
Docker infrastructure definitions for Magento 2 dev/test environment. Based on arvatoscm/dockerize-magento2

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dev-master 2017-10-08 20:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 16:39:09 UTC


A composer package for dockerizing Magento 2

The composer package tddwizard/magento2-dockerized deploys docker infrastructure defintion files such as docker-compose.yml to your Magento 2 root folder and enables you to host your Magento 2 shops without having to install Apache/Nginx, MySQL or PHP on your system.

Package Name

tddwizard/magento2-dockerized (fork of arvatoscm/dockerize-magento2)

Software Requirements

For Linux users you must have a recent version of docker and docker-compose installed.

If you are a Mac or Windows user, use the Docker Toolbox.


Add tddwizard/magento2-dockerized to your existing Magento 2 shop:

composer require --ignore-platform-reqs tddwizard/magento2-dockerized
chmod +x bin/console

This will place some files in your Magento root:

  • docker-compose.yml The docker infrastructure definition
  • bin/console A utility script for controlling dockerized Magento projects
  • config A folder which contains the configuration files for PHP, Nginx and phpMyAdmin


dockerize-magento2 comes with bin/console script that can be used to install Magento and to execute Magentos' bin/magento script inside the PHP docker container:

Trigger the Magento 2 installation process:

bin/console install <hostname>

Start the docker containers:

bin/console start

Stop the docker containers:

bin/console stop

Execute bin/magento inside the docker container:

bin/console exec [arguments]

For more information on how to use docker-compose visit:


The install action depends on some parameters such as usernames and passwords. We have put in some default values for you that will work for a quick test:





If you want to use different parameters change the values in the .env file to your needs. After customizing the parameters just run trigger the installation with bin/console install <hostname>.

Integration Tests


  1. Copy dev/tests/integration/etc/install-config-mysql.php.dist to dev/tests/integration/etc/install-config-mysql.php

  2. Change database parameters in dev/tests/integration/etc/install-config-mysql.php:

     'db-host' => 'mysql',
     'db-user' => 'root',
     'db-password' => 'enAVINa2',
     'db-name' => 'magento_integration_tests',
     'db-prefix' => '',

Running Tests

After the integration test container is set up as described above, you can run the tests with this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.integration-tests.yml run --rm integration

Functional Tests


  1. run composer install in dev/tests/functional

  2. copy dev/tests/functional/phpunit.xml.dist to dev/tests/functional/phpunit.xml and change values for app_frontend_url and app_backend_url. It is also a good idea to add stopOnError="true" to the <phpunit> element.

  3. copy dev/tests/functional/etc/config.xml.dist to dev/tests/functional/etc/config.xml and change values for backendLogin, backendPassword, appBackendUrl in <application>. Also, add the following server node below </install>:

         <item name="selenium" type="default" browser="Mozilla Firefox" browserName="firefox" host="selenium" port="4444" seleniumServerRequestsTimeout="30" sessionStrategy="shared">

    You might need to change host="selenium" to the IP address of the selenium service, e.g. (the troubleshooting check pings the service and shows the IP, see below)

Running Tests

After the functional integration test container is set up as described above, you can run the tests with this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.functional-tests.yml run --rm functional

Add the -t parameter to enable troubleshooting checks before the test suite starts. Pass arguments to PHPUnit after --, e.g.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.functional-tests.yml run --rm functional -- --filter MyTestCase


dockerize-magento2 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.