
Lightweight telegra.ph/api client.

1.2.0 2019-11-13 21:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 09:53:25 UTC


Packagist License: GPL v3

Tegme is pretty simple in use and lightweight client for api.telegra.ph.

Original API description you can find here.



$ composer require tegme/tegme


All extension dependencies defined in composer.json:

  • cURL - we need it for making requests to telegra.ph API;
  • JSON - we need it for create requests data for querying telegra.ph API;
  • mbstring - we need it for interaction with multi-byte strings;
  • PHP >= 5.6 - code of this library compatible with PHP since 5.6.


First of all - you should create a client object:

use Tegme\Telegraph;

$telegraphClient = new Telegraph();

Then - you should create one of the request object, defined in Tegme\Types\Requests\*, e.g.:

use Tegme\Types\Requests\CreateAccount;

$createAccountRequest = new CreateAccount(
    'Example Short Name',
    'Author Name',

Note, that some of requests objects will validate in constructor and may throw exception (Tegme\Exceptions\InvalidRequestsInfoException).

See the exception message about detailed information.

Next step - let's call api.telegra.ph:

 * @var TelegraphResponse $response
$response = $telegraphClient->call($createAccountRequest);

Tegme\Types\TelegraphResponse - is simple wrapper for raw response.

You can get one of the Telegraph type (Tegme\Types\Response\*) via:

/** @var mixed $resultObj */
$resultObj = $response->getResult();

or raw response in array format:

/** @var array $rawResponse */
$rawResponse = $response->getRawResponse();

Note that telegraph client may throw exceptions (Tegme\Exceptions\{TelegraphApiException, CurlException}) while querying on api.telegra.ph

See exceptions messages about detailed information.

You can find all possible client usage here (example folder).


Mazur Alexandr - alexandrmazur96@gmail.com - https://t.me/alexandrmazur96


Tegme is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.