
Sentry Tracing for TYPO3

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Open Issues: 0


dev-main 2024-01-12 08:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 10:03:38 UTC


Provides performance monitoring for TYPO3 using Sentry tracing. It provides the same performance information as available in the admin panel TS tracking view.

It additionally provides a DataProcessor to add the tracing request information to the frontend to allow the Sentry frontend JavaScript to add the frontend performance information, tracing both the frontend and backend.


The extension provides additional functionality on top of networkteam/sentry-client. It requires the networkteam/sentry-client extension to be installed and configured as it uses the same basic Sentry configuration.


Install the extension using composer:

composer require neusta/sentry-tracing-typo3


Go to the extension configuration and enable the tracing functionality. You can configure the sampling rate (where 0.2 means 20% of requests are traced). For testing purposes, you can set the sampling rate to 1.0 to trace all requests.

Frontend tracing

This extension does not provide frontend tracing out of the box. You need to add the Sentry frontend JavaScript to your frontend. See the Sentry documentation for details ( - heavily depends on your frontend setup).

You can use the provided DataProcessor to add the tracing information to the frontend to be able to connect backend and frontend traces. Add the DataProcessor to your page rendering configuration:

For example:

page.10.dataProcessing.100 = Neusta\SentryTracing\DataProcessing\SentryTraceProcessor

You can then access the tracing information in Fluid.

Be aware that the tracing information may be cached, depending on how and where you include the meta tags.

If you have a meta tag viewhelper in your project, you can add the tracing information to the corresponding meta tags:

    <nsd:metaTag content="{sentry.baggage}" name="baggage"/>
    <nsd:metaTag content="{sentry.trace}" name="sentry-trace"/>

An example meta tag view helper could look like this (inspired by the news extension):

namespace Neusta\Theme\ViewHelpers;

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\MetaTagManagerRegistry;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\Rendering\RenderingContextInterface;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
use TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Traits\CompileWithRenderStatic;

final class MetaTagViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper
    use CompileWithRenderStatic;

     * Arguments initialization
    public function initializeArguments()
        $this->registerArgument('property', 'string', 'Property of meta tag', false, '', false);
        $this->registerArgument('name', 'string', 'Content of meta tag using the name attribute', false, '', false);
        $this->registerArgument('content', 'string', 'Content of meta tag', true, null, false);
        $this->registerArgument('useCurrentDomain', 'boolean', 'Use current domain', false, false);
        $this->registerArgument('forceAbsoluteUrl', 'boolean', 'Force absolut domain', false, false);
        $this->registerArgument('replace', 'boolean', 'Replace potential existing tag', false, false);

    public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, \Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
        $useCurrentDomain = $arguments['useCurrentDomain'];
        $forceAbsoluteUrl = $arguments['forceAbsoluteUrl'];
        $content = (string)$arguments['content'];

        // set current domain
        if ($useCurrentDomain) {
            $content = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL');

        // prepend current domain
        if ($forceAbsoluteUrl) {
            $parsedPath = parse_url($content);
            if (is_array($parsedPath) && !isset($parsedPath['host'])) {
                $content =
                    rtrim(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'), '/')
                    . '/'
                    . ltrim($content, '/');

        if ($content !== '') {
            $registry = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MetaTagManagerRegistry::class);
            if ($arguments['property']) {
                $manager = $registry->getManagerForProperty($arguments['property']);
                $manager->addProperty($arguments['property'], $content, [], $arguments['replace'], 'property');
            } elseif ($arguments['name']) {
                $manager = $registry->getManagerForProperty($arguments['name']);
                $manager->addProperty($arguments['name'], $content, [], $arguments['replace'], 'name');