
Get and filter Tweets (by @user or #hashtag) in a Laravel Way

v0.1 2013-11-27 23:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:31:01 UTC



Begin by installing this package through Composer. Go to your project folder from the terminal and execute: composer require thatzad/birder

Once this operation completes, the next step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


And add the alias.

'Birder' => 'Thatzad\Birder\Facades\BirderFacade'

Finally you'll need to publish the config file. To do that, in the project folder execute:

php artisan vendor:publish

This will output the configuration in your config folder. You must to fill all twitter fields.


If you're familiar in the Laravel world, you'll find that very easy to use. E.g., imagine you need to find all @dotZecker tweets that have more than 2 retweets and only 1 fav. Do this is as easy as:

$tweets = Birder::user('@dotZecker')
    ->where('retweets', '>', 2)
    ->where('favorites', '=', 1) // The same as: ->whereFavorites(1)

Now, you want to get all tweets by the #Zelda hashtag that have more than 5 retweets or more than 6 favs.

$tweets = Birder::hashtag('#Zelda')
    ->where('retweets', '>', 5)
    ->orWhere('favorites', '>', 6)

This will return you a Illuminate\Support\Collection, by this way you'll be able to use all these methods.

Are you British or lazy?

Don't worry!, Birder uses internal synonyms (alias) for the favorites and retweets.

You can use:

->where('favorites' ...), ->where('favourites' ...), ->where('favs' ...), ->whereFavourites(...), ...

->where('retweets' ...), ->where('rts' ...), ->whereRts(...), ...