelAntihackTool\AntihackServiceProvider to publish configuration file

  2. If you plan to use database to store hack attempts - set antihack.store_hack_attempts configuration paramenter to true and modify antihack.connection and antihack.table_name configuration paramenters if needed. Then run php artisan antihack:install and confirm migration task. On production server you will need to run migration manually using php artisan migrate command.

  3. If you're using PeskyCmf or PeskyCms - you may need to add a menu item for resource in your menu() method of your AdminConfig class (or other class that extends CmfConfig class). Menu item: static::getMenuItem('hack_attempts') or your custom one.

  4. On development server you may need to set antihack.allow_localhost_ip to true in order to allow requests from ip. By default this option is set to true for local environment and to false for any other environments.

  5. I you use any urls that have .php extensions - set antihack.allow_php_extension_in_url to true.

  6. Whitelists and blacklists are generated automatically and cached to your default cache provider. You may change cache key and duration configuration paramenters if you need. Also you may update cache using php artisan antihack:blacklist manually.

  7. There are 2 error templates in this package: 'antihack::errors.406' (hack detected) and 'antihack::errors.423' (ip or user agent is blacklisted/banned). In Laravel 5.5+ you will need to modify your App\Exceptions\Handler class like this to use them:

     public function prepareResponse($request, Exception $exception) {
         if ($exception instanceof \LaravelAntihackTool\Exception\AntihackException) {
             return response()->view('antihack::errors.' . $exception->getStatusCode());
         return parent::prepareResponse($request, $exception);