Service provider loading facility





Installs: 252 340

Dependents: 4

Suggesters: 2

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.2 2024-10-04 16:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 16:41:52 UTC


Service provider loading facility, inspired by Javas ServiceLoader.


composer require tbachert/spi


Registering service providers

Service provider implementations must provide a public zero-arguments constructor.

Registering via composer.json extra.spi

composer config --json --merge extra.spi.Example\\Service '["Example\\Implementation"]'

Registering via php

ServiceLoader::register(Example\Service::class, Example\Implementation::class);
Converting ServiceLoader::register() calls to precompiled map

ServiceLoader::register() calls can be converted to a precompiled map by setting extra.spi-config.autoload-files to

  • true to process all autoload.files (should be used iff autoload.files is used exclusively for service provider registration),
  • or a list of files that register service providers.
composer config --json extra.spi-config.autoload-files true
Removing obsolete entries from autoload.files

By default, extra.spi-config.autoload-files files that register service providers are removed from autoload.files. This behavior can be configured by setting extra.spi-config.prune-autoload-files to

  • true to remove all exra.spi-config.autoload-files files from autoload.files,
  • false to keep all autoload.files entries,
  • or a list of files that should be removed from autoload.files.

Application authors

Make sure to allow the composer plugin to be able to load service providers.

composer config allow-plugins.tbachert/spi true

Loading service providers

foreach (ServiceLoader::load('Namespace\Service') as $provider) {
    // ...

Handling invalid service configurations

$loader = ServiceLoader::load('Namespace\Service');
for ($it = $loader->getIterator(); $it->valid(); $it->next()) {
    try {
        $provider = $it->current();
    } catch (ServiceConfigurationError) {}