
A PSR-6 (Cache) and PSR-16 (SimpleCache) starter

0.1.0 2019-01-21 17:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 07:13:56 UTC


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Tale Cache Core

What is Tale Cache Core?

Tale Cache Core is a basic extension of the PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching standards combined into a single library.

It acts as a base for libraries to be compatible to PSR-6 and PSR-16 caches without relying on heavy dependencies and also acts as a base for the Tale Cache library.

Furthermore, it tries to fix a single problem with the standard PSR cache specifications.


composer require talesoft/tale-cache-core


PSR-6 to PSR-16 adapter

Easily use PSR-6 cache pools in your applications or libraries preferring PSR-16 by using Tale\Cache\PoolCache

use Tale\Cache\PoolCache;

$pool = new RedisCachePool(); //Create some PSR-6 CacheItemPool

$cache = new PoolCache($pool);
//$cache is now a PSR-16 cache

$data = $cache->get('some.key');
if ($data === null) {

    $data = ...; //Generate $data somehow
    $cache->set('some.key', $data);

//$data is now a cached value

Null Cache and Runtime Cache for library authors

Sometimes library authors want to make their libraries caching compatible, but don't want to implement a whole caching implementation with it. While interfaces work really well for that, they can only be represented as optional dependencies, when sometimes what you really want is a required dependency on a cache or test against a mocked implementation. A real implementation also avoids needing to make your properties nullable or do null-checks on optional dependencies all the time, so you avoid a lot of defensive programming with null checks

Tale Cache Core provides two lightweight, simple implementations of a PSR-6 cache pool that can be used as default values and work like normal caches, just that they don't really do anything

Imagine a service that looks like this:

use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;

final class MyService
    /** @var CacheItemPoolInterface */
    private $cachePool;
    public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool)
        $this->cachePool = $cachePool;
    public function getCachePool(): CacheItemPoolInterface
        return $this->cachePool;
    public function doStuff(): void
        $metadataItem = $this->cachePool->getItem('metadata');
        if (!$metadataItem->isHit()) {
                ->expiresAfter(new \DateInterval('P2D'))
        $metadata = $metadataItem->get();
        //Do something with $metadata

If you might want to test against this or instantiate it somewhere, you can either use the NullPool

use Tale\Cache\Pool\NullPool;

$myService = new MyService(new NullPool());


This will basically just work like a completely disabled cache.

If you want to have some runtime caching so that cache items are not generated over and over again, you can also use the RuntimePool, which caches values as long as the process is there

use Tale\Cache\Pool\RuntimePool;

$myService = new MyService(new RuntimePool());

$myService->doStuff(); //This will be faster, as values are cached during runtime

If you still want optional dependencies, but you want to avoid defensive null-checks all over your library code, you can just default the value with a null-coalesce operator

public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool = null)
    $this->cachePool = $cachePool ?? new NullPool();

Easy custom Cache Pool implementation

Tale Cache Core takes some of the work you require when wanting to write PSR-6 compatible cache pools. As an example we will implement an own file cache with Tale Cache Core:

use Tale\Cache\Pool\AbstractPool;
use Tale\Cache\Item;

final class FilePool extends AbstractPool
    /** @var string */
    private $directory;
    public function __construct(string $directory)
        $this->directory = $directory;
    public function getItem($key): ItemInterface
        $path = $this->getPathFromKey($key);
        if (file_exists($path)) {
            //Unserialize data from file
            [$ttl, $value] = unserialize(file_get_contents($path));
            //Check TTL
            if (time() < filemtime() + $ttl) {
                $expirationTime = new \DateTimeImmutable();
                $expirationTime->setTimestamp($expirationTime->getTimestamp() + $ttl);
                //Return a hit item
                return Item::createHit($key, $value, $expirationTime);
        //Create a miss
        return Item::createMiss($key);

    public function clear(): bool
        $files = glob("{$this->directory}/*.cache");
        $success = true;
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (!unlink($file)) {
                $success = false;
        return $success;

    public function deleteItem($key): bool
        $path = $this->getPathFromKey($key);
        return unlink($path);

    public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool
        //Make sure that it's an (interopable) Tale\Cache\ItemInterface instance
        //including items from this instance (which makes it downwards PSR-6 compatible)
        $path = $this->getPathFromKey($item->getKey());
        //This ->getExpireTime() call here is what enables interopability
        $ttl = time() - $item->getExpireTime()->getTimestamp();
        return file_put_contents($path, serialize([$ttl, $item->get()])) !== false;
    private function getPathFromKey($key): string
        $hash = md5($key);
        return "{$this->directory}/{$hash}.cache";

now you have a fully valid PSR-6 cache working with files

$pool = new FilePool('/my/cache');

$item = $pool->getItem('my.data');
if (!$item->isHit()) {
    //Generate $data somehow
    $data = ...;
        ->expiresAfter(new \DateInterval('P2D'))

$cachedData = $item->get();

//At end of execution

Interoperable Cache Items

Tale Cache Core extends the normal PSR-6/16 interfaces and adds a single method that provides the ability to have a single CacheItem implementation for all possible CachePools

New interfaces to code against (All are PSR-6/16 compatible):

Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface   => Tale\CacheInterface
    | No new methods
Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface => Tale\Cache\PoolInterface
    | getItem($key): Tale\Cache\ItemInterface (type narrowing)
Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface     => Tale\Cache\ItemInterface
    | getExpirationTime(): ?DateTimeInterface

As you can see, the Tale\Cache\ItemInterface provides a single new method to the interfaces, which allows us to retrieve the specified expiration time of a cache item. This allows the Tale\Cache\ItemInterface to be absolutely interoperable between different Item Pool implementations.

You can move items from one pool to another:

$poolA = new SomeCachePool();
$poolB = new SomeOtherCachePool();

$item = $poolA->getItem('some.item');
if ($item->isHit()) {
    $poolB->save($item); //Cache Item has been moved to poolB

This is possible because the Cache Item can finally be a normal DTO and doesn't need its pool to set its expiration time, the cached value is stored inside the item along with its key and TTL, so it can always be moved or copied to other item pools.