tcdev / migrant
Migrant: A simple utility for database migration.
- php: >=5.4.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.1.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 17:37:40 UTC
This is a simple database migration tool for automating versioning between copies of the same database on different environments.
The design goal for this package was to provide a easily memorable command-line interface for a program that would allow the developer to use native SQL code for the migrations themselves, including the ability to drop in the output from a database dump as the first migration and have that code execute properly.
Add the dependency.
"require": {
"fluxoft/migrant": "dev-master"
Download the composer.phar
curl -sS | php
Install the library.
php composer.phar install
Once Migrant is installed in your Composer vendor directory for the project, you will just need to make a folder to keep your migration set up (I usually make a "db" folder at the same level as my "vendor" folder in the root of my project).
Migrant is used by passing it a series of command-line arguments. There are 5 recognized commands:
To initialize your migrant directory:
../vendor/bin/migrant init
This will create a migrant.ini file where you will need to set up your database connections for your various environments and a migrations folder where new migrations are created.
Next, either add a migration file manually or by using "migrant add" to create one in your migrations folder:
../vendor/bin/migrant add example
The command above will create a file named something like "migrations/20150219114901_example.sql" with a blank migration
template. Open that file and add the SQL that should be run for both the "up" and "down" migrations. Make sure to leave
the line "-- //@UNDO
" intact between the up and the down. If you create your own migration, keep in mind that the
integer before the first slash is used as the sorting key, so if you use an integer with fewer characters than 14 (by
default "migrant add" uses the year, month, date, hour, minute, and second as the sort value), migrations may appear out
of order.
For instance, the following files:
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 19 16:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 17 19:12 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 225 Feb 19 16:53 123_test.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 400 Feb 17 19:13 20150217191326_initial.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 235 Feb 17 19:21 20150217191656_second.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 225 Feb 19 16:53 321_test2.sql
Are actually executed in the following order:
root@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/websites/ ../vendor/bin/migrant status
The following migrations were found:
Revision Filename Migrated?
123 123_test.sql NO
321 321_test2.sql NO
20150217191326 20150217191326_initial.sql NO
20150217191656 20150217191656_second.sql NO
When you are ready to migrate, run the "up" command:
migrant up
This will run all available migrations against the "development" environment. To specify a different environment:
migrant up production
To migrate up to a specific revision number and no further:
migrant up 20150220123456
...or to this revision on the production environment:
migrant up 20150220123456 production
If you need to roll back a migration, the "down" command works in much the same way as the "up" command:
migrant down
The key difference is that "down" will only roll back a single revision at a time unless a target revision is given:
migrant down 20141231235959
To roll back every migration, specify "0" as the target revision:
migrant down 0
As with "down" a specific environment can be given as the last argument:
migrant down testing
To see all available migrations and to see which ones have been run, use the "status" command.
The following migrations were found:
Revision Filename Migrated?
123 123_test.sql YES
321 321_test2.sql YES
20150217191326 20150217191326_initial.sql NO
20150217191656 20150217191656_second.sql NO
As with the other commands, this command will accept an environment name but runs against "development" by default:
migrant status production
To get the inline help, simply run migrant with no arguments:
root@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/var/www/db# ../vendor/bin/migrant
migrant <command> [<params>] [<environment> (default = "development")]
Available commands:
init Set up a fresh installation with default migrations directory
and config files.
"migrant init"
add Add a new migration with parameter <name>
"migrant add <name> [<environment>]"
up Update the database to a specific revision, or using all
available migrations.
"migrant up [<revision>] [<environment>]"
down Rollback the database by a single migration from its current state,
or all revisions with a revision number higher than or equal to
<revision>, or roll back every migration by passing <revision> of 0.
"migrant down [<revision>] [<environment>]"
status Report on available versus installed migrations.
"migrant status"