Simple, small and fast String templating functionality ported from the original

dev-master 1913-11-13 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 10:20:38 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Quality Score Code Coverage PHP >= 5.4

A code readability promoting, placeholder oriented, less defective sprintf functionality, inspired by It is, of course, up to you if you want accept the overhead compared to the PHP core functionality. I use it to format logging messages or Exceptions, which means mostly speed-independant code-parts. Try it out, it is small, well documented and tested.


This class tries to avoid manual string concenation by replacing code snippets like the following:

echo "The Parameter " . $param . " with value " . $value . " in method " . 
     __CLASS__ . ":" . __FUNCTION__ . " was simply wrong.";
echo sprintf("The Parameter %s with value %s in method %s:%s was simply wrong.", 
    $param, $value, __CLASS__, __METHOD__


$message = "The Parameter {param} with value {value} in method {class}:{method} was simply wrong";
echo (new Nano($message))->data([
    'param' => $param,
    'value' => $value,
    'method' => __METHOD__,
    'class' => __CLASS__


You have multiple ways to use the Techworker\nano class, but at first you have to install it. At best via composerby adding it the require list:

    "require": {
        "techworker/nano": "dev-master"

And installing the package:

composer install

After that you are ready to use Techworker\Nano, or you can install the package manually by downloading it (see download links) and installing it manually.


You have a lot of possibilities to use the Techworker\Nano class. We are going through some examples here but I'd like to invite you to the phpunit\tests directory to see all examples.

Lets start by explaining the replacement:

  • Each placeholder should be within curly brackets, like {my_placeholder}.
  • You can access nested data by defining the access tree with placeholders divided by a colon, eg {my_root_element:level1_element:level2_element}.
  • You can assign additional printf and sprintf formatting options, eg {price|%.2f} €

To start, add the following use Statement to your code to access Nano directly or use the complete \Techworker\Nano namespace\class definition:

echo Techworker\Nano::tpl("test");

use Techworker\Nano as Nano;
echo Nano::tpl("test");

Static call

The simplest and most non-intrusive method:

echo Techworker\Nano::tpl("Agent {number}", array("number" => 7));
// outputs: Agent 7

Object-Oriented usage

Short and simple, some examples for the usage.

echo (new Techworker\Nano("Agent {number}"))->data(array("number" => 7));
// outputs: Agent 7
echo (new Techworker\Nano("Agent {number|%03d}"))->data(array("number" => 7));
// outputs: Agent 007
Object Getter
    throw new \Exception("Exception Message", 110);
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
    echo new Techworker\Nano("Exception {message} and {code} thrown", $ex);
// outputs: Exception Exception Message and 110 thrown
Deep Structures
echo new Techworker\Nano("Hello {name:firstname} {name:lastname}", [
    'name' => [
        'firstname' => 'Benjamin',
        'lastname' => 'Ansbach'
// outputs: Hello Benjamin Ansbach
Simple values
echo (new Techworker\Nano())->template("Hello {name}")->value("name", "Benjamin");
// outputs: Hello Benjamin
Default values
echo (new Techworker\Nano())->template("Hello {name}")->default("Stranger");
// outputs: Hello Stranger
Complex and Nested!
// Complex Example
$empOfTheMonth = new stdClass();
$empOfTheMonth->name = 'Benjamin Ansbach';
$empOfTheMonth->month = 2;
$empOfTheMonth->year = 2013;

class Income
    public function getAmount()
        return 0;

$data = [
    'company' => [
        'name' => 'Techworker',
        'employees' => ['Benjamin Ansbach', 'Techworker'],
        'income' => new Income(),
        'empofmonth' => $empOfTheMonth

$company = <<<EOT
Name: {company:name}
Employees: {company:employees:0} and {company:employees:1}
Income: {company:income:amount|%.2f}$
Employee of the Month: {company:empofmonth:name} in {company:empofmonth:year}/{company:empofmonth:month|%02d}

echo (new Techworker\Nano($company, $data));

// outputs:
// Name: Techworker
// Employees: Benjamin Ansbach and Techworker
// Income: 0.00$
// Employee of the Month: Benjamin Ansbach in 2013/02
Instance Reusage Example
$data = [
    ['firstname' => 'Benjamin', 'lastname' => 'Ansbach'],
    ['firstname' => 'The',      'lastname' => 'Techworker']

$nano = new Techworker\Nano("{firstname} {lastname}");
foreach($data as $item) {
    echo $nano->data($item) . "\n";

// outputs
// Benjamin Ansbach
// The Techworker