
Provides collection and item providers, data persisters and more to easily integrate ApiPlatform and rokka.io

1.1.1 2022-07-29 09:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:12:52 UTC


Seamlessly integrates your rokka.io account with ApiPlatform.



Why would you bridge an API that is already an API? These are the main reasons:

  • Using the bundle, you can hide the API key of rokka.io behind your already existing API.
  • You can use the same authentication mechanism that already protects your API to also protect rokka.io image handling.
  • It automatically updates the Swagger docs of your API based on the docs of rokka.io so it's always up to date.
  • It brings a consistent feeling to the developers using your API.

It works by simply bridging all the requests you make to your API to rokka.io by using the same path and enhancing it with the authorization header for rokka.io. By default it does that using the /rokka bridge endpoint but this can be configured.

Example: Let's say you want to create a new source image. In rokka.io that would be a POST request to /sourceimages/{organization}. So instead of sending a POST request to https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/{organization} you would send a POST request to https://myapi.com/rokka/sourceimages/{organization}.

Because you never want to expose the whole API for rokka.io (otherwise one could also modify your account), the allowed endpoints have to be configured (see Configuration section). Thus you can bridge any endpoint you like. The cool thing with this concept is that if you wanted to allow some users to modify your account, you can enable this endpoint and protect it using your authentication mechanisms very easily.

Also, you can omit the whole {organization} part by configuring a default_organization, it will automatically use this one whenever you request anything.


  1. Use Composer and run

    $ composer require terminal42/rokka-io-api-platform-bridge

    Important: This bundle uses HTTPlug to decouple from any specific HTTP client. This means that if you already use one of the available clients, it will simply re-use this one. If you haven't got any client yet, you have to choose one and install these first (or at the same time). E.g. if you want to use Guzzle, install the bundle like so:

    $ composer require terminal42/rokka-io-api-platform-bridge php-http/guzzle6-adapter php-http/message
  2. Configure the rokka.io Symfony Bundle as documented in their docs.

  3. Load the bundle in your kernel which is done automatically if you use Symfony Flex, otherwise use

    $bundles = [
        new Terminal42\RokkaApiPlatformBridge\RokkaApiPlatformBridgeBundle(),
  4. Add the route loader of this bundle to your routing configuration:

    # config/routes.yaml (or if you're still on SF 3: app/routing.yml)
        resource: .
        type: rokka_api_platform_bridge
  5. Configure this bundle as shown in the Configuration section.


# config/rokka_api_platform_bridge.yaml
    api_key: '' # Required
    bridge_endpoint: '/images' # Default: '/rokka'
    default_organization: ~ # Default: null
    http_client: ~ # Default: null
        - { path: '/sourceimages/{organization}', methods: ['POST'] }
        - // etc.

Custom Http Client

You can pass a service id via rokka_api_platform_bridge.http_client which must be an instance of the PSR Http\Client\HttpClient. Thanks to this you can create your own instance that implements logging etc. or even reuse existing Symfony bundles such as the very popular eightpoints/guzzle-bundle. You only need to wrap the Guzzle client with the PSR compatible adapter you get using php-http/guzzle6-adapter. You can then configure the Guzzle service like so:

# config/eight_points_guzzle.yaml
    logging: true
    profiling: true
        rokka_api_platform_bridge: ~

# config/rokka_api_platform_bridge.yaml
    http_client: 'app.my_rokka_api_platform_bridge_service'
# config/services.yaml
    class: Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client
    arguments: ['@eight_points_guzzle.client.rokka_api_platform_bridge']

Roadmap / Ideas

  • Thumbnail endpoint to hide the rokka.io URL?
  • Your ideas?