
The Pimcore testing framework provides base classes for unit, integration and functional testing

v0.12.7 2024-10-11 09:09 UTC


Provides tools for Pimcore unit/integration testing with PHPUnit.


  1. Require the bundle

    composer require --dev teamneusta/pimcore-testing-framework


Bootstrapping Pimcore

We provide a convenience method to bootstrap Pimcore for running tests. Just call BootstrapPimcore::bootstrap() in your tests/bootstrap.php as seen below, and you're done.

# tests/bootstrap.php

include dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';


You can also pass any environment variable via named arguments to this method:

# tests/bootstrap.php
    APP_ENV: 'custom',
    SOMETHING: 'else',

Integration Tests For a Bundle

If you want to add integration tests for a Bundle, you need to set up an application with a kernel. Pimcore also expects some configuration (e.g., for the security) to be present.

You can use the \Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Kernel\TestKernel as a base, which already provides all necessary configurations with default values (see: dist/config and dist/pimcore10/config or dist/pimcore11/config, depending on your Pimcore version).

For a basic setup, you can use the TestKernel directly:

# tests/bootstrap.php

use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\BootstrapPimcore;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\TestKernel;

include dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';

    KERNEL_CLASS: TestKernel::class,


Don't forget to create the tests/app directory!

mkdir -p tests/app
echo '/var' > tests/app/.gitignore


Since the kernels of Pimcore 10 and 11 are not compatible (the signature of the method configureContainer() differs), we have extended our TestKernel with the ability to load separate configuration files depending on the version. Configuration that is compatible with both Pimcore versions belongs to the config/ folder of the test app as before. Version specific configuration can be placed inside the config/pimcore10/ or config/pimcore11/ folder and will be loaded last.

Switch Common Behavior on/off in Test Cases

We provide traits to switch common behavior on/off in whole test case classes.

Admin Mode

The admin mode is disabled by default when calling BootstrapPimcore::bootstrap().

To enable it again, you can use the WithAdminMode trait.


  • WithoutCache

Inherited Values of DataObjects

  • WithInheritedValues
  • WithoutInheritedValues

Integration Tests With a Configurable Kernel

The TestKernel can be configured dynamically for each test. This is useful if different configurations or dependent bundles are to be tested. To do this, your test class must inherit from KernelTestCase:

use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\KernelTestCase;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\TestKernel;

class SomeTest extends KernelTestCase
    public function test_bundle_with_different_configuration(): void
        // Boot the kernel with a config closure
        $kernel = self::bootKernel(['config' => static function (TestKernel $kernel) {
            // Add some other bundles we depend on

            // Add some configuration
            // Configure some extension
            $kernel->addTestExtensionConfig('my_bundle', ['some_config' => true]);
            // Add some compiler pass
            $kernel->addTestCompilerPass(new MyBundleCompilerPass());


An alternative to passing a config closure in the options array to KernelTestCase::bootKernel() is to use attributes for the kernel configuration.

use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\Kernel\ConfigureContainer;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\Kernel\ConfigureExtension;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\Kernel\RegisterBundle;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\Kernel\RegisterCompilerPass;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\KernelTestCase;

class SomeTest extends KernelTestCase 
    #[ConfigureContainer(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/some_config.yaml')]
    #[ConfigureExtension('some_extension', ['config' => 'values'])]
    #[RegisterCompilerPass(new SomeCompilerPass())]
    public function test_something(): void

        // test something


All attributes can be used on class and test method level.

Data Provider

You can also use the RegisterBundle, ConfigureContainer, ConfigureExtension, or RegisterCompilerPass classes to configure the kernel in a data provider.

use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\Kernel\ConfigureExtension;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\KernelTestCase;

class SomeTest extends KernelTestCase 
    public function provideTestData(): iterable
        yield [
            'some value', 
            new ConfigureExtension('some_extension', ['config' => 'some value']),

        yield [
            new ConfigureExtension('some_extension', ['config' => 'other value']), 
            'other value',

    /** @dataProvider provideTestData */
    public function test_something(string $expected): void
        self::assertSame($expected, self::getContainer()->getParameter('config'));


The kernel configuration objects are not passed as arguments to the test method, which means you can use them anywhere between your provided real test data.

Custom Attributes

You can create your own kernel configuration attributes by implementing the KernelConfiguration interface:

use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\Attribute\ConfigureKernel;
use Neusta\Pimcore\TestingFramework\TestKernel;

#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::TARGET_METHOD)]
class ConfigureSomeBundle implements ConfigureKernel
    public function __construct(
        private readonly array $config,
    ) {

    public function configure(TestKernel $kernel): void
        $kernel->addTestExtensionConfig('some', array_merge(
            ['default' => 'config'],

Then you can use the new class as an attribute or inside a data provider.

Integration Tests With a Database

If you write integration tests that use the database, we've got you covered too.

We provide the ResetDatabase trait, which does the heavy lifting: Just use it in one of your test case classes, and it'll install a fresh Pimcore into the configured database before the first test is run. It'll also reset the database between each test, so you don't have to worry about leftovers from previous tests.

Using a Dump

If you already have a database dump that you want to use instead of a fresh Pimcore installation, there's the DATABASE_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable. Point it to the location of your dump, and it'll be used instead.

Faster Database Reset

By default, resetting the database between the tests works by dropping the database, recreating it and reinstalling Pimcore (or reimporting the dump).

This is rather slow, but there are some tricks that can speed it up:

Storing the Database in the RAM

Normally, the database is stored on the disk, so that the data is persisted. But we don't really need this for testing, so if you're using Docker, you can configure it to store it in RAM instead:

# compose.yaml
    image: 'mariadb:10.10' # or 'mysql:8.0'
      - /tmp
      - /var/lib/mysql
Wrapping Each Test in a Transaction

We support the dama/doctrine-test-bundle, which isolates database tests by wrapping them into a transaction. You just have to install the bundle according to its readme, and it'll automatically be used.


Feel free to open issues for any bug, feature request, or other ideas.

Please remember to create an issue before creating large pull requests.

Local Development

To develop on local machine, the vendor dependencies are required.

bin/composer install

We use composer scripts for our main quality tools. They can be executed via the bin/composer file as well.

bin/composer cs:fix
bin/composer phpstan
bin/composer tests