
ZF2 Module. Message broker software implementation

0.1.0 2016-06-22 15:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 17:51:57 UTC


ZF2 Module. Message broker software implementation


Contain parts:

  • Server - get messages from queue and run workers, monitor running workers count
  • Producer - produces messages and sends them to the queue
  • Worker - you background job
  • Storage - messages storage


  • Client tell Producer what it want to process
  • Producer create message and put it in Storage and get Message Id. After this push Server to process message by Id
  • Server check Workers count (if too much workers are running, wait) and run Worker with Message Id.
  • Worker - get message from storage and process it.
                    message  /        \  run worker
Client -> Producer --------->          -------------> Worker
                             \                          /
                               Storage             --->-

In the box we provide 2 Servers:

  1. Realtime server - uses ReactPHP to run a non-blocking server that accepts messages via a socket and executes them in a background process.
  2. Interval server - check storage for Messages by interval (run by cronjob)


Just add in you config:

't4web-queue' => [

     'realtime-server' => [
         'enabled' => true,
         'hostname' => 'localhost',
         'port' => 4000,

     'queues' => [

         // Queue name
         'test-engine' => [

             // Handler class
             'handler' => EchoWorker::class,

             // count workers, optional, default 1
             'worker-count' => 1,

             // You can limit the amount of time a process takes to complete by setting a timeout (in seconds)
             // optional, default 300
             'timeout' => 300,

             // optional, default 0
             'debug-enable' => 1,


$ php public/index.php queue realtime-server