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2.0.4 2024-08-30 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 14:08:34 UTC


Credit account

This module is a base for creating module like sponsorship or assets management.


$ cd local/modules
$ git clone

You could also download the zip from github.

After that, you just have to activate the module in your back-office.

How to use it

In your back-office, on each customer edition page you can add a new credit account.


In back-office, the module places itself in the account.bottom hook, which is in the customer details page.

Two loops are available with this module. One for the credit account history and the other one for the current credit account.

A route exists allowing customer to consume his credit account, within the limits of order total, excluded shipping. You just have to call the /creditAccount/use and the controller will find the credit account of the current customer and put the available amount in the discount amount.

To cancel the use of credit account, use the /creditAccount/cancel route.

Invoking these routes will redirect the customer to the order.invoice route.

The module creates a hook, order-invoice.before-discount, where the code which allows your customer to use their credit is inserted. You have to put the hook in the order-invoice.html template file, just before the "Discount" block for example.

Code to insert in the order-invoice.html file in your template:

{hook name='order-invoice.before-discount'}


Since version 1.3.0 of this module you can enable expiration of credit.
Just go in the CreditAccount configuration end enable it (it's disabled by default) then you can choose the expiration delay (in months).
The date of expiration is computed with the last date of creditation + your expiration delay.
Expiration is checked each time the customer add an item in cart but if you want you can set this a command as cron to force expiration check php Thelia creditaccount:expiration:check.


The module uses the front office account.bottom hook to display account history in the customer "My Account" page.

It also uses the `following back-office hooks

  • account.bottom to display customer account history in customer details.
  • order-edit.after-order-product-list to display in order detail the entries added to a credit account by the order.

It creates a order-invoice.before-discount which has to be inserted in the order-invoice.html template file.


credit_account_history loop

List the credit account history for a specified credit account.

Input arguments

  • credit_account : credit account id, it's a mandatory parameter.
  • order : an order ID, to get only entries related to this order.

Output variables

  • $CREDIT_AMOUNT the entry amount, either positive or negative, in the default currency
  • $ORDER_ID the related order ID, where an amount has been gained or used. 0 si this entry is a manual operation
  • $HAS_ORDER_ID false for a manual operation, true if related to an order
  • $WHO_DID_IT name of the administrator who did a manual operation


{loop type="order" name="order-account-order" id=$order_id customer="*"}
    {loop type="credit_account" name="credit_account" customer=$CUSTOMER}
        {loop type="credit_account_history" name="credit_account_history" credit_account=$ID order=$order_id}
            {if $CREDIT_AMOUNT < 0}

            <li>{intl l="New entry in customer credit account : <span %class>%amount</span>" class=$class amount={format_money number=$CREDIT_AMOUNT symbol=$currencySymbol}}</li>
    {elseloop rel="order-account-order"}
        <li>{intl l="No new entry in customer credit account for this order."}</li>

credit_account loop

retrieve the current credit account for a specified customer

Input argument

  • customer : customer id. If not specified, all credit accounts are returned.

Output variables

  • $ID : credit account id
  • $CREDIT_AMOUNT current balance in the default currency

Example usage

{loop type="credit_account" name="credit_account" customer={customer attr="id"}}
    {if $CREDIT_AMOUNT > 0}
            <th colspan="2" class="discount">
                <a class="btn btn-success" href="{url path="/creditAccount/use"}">
                    {intl l="Use my credit account (%amount available)" amount={format_money number=$CREDIT_AMOUNT symbol=$currencySymbol}}

credit_account_usage loop

Returns the credit amount used on the current order for the current customer, or nothing if no credit amount is currently in use.

Input argument


Output variables

  • $AMOUNT_USED `the amount from credit account used on the current order in the default currency.

Example usage

{loop type="credit_account_usage" name="credit-used"}
    {intl l="You're using %amount from your credit account." amount={format_money number=$AMOUNT_USED symbol=$currencySymbol}}
    <a class="btn btn-xs btn-warning" href="{url path="/creditAccount/cancel"}">{intl l='Cancel'}</a>


This module is a base for creating module like sponsorship or assets management. So some listeners are preconfigured for using it in other modules.


This listener is used for adding an amount to a customer's credit account. You have to dispatch a CreditAccount\Event\CreditAccountEvent class


//retrieve the dispatcher for using it after. I put it in $dispatcher

// retrieve a customer. For the example I retrieve a random customer, obviously not do that in your application
$customer = \Thelia\Model\CustomerQuery::create()->findOne();

//the amount I want to add to the current customer's credit account
$amount = 10;

// Create the event to dispatch
$event = new \CreditAccount\Event\CreditAccountEvent($customer, $amount)

//dispatch the event
$dispatcher->dispatch(\CreditAccount\CreditAccount::CREDIT_ACCOUNT_ADD_AMOUNT, $event);

Instructions en Français

Crédit client

Ce module permet d'ajouter un crédit à chacun de vos clients. Il est aussi nécessaire pour des modules du type Fidélisation ou Gestion des avoirs.


$ cd local/modules
$ git clone

Vous pouvez aussi téléchargez le zip depuis Github.

Ensuite vous n'avez plus qu'à activer le module dans votre back-office.


Dans votre back-office, vous pouvez ajouter pour chaque client un crédit fidélité. Pour cela, rendez-vous sur la page d'édition du compte client.


Trois boucles sont disponibles pour ce module: une pour l'historique du compte crédit, une pour obtenir le solde du compte, et une pour connaitre l'utilisation du compte sur la commande en cours.

Pour permettre au client d'utiliser son crédit, il suffit d'appeler la route /creditAccount/use. Le contrôleur trouvera lui-même le crédit du client en question, et l'ajoutera dans le montant de la réduction. Pour annuler l'utilisation du crédit, utiliser la route /creditAccount/cancel

Ce module crée un nouveau point d'accroche, order-invoice.before-discount, où le code qui permet à vos clients d'utiliser leur crédit fidélité sera inséré. Placez le code de ce point d'accorche dans le fichier order-invoice.html de votre template, juste avant le bloc Remise par exemple.

Code to insert in the order-invoice.html file in your template:

Code du point d'accorche à insérer dans le fichier order-invoice.html de votre template:

{hook name='order-invoice.before-discount'}


Boucle credit_account_history

Liste l'historique des operations sur un compte donné


  • credit_account : credit account id, identifiant du compte, paramètre obligatoire


  • $ORDER_ID l'ID de la commande associé, ou 0 si l'operation est manuelle
  • $HAS_ORDER_ID false pour une opération manuelle, true sinon.
  • $WHO_DID_IT nom de l'administrateur pour une opération manuelle.

Exemple d'utilisation

{loop type="order" name="order-account-order" id=$order_id customer="*"}
    {loop type="credit_account" name="credit_account" customer=$CUSTOMER}
        {loop type="credit_account_history" name="credit_account_history" credit_account=$ID order=$order_id}
            {if $CREDIT_AMOUNT < 0}

            <li>{intl l="New entry in customer credit account : <span %class>%amount</span>" class=$class amount={format_money number=$CREDIT_AMOUNT symbol=$currencySymbol}}</li>
    {elseloop rel="order-account-order"}
        <li>{intl l="No new entry in customer credit account for this order."}</li>

Credit account loop

Récupère le crédit en cours pour un client donné


  • customer : ID client. Si absente, les informations sur tous les comptes sont retournés.


  • $ID : credit account id, identifiant du compte
  • $CUSTIMER_ID : identifiant du client
  • $CREDIT_AMOUNT : solde du compte

Exemple d'utilisation

{loop type="credit_account" name="credit_account" customer={customer attr="id"}}
    {if $CREDIT_AMOUNT > 0}
            <th colspan="2" class="discount">
                <a class="btn btn-success" href="{url path="/creditAccount/use"}">
                    {intl l="Use my credit account (%amount available)" amount={format_money number=$CREDIT_AMOUNT symbol=$currencySymbol}}

Boucle credit_account_usage

Cette boucle retourne le crédit utilisé sur la commande courant par le client courant, ou rien si le compte n'est pas utilisé sur la commande.




  • $AMOUNT_USED `the amount from credit account used on the current order in the default currency.

Exemple d'utilisation

{loop type="credit_account_usage" name="credit-used"}
    {intl l="You're using %amount from your credit account." amount={format_money number=$AMOUNT_USED symbol=$currencySymbol}}
    <a class="btn btn-xs btn-warning" href="{url path="/creditAccount/cancel"}">{intl l='Cancel'}</a>


Ce module est une base pour créer des modules comme Fidélisation, ou Gestion des avoirs. Des "listeners" sont préconfigurés pour être utilisés dans d'autres modules.


Ce listener est utilisé pour ajouter un montant dans un compte crédit. Vous devez diffuser un évènement instance de CreditAccount\Event\CreditAccountEvent

Exemple d'utilisation

//retrieve the dispatcher for using it after. I put it in $dispatcher

// retrieve a customer. For the example I retrieve a random customer, obviously not do that in your application
$customer = \Thelia\Model\CustomerQuery::create()->findOne();

//the amount I want to add to the current customer's credit account
$amount = 10;

// Create the event to dispatch
$event = new \CreditAccount\Event\CreditAccountEvent($customer, $amount)

//dispatch the event
$dispatcher->dispatch(\CreditAccount\CreditAccount::CREDIT_ACCOUNT_ADD_AMOUNT, $event);