
This extension allows your customers find and view menu items of their nearest location.

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v4.0.1 2025-03-06 21:38 UTC


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The TastyIgniter Local extension enhances your TastyIgniter application with location-based features. It allows you to manage multiple locations, set delivery areas, define opening hours, and much more.


  • Nearby Location Search: Allow customers to find the nearest location to their address.
  • Delivery Areas (Zones) Boundary: Define delivery boundaries and charges for each location.
  • Location Opening Hours: Set specific opening hours for each location.
  • Location Reviews: Enable customers to leave reviews for each location.
  • Custom Location Settings: Add custom fields to locations to store additional information.


You can install the extension via composer using the following command:

composer require tastyigniter/ti-ext-local:"^4.0" -W

Run the database migrations to create the required tables:

php artisan igniter:up

Getting started

If you only have one restaurant location, you can switch to single location mode by setting the IGNITER_LOCATION_MODE environment variable to single in your .env file.


By default, the location mode is set to multiple which allows you to manage multiple locations.


The Local extension uses the Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Facades\Geocoder facade to geocode addresses. You can configure the geocoder provider by setting the Default Geocoder field to the desired provider in the Manage > Settings > General admin settings page.

Google Maps API Key

To use the Google Maps geocoder provider, you need to set the Google Maps API key in the Manage > Settings > General admin settings page. Follow the instructions on the page to get your API key.

Review Settings

You can enable or disable reviews by navigating to the Manage > Settings > Review settings admin settings page.



Creating locations

To create a location, navigate to Manage > Settings > Locations in the admin area. Click on the New button, fill in the required details such as name, address, and description, and save your changes.

Setting current location

To set the current location, use the Location facade's setCurrent method. Pass the location model instance as the argument. This will store the location in session and make it the current location for the user.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;


// Then check if the location is open
if (Location::isOpened()) {
    // Do something...

After setting the current location, you can retrieve the current location later using the Location facade's current method.

$location = Location::current();

Setting user coordinates

To set the user's coordinates, use the Location facade's updateUserPosition method. Pass the Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Model\Location instance as the argument. This will store the user's coordinates in session.

use Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Facades\Geocoder;
use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

$userLocation = Geocoder::geocode($userAddress)->first();


Searching nearby locations

To search for nearby locations, use the Location facade's searchByCoordinates method. Pass the Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Model\Coordinates object as the argument.

use Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Facades\Geocoder;
use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

$userLocation = Geocoder::geocode($userAddress)->first();

$locations = Location::searchByCoordinates($userLocation->getCoordinates());

Retrieving minimum order total

To retrieve the minimum order total for a location, use the minimumOrderTotal method on the Location facade. The method accepts the order type as an argument and returns the minimum order total for the current location.

$minimumOrderTotal = Location::minimumOrderTotal($orderType);

Checking minimum order total

After retrieving the minimum order total of the current location, you can check if the order total meets the minimum order total using the checkMinimumOrderTotal method on the Location facade.

if (Location::checkMinimumOrderTotal($orderTotal)) {
    // Do something...

Location-aware controller action

To make the admin controller list and form action classes aware of the current location, use the Igniter\Local\Http\Actions\LocationAwareController action class in your controller.

class MyController extends \Admin\Classes\AdminController
    public array $implement = ['Igniter\Local\Http\Actions\LocationAwareController'];

    public array $locationConfig = [
        'applyScopeOnListQuery' => true,
        'applyScopeOnFormQuery' => true,
        'addAbsenceConstraint' => true,

In the example above, the applyScopeOnListQuery and applyScopeOnFormQuery options will apply the location scope to the list and form queries respectively. This way you can filter records based on the current admin user's location. The addAbsenceConstraint option when set to true will add a constraint to the query to include records that are not associated with any location and when set to false will exclude records that are not associated with any location.

Location settings

To add custom fields to the location settings form, you must define a registerLocationSettings method on your extension class. This method should return an array of settings definition to be added to the location settings form.

public function registerLocationSettings()
    return [
        'custom' => [
            'label' => 'Custom settings',
            'description' => 'Custom settings description',
            'icon' => 'fa fa-sliders',
            'priority' => 0,
            'form' => 'author.extension::/models/customsettings',
            'request' => \Author\Extension\Http\Requests\CustomRequest::class,

The settings definition array should contain the following keys:

  • label: The label of the settings section.
  • description: The description of the settings section.
  • icon: The icon class of the settings section.
  • url: The URL used to link to the settings section. Optional.
  • priority: The priority of the settings section.
  • permissions: The permissions required to access the settings section.
  • form: An array of form fields or path to the form definition file to be used for the settings section.
  • request: The form request class to be used for the settings section.

Delivery areas

Adding delivery areas

To add a delivery area, navigate to Restaurant > Settings > Delivery Areas in the admin area. Click on the Add button, fill in the required details such as name, boundary, and charges, and save your changes.

Defining delivery area boundary

To define a delivery area boundary, use the MapView form widget in your delivery area form. This widget allows you to draw the boundary on a map. You can also define area boundary using address components such as country, state, city, and postal code.

You can programmatically set the boundary using the boundaries attribute on the Igniter\Local\Models\LocationArea model instance.

$locationArea->type = 'address'; // or 'circle' or 'polygon'

$locationArea->boundaries = [
    'polygon' => [
            [0.0, 0.0],
            [0.0, 1.0],
            [1.0, 1.0],
            [1.0, 0.0],
            [0.0, 0.0],
    'circle' => [
        'center' => [0.0, 0.0],
        'radius' => 1000,
    'vertices' => [
        [0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, 1.0],
        [1.0, 0.0],
    'components' => [
        ['type' => 'locality', 'value' => 'London', 'priority' => 0],


Checking a point in boundary

After defining the boundary, you can check if a point is within the boundary using the checkBoundary method on the Igniter\Local\Models\LocationArea model instance.

$userLocation = Geocoder::geocode($userAddress)->first();


You can search all delivery areas using the searchDeliveryArea method on the Igniter\Local\Models\Location model instance.

use Igniter\Local\Models\Location;

$location = Location::find(1);

$locationArea = $location->searchDeliveryArea($userLocation->getCoordinates());

Using the Location facade's checkDeliveryCoverage method, you can check if a point is within the boundaries of the current location. The $userLocation argument can be an instance of Igniter\Flame\Geolite\Model\Location or null to use the user's coordinates stored in session.

$locationArea = Location::checkDeliveryCoverage($userLocation);

Defining delivery area charges

To set delivery charges for a delivery area, use the delivery area form. You can set a fixed charge or a charge based on the order total.

You can programmatically set the delivery charges using the conditions attribute on the Igniter\Local\Models\LocationArea model instance.

$locationArea->conditions = [
        'priority' => 1,
        'amount' => 5.0,
        'type' => 'all', // or 'above' or 'below'
        'total' => 0,
        'priority' => 2,
        'amount' => 5.0,
        'type' => 'below',
        'total' => 50.0,


Retrieving delivery area charge

After setting the delivery charges, you can retrieve the matching delivery charge for an order based on the order total using the deliveryAmount method on the Igniter\Local\Classes\CoveredArea class.

use Igniter\Local\Classes\CoveredArea;

$coveredArea = new CoveredArea($locationArea);

$deliveryAmount = $coveredArea->deliveryAmount($orderTotal);

Using the Location facade's deliveryAmount method, you can retrieve the matching delivery charge for the current location based on the order total.

$deliveryAmount = Location::deliveryAmount($orderTotal);

Setting user delivery area

To set the user's delivery area, use the Location facade's updateNearbyArea method. Pass the Igniter\Local\Models\LocationArea instance as the argument. This will store the user's delivery area in session.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;


Delivery cart condition

A delivery cart condition class that allows you to apply delivery charges to the cart based on the delivery area and order total. This condition is added to your cart automatically when the delivery order type is selected.

You can retrieve the delivery fee applied to the cart using the getCondition method on the Cart facade.

use Igniter\Cart\Facades\Cart;

$deliveryCondition = Cart::getCondition('delivery');

$deliveryFee = $deliveryCondition->getValue();

Working hours

Creating working hours

To create working hours, navigate to Restaurant > Settings > Schedules in the admin panel. Click on the Add button, fill in the required details such as day, open time, and close time, and save your changes.

You can programmatically set the location's working hours using the addOpeningHours method on the Igniter\Local\Models\Location model instance. The first argument is an array of working hours where the key is the type of working hours (e.g., opening, delivery, collection) and the value is an array of working hours.

    'opening' => [
        'type' => '24_7', // or 'daily' or 'timesheet' or 'flexible'
        'days' => [],
        'open' => null,
        'close' => null,
        'timesheet' => [],
        'flexible' => [],
    'delivery' => [
        'type' => 'daily',
        'days' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
        'open' => '00:00',
        'close' => '23:59',
        'timesheet' => [],
        'flexible' => [],
    'collection' => [
        'type' => 'timesheet',
        'days' => [],
        'open' => null,
        'close' => null,
        'timesheet' => [
            0 => [
                'day' => 0,
                'hours' => [
                    ['open' => '09:00', 'close' => '12:00'],
                    ['open' => '13:00', 'close' => '17:00'],
                'status' => 1,
        'flexible' => [],

Generating timeslots

To generate timeslots for a location, use the Location facade. This will generate timeslots for the location based on the working hours and location settings. The getTimeslot method returns a collection of timeslots where the key is the date string and value is an array of timeslots.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

$openingTimeslots = Location::openingSchedule()->getTimeslot();

$deliveryTimeslots = Location::deliverySchedule()->getTimeslot();

$collectionTimeslots = Location::collectionSchedule()->getTimeslot();

// For custom types
$customTimeslots = Location::workingSchedule('custom')->getTimeslot();

To generate timeslots for a specific day, pass a DateTime instance as an argument to the generateTimeslot method. This will return a collection of timeslots for the specified day where the key is the timestamp and value is a DateTime instance.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

$openingTimeslots = Location::openingSchedule()->generateTimeslot($dateTime);

$deliveryTimeslots = Location::deliverySchedule()->generateTimeslot($dateTime);

$collectionTimeslots = Location::collectionSchedule()->generateTimeslot($dateTime);

// For custom types
$customTimeslots = Location::workingSchedule('custom')->generateTimeslot($dateTime);

Checking availability

Checking a location is open

To check if the current location is open at the current time, use the isOpen method of the WorkingSchedule class. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the location is open.

if (Location::deliverySchedule()->isOpen()) {
    // Do something...
Checking a location is opening soon

To check if a location is opening soon, use the isOpening method of the WorkingSchedule class. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the location is opening soon.

if (Location::deliverySchedule()->isOpening()) {
    // Do something...
Checking a location is closed

To check if the current location is closed at the current time, use the isClosed method of the WorkingSchedule class. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the location is closed.

if (Location::deliverySchedule()->isClosed()) {
    // Do something...
Checking a location is opening at a specific time

To check if a location is open at a specific time, use the isOpenAt method of the WorkingSchedule class. Pass a DateTime object as the argument. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the location is open at the specified time.

if (Location::deliverySchedule()->isOpenAt($dateTime)) {
    // Do something...
Checking when next a location is open

To check when next a location is open, use the nextOpenAt method of the WorkingSchedule class. This method accepts a DateTime object as argument and returns a DateTime object indicating when the location will next open.

$nextOpenAt = Location::deliverySchedule()->nextOpenAt($dateTime);
Checking a location is closed at a specific time

To check if a location is closed at a specific time, use the isClosedAt method of the WorkingSchedule class. Pass a DateTime object as the argument. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the location is closed at the specified time.

if (Location::deliverySchedule()->isClosedAt($dateTime)) {
    // Do something...

Setting exceptions

To set exceptions for the location's working hours, use the setExceptions method of the WorkingSchedule class. Pass an array of exceptions as the argument. The array should have the date string as the key and an array of times as the value.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

    '2022-01-01' => [
        ['01:00', '04:59'],
        ['18:00', '23:59'],
    '2022-12-25' => [],

Setting user order schedule time

To set the user's order fulfilment time, use the Location facade's updateScheduleTimeSlot method. The first argument is a DateTime object, and the second argument is a boolean value indicating whether the user is ordering for ASAP. This will store the user's order time in session.

use Igniter\Local\Facades\Location;

Location::updateScheduleTimeSlot($dateTime, $isAsap);


Reviewing orders and reservations

To enable users to review orders and reservations, navigate to Manage > Settings > Review settings in the admin area and enable the Allow Reviews option.

Programmatically, you can create reviews for an order or reservation using the Igniter\Local\Models\Review model instance.

use Igniter\Local\Models\Review;
use Igniter\Cart\Models\Order;
// use Igniter\Reservation\Models\Reservation;

$record = Order::find(1);
// $record = Reservation::find(1);

$review = $record->leaveReview([
    'quality' => 5,
    'delivery' => 5,
    'service' => 5,
    'review_text' => 'Great food and service!',

Review chase automation rule

This extension provides a review chase automation rule that sends an email to customers to remind them to leave a review after an order. To enable this rule, navigate to Tools > Automations in the admin area and enable the Send a message to leave a review after 24 hours rule.

Review count automation condition

A review count automation condition class that allows you to trigger automation rules based on the number of reviews an order or reservation has. This condition can be added to your automation rules to trigger actions based on the review count. The following attribute is available:

  • review_count: The number of reviews an order or reservation has. Usually set to 0 or 1.

Form Widgets

Star Rating

The starrating form widget allows you to display a star rating input in your forms.

Add the following code to your form definition file:

'my_field' => [
    'label' => 'Star Rating',
    'type' => 'starrating',

The following options are available for the starrating form widget type:

  • hints: (array) An array of hints to display below the star rating input. Optional.

Map Area

The maparea form widget allows you to manage your delivery areas.

Add the following code to your form definition file:

'my_field' => [
    'label' => 'Map Area',
    'type' => 'maparea',
    'form' => 'locationarea',
    'request' => \Igniter\Local\Http\Requests\LocationAreaRequest::class,

The following options are available for the maparea form widget type:

  • form: (string) This is either an array or path to the form definition file to be used for the map area form. Required.
  • modelClass: (string) The model class to be used for the map area form. Required.
  • prompt: (string) The label for the add button. Optional.
  • sortable: (bool) Whether to enable sorting of the map area items. Optional.
  • formName: (string) The form name to be used for the map area form. Optional.
  • addLabel: (string) The prefix for the add map area form title
  • editLabel: (string) The prefix for the edit map area form title
  • deleteLabel: (string) The prefix for the delete map area form title

Map View

The mapview form widget allows you to draw a boundary on a map. You can use it in your delivery area form to define the delivery boundary.

Add the following code to your form definition file:

'my_field' => [
    'label' => 'Map View',
    'type' => 'mapview',
    'zoom' => 14,
    'height' => 640,

The following options are available for the mapview form widget type:

  • zoom: (int) The initial zoom level of the map. Optional.
  • height: (int) The height of the map in pixels. Optional.
  • center: (array) The initial center of the map. An array of latitude and longitude. ['lat' => 0.0, 'lng' => 0.0] Optional.

Working Schedule Editor

The scheduleeditor form widget allows you to manage your location's working hours.

Add the following code to your form definition file:

'my_field' => [
    'label' => 'Working Schedule',
    'type' => 'scheduleeditor',
    'form' => 'workingschedule',

The following options are available for the scheduleeditor form widget type:

  • form: (string) This is either an array or path to the form definition file to be used for the working schedule form. Required.
  • formTitle: (string) The title of the schedule editor form. Optional.
  • popupSize: (string) The size of the modal dialog. Optional. Available options are modal-sm, modal-md, modal-lg, modal-xl.
  • request: (string) The form request class to be used for validating the schedule editor form. Optional.

Location Settings Editor

The settingseditor form widget allows you to add custom fields to the location settings form.

Add the following code to your form definition file:

'my_field' => [
    'label' => 'Location Settings',
    'type' => 'settingseditor',

No options are available for the settingseditor form widget type.

Mail templates

The Local extension registers the following mail templates:

  • igniter.local::mail.review_chase - Review chase email template to remind customers to leave a review after an order.

You can send the above mail template using the mailSend method on the SendsMailTemplate model trait attached to Igniter\Cart\Models\Order model:

use Igniter\Cart\Models\Order;

$order = Order::find(1);

$order->mailSend('igniter.local::mail.review_chase', 'customer');


The Local extension registers the following permissions:

  • Admin.Locations: Control who can manage locations in the admin area.
  • Admin.Reviews: Control who can manage reviews in the admin area.

For more on restricting access to the admin area, see the TastyIgniter Permissions documentation.


The Local extension provides the following events:

Event Description Parameters
location.current.updated When the current location is updated. The Location model instance
location.position.updated When the user's coordinates are updated. The Location class instance, the UserLocation user position instance and previous UserLocation user position instance
location.orderType.updated When the location's order type is updated. The Location class instance, the order type string and previous order type string
location.timeslot.updated When the location's order fulfilment time is updated. The Location class instance
location.area.updated When the location's delivery area is updated. The Location class instance and the CoveredArea class instance
igniter.workingSchedule.created When a working schedule is created. The Location model instance and the WorkingSchedule instance
igniter.workingSchedule.timeslotValid When a working schedule timeslot is validated. The WorkingSchedule instance and the DateTime instance

Here is an example of hooking an event in the boot method of an extension class:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;

public function boot()
    Event::listen('location.current.updated', function ($location) {
        // Do something...


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Reporting issues

If you encounter a bug in this extension, please report it using the Issue Tracker on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome! Please read TastyIgniter's contributing guide.

Security vulnerabilities

For reporting security vulnerabilities, please see our our security policy.


TastyIgniter Local extension is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.