
This package provides OpenTelemetry interceptors for Temporal PHP SDK

dev-master 2024-08-28 09:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 09:11:24 UTC



The temporal/open-telemetry-interceptors package provides a set of OpenTelemetry interceptors for tracing workflows and activities within the Temporal system using the OpenTelemetry SDK.

These interceptors allow you to capture and trace various actions and events, such as handling activities, starting or sending signals to workflows, and executing workflow events. By integrating OpenTelemetry tracing, you gain visibility into the behavior and performance of your Temporal applications.



To install the package, run the following command using Composer:

composer require temporal/open-telemetry-interceptors


Create a Pipeline Provider with Interceptors

First create a pipeline provider with the interceptors you want to use.

The following example shows how to create a pipeline provider with the OpenTelemetryActivityInboundInterceptor:

use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace;
use Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Interceptor\OpenTelemetryActivityInboundInterceptor;
use Temporal\Interceptor\SimplePipelineProvider;

$spanProcessor = (new Trace\SpanProcessorFactory())->create(
    (new Trace\ExporterFactory())->create();

$tracerProvider = new Trace\TracerProvider($spanProcessor);
$propagator = Trace\Propagation\TraceContextPropagator::getInstance();

$tracer = new Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Tracer(
    $tracerProvider->getTracer('My super app'),

$activityInterceptor =  new OpenTelemetryActivityInboundInterceptor($tracer);

$provider = new SimplePipelineProvider([

In this code snippet, we first create a span processor and a tracer provider using the OpenTelemetry SDK. We also initialize a propagator for trace context propagation.

Next, we create an instance of the Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Tracer class, which wraps the OpenTelemetry tracer from the tracer provider. We provide a unique name for our application and the propagator.

Create a Workflow Client and Worker with Interceptors

Next, create a workflow client and worker with the interceptors you want to use.

$client = new Temporal\Client\WorkflowClient(
    interceptorProvider: $provider

$worker = new WorkerFactory(
   pipelineProvider: $provider

These steps ensure that the interceptors are applied to the respective client and worker instances, enabling tracing of the desired actions and events.


The package provides three types of interceptors:


Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Interceptor\OpenTelemetryActivityInboundInterceptor traces the handling of activities within workflows.

It captures and traces the following spans:

  • RunActivity: Spans created when handling an activity.


Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Interceptor\OpenTelemetryWorkflowClientCallsInterceptor traces the starting and signaling of workflows from the client side. It captures spans with the names

  • StartWorkflow:<workflow type>
  • SignalWithStartWorkflow:<workflow type>.

These spans provide visibility into the initiation and signaling of workflows.


Temporal\OpenTelemetry\Interceptor\OpenTelemetryWorkflowOutboundRequestInterceptor traces the execution of various workflow events, including ExecuteActivity, ExecuteLocalActivity, ExecuteChildWorkflow, ContinueAsNew, NewTimer, CompleteWorkflow, SignalExternalWorkflow, CancelExternalWorkflow, GetVersion, Panic, SideEffect, UpsertSearchAttributes, and Cancel.

It captures spans with the name WorkflowOutboundRequest:<event>, providing detailed information about outbound event requests.

Available interceptor interfaces

Temporal SDK provides a collection of interfaces that allow you to implement interceptors for various actions and events within the Temporal workflow and activity lifecycle. These interfaces enable you to customize and extend the behavior of Temporal components by intercepting and modifying the execution flow.


This interface defines the contract for intercepting the execution of activities within workflows. Implementing this interface allows you to intercept when a workflow starts an activity and Temporal executes it.

  • The interceptActivityInbound() method is invoked when an activity is executed within a workflow, providing the opportunity to intercept and modify the behavior.

By implementing this interface, you can add custom logic, perform validations, or apply additional functionality before or after activity execution.


This interface defines the contract for intercepting client-side calls to start workflows or send signals. Implementing this interface allows you to intercept workflow-related actions initiated from the client.

  • The interceptWorkflowClientCalls() method is invoked when the client starts a workflow or sends a signal, providing the opportunity to intercept and modify the behavior.

By implementing this interface, you can add custom logic, perform pre-processing on inputs, or modify the workflow execution based on specific conditions.


This interface defines the contract for intercepting various outbound workflow calls. Implementing this interface allows you to intercept specific outbound calls made by workflows.

  • The interceptWorkflowOutboundCalls() method is invoked when a workflow makes an outbound call, such as executing a local activity, executing a child workflow, or sending signals to external workflows.

By implementing this interface, you can intercept and modify the outbound calls, add custom behavior, or perform additional operations before or after the execution of specific workflow events.


This interface defines the contract for intercepting outbound event requests made by workflows. Implementing this interface allows you to intercept specific outbound event requests, such as executing activities, continuing as new workflow, signaling external workflows, or canceling workflows.

  • The interceptWorkflowOutboundRequest() method is invoked when a workflow makes an outbound event request, providing the opportunity to intercept and modify the request.

By implementing this interface, you can intercept and modify the outbound event requests, add custom metadata, modify the payload, or perform additional operations before the request is sent.