
URL Rewrite bundle for Contao Open Source CMS

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1.7.5 2023-09-22 07:43 UTC


The extension provides a new way for Contao to set various URL rewrites. The available config providers are:

  • Bundle config provider – the entries are taken from config.yml file
  • Database provider – the entries are taken from backend module

Behind the scenes the rules are added as routes to the internal application router which allows to use all the features provided by the Symfony Routing component.


Install the bundle via Composer:

composer require terminal42/contao-url-rewrite

Migration of short URLs

Since the extension fritzmg/contao-short-urls has been abandoned, you can migrate short URLs to URL rewrites with the extension bwein-net/contao-migrate-short-urls.


Bundle configuration

The bundle configuration is optional. Here you can define the entries and disable the backend management module.

Note: if you want to use the % character, make sure it is properly escaped by doubling it %%.

# config/config.yml
    backend_management: false # Disable backend management of entries (true by default)
    entries: # Optional entries
            request: { path: 'find/{address}' }
            response: { code: 303, uri: 'https://www.google.com/maps?q={address}' }

                path: 'news/{news}'
                requirements: {news: '\d+'}
                code: 301
                uri: '{{news_url::{news}|absolute}}'

                path: 'home.php'
                hosts: ['localhost']
                condition: "context.getMethod() == 'GET' and request.query.has('page')"
                uri: '{{link_url::{page}|absolute}}'

Running under non Contao managed edition

If you are running the Contao Managed Edition then the extension should work out of the box. For all the other systems you have to additionally register the routing configuration in the config files:

# config/routing.yml
  - { resource: '@Terminal42UrlRewriteBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml' }


  1. Find address on Google Maps:
Type: basic
Path restriction: find/{address}
Response code: 303 See Other
Response URI: https://www.google.com/maps?q={address}
Result: domain.tld/find/Switzerland → https://www.google.com/maps?q=Switzerland
  1. Redirect to a specific news entry:
Type: basic
Path restriction: news/{news}
Requirements: [news => \d+]
Response code: 301 Moved Permanently
Response URI: {{news_url::{news}|absolute}}
Result: domain.tld/news/123 → domain.tld/news-reader/foobar-123.html
Result: domain.tld/news/foobar → 404 Page Not Found
  1. Rewrite legacy URLs with query string:
Type: expert
Path restriction: home.php
Request condition: context.getMethod() == 'GET' and request.query.has('page')
Response code: 301 Moved Permanently
Response URI: {{link_url::{page}|absolute}}
Result: domain.tld/home.php?page=123 → domain.tld/foobar-123.html
  1. Rewrite URLs including slashes (without query string) to new domain:
Type: basic
Hosts restriction: [domain.com]
Path restriction: /{wildcard}
Requirements: [wildcard => .*]
Response code: 301 Moved Permanently
Response redirect URL: https://domain.tld/{wildcard}
Result: domain.com/blog/test → https://domain.tld/blog/test

Create a custom config provider

In addition to the existing providers you can create your own class that provides the rewrite configurations. The new service must implement the Terminal42\UrlRewriteBundle\ConfigProvider\ConfigProviderInterface interface and be registered with the appropriate tag:

        class: AppBundle\RewriteProvider\MyRewriteProvider
        public: false
            - { name: terminal42_url_rewrite.provider, priority: 128 }


  1. Symfony Routing
  2. Symfony Routing Component
  3. How to Restrict Route Matching through Conditions
  4. How to Define Route Requirements