
@todo project description

1.x-dev 2023-12-26 16:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 19:23:11 UTC


CircleCI codecov

Composer plugin to download packages which are referenced in composer.json#/repositories with type "path".

Problem is that when there is a composer.json like the one below, then the ../../foo/bar directory has to be exists before the composer update or composer install commands are invoked. This plugin tries to download them in an early phase by subscribing to the "pre command" events.

    "repositories": {
        "foo/bar": {
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../../foo/bar-1.x"
    "require": {
        "foo/bar": "*"

Usage - global (recommended)

  1. composer global require sweetchuck/composer-repo-path
  2. cd somewhere/my/project-01
    Edit your composer.json according to the following example:
       "name": "my/project-01",
       "minimum-stability": "dev",
       "prefer-stable": true,
       "config": {
           "preferred-install": "dist"
       "repositories": {
           "foo/bar": {
                "type": "path",
                "url": "../../foo/bar-1.x",
                "options": {
                     "repo-path": {
                         "url": "http://example.com/foo/bar.git",
                         "branch": "1.x"
       "require": {
           "foo/bar": "*"
  3. composer update
  4. ls -la '../../foo/bar-1.x'

    Should be a regular directory.

  5. ls -la 'vendor/foo'

    "bar" should be a symlink.

Usage - project

Without a globally pre-installed sweetchuck/composer-repo-path plugin things are a little more complicated.
When composer update command runs first time in a clean project, then the sweetchuck/composer-repo-path plugin is not available, and if the ../../foo/bar-1.x directory is not exists, then the Composer will throw an error.

The composer-suite plugin helps to solve this problem.

  1. cd somewhere/my/project-01
  2. composer.json
        "name": "my/project-01",
        "minimum-stability": "dev",
        "prefer-stable": true,
        "config": {
            "preferred-install": "dist"
        "repositories": {},
        "require": {
            "foo/bar": "^1.0"
        "require-dev": {
            "sweetchuck/composer-repo-path": "1.x-dev",
            "sweetchuck/composer-suite": "1.x-dev"
        "extra": {
           "composer-suite": {
               "local": {
                   "description": "Modifications for local development",
                   "actions": [
                           "type": "prepend",
                           "config": {
                               "parents": ["repositories"],
                               "items": {
                                   "foo/bar": {
                                       "type": "path",
                                       "url": "",
                                       "options": {
                                           "repo-path": {
                                               "url": "https://example.com/foo/bar.git",
                                               "remote": "upstream",
                                               "branch": "1.x"
                           "type": "replaceRecursive",
                           "config": {
                               "parents": ["require"],
                               "items": {
                                   "foo/bar": "*"
  3. composer update
  4. composer suite:generate
  5. optional: COMPOSER='composer.local.json' composer repo-path:download
  6. COMPOSER='composer.local.json' composer update


Command - composer repo-path:list

List all the packages that are installed by symlinks.

Example: `composer repo-path:list

Example output: space separated package names.

foo/bar baz/doo tab/fal

--format='json|yaml|csv' option would be handy.

Together with Sweetchuck/composer-suite

  "scripts": {
    "suite:install:local": [
      "rm composer.local.json composer.local.lock",
      "composer suite:generate",
      "cp composer.lock composer.local.lock",
      "COMPOSER='composer.local.lock' composer update $(composer repo-path:list)"
    "suite:reset": [
      "rm $(COMPOSER='composer.local.lock' composer repo-path:list --format=json | jq 'find install dirs of the symlinked packages')",
      "composer install"