
Magento2 extension for YellowCube from SwissPost AG - Switzerland.

1.0.4 2019-08-13 10:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-13 22:36:23 UTC



This extension is licensed under OSL v.3.0 Some classes and javascript contain a MIT license.

System requirements

  • Magento CE >= 2.3
  • PHP >= 7.1 (as required by Magento 2.3)
  • PHP Soap, DOM Library, mbstring,
  • Cron enabled and configured for Magento 2

This relies on the new MessageQueue component in Magento 2.3 to synchronize data asynchronously. It defaults to the MysqlMq implementation, which has a known issue: magento/magento2#21904.

Alternatively, override it to use the RabbitMQ adapter. @todo: Define how.

The store locale must be set to a locale supported by YellowCube (DE/FR/IT/EN-GB).


  • composer require swisspost-yellowcube/magento2-yellowcube
  • ./bin/magento module:enable Swisspost_YellowCube
  • ./bin/magento setup:upgrade

To add the Patch for MysqlMq:

composer require cweagans/composer-patches

# Add inside extra:

        "patches": {
            "magento/module-mysql-mq": {
                " MysqlMq: Use new MessageQueue Config interface, update unit tests #21942": ""
composer update --lock


In Menu Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods. enable YellowCube and configure it based on the received information.

In Menu Stores > Stocks, create a Stock that contains at least the automatically created YellowCube source.

Important: After code changes and deployments, the message queue processor that magento automatically starts on cron must be restarted.

User Manual / Configuration Manual


Custom shipping methods

The known shipping methods can be extend in app/etc/config.php, Example:

    'system' => [
        'default' => [
            'carriers' => [
                'yellowcube' => [
                    'methods' => [
                        'eco' => [
                            'label' => 'PostPac Economy CHANGED',
                            'code' => 'ECO',
                        'extra' => [
                            'label' => 'Extra new option',
                            'code' => 'ECO EXTRA',
                            'real_code' => 'ECO',
                            'additional' => 'EXTRA',

It is also possible to export the whole configuration and then adjust it. See

Automated tests

Tu run tests, follow the steps on, set testsuites to:

<testsuite name="YellowCube">
    <directory suffix="Test.php">../../../vendor/swisspost-yellowcube/magento2-yellowcube/Tests/Integration</directory>