
1.8.0 2023-02-28 07:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 09:34:10 UTC


This driver allows you to send your logs to your Mattermost (open-source Slack alternative). It will send the exception stack traces and context of the log (the second argument of the logger function in Laravel).



composer require thibaud-dauce/laravel-mattermost-logger


Add the log driver

Add the new driver in your config/logging.php:

'mattermost' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via' => ThibaudDauce\MattermostLogger\MattermostLogger::class,
    'webhook' => env('MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK'),

And update your stack in config/logging.php:

'stack' => [
    'driver' => 'stack',
    'channels' => ['single', 'mattermost'],

Don't forget to put LOG_CHANNEL=single in your local and testing environments if you don't want to send logs to Mattermost during your tests.

Options availables

You can put options after the driver and via keys in your config/logging.php. All options with their defaults are in the code

  • webhook (nothing): webhook URL to your Mattermost instance
  • channel (town-square): channel slug where the logs will be sent to
  • icon_url (nothing): relative URL for the icon showed in Mattermost (the package will use the url() helper to generate the full path)
  • username (Laravel Logs): username showed in Mattermost
  • level (INFO): below this level, the logs will not be sent to your Mattermost instance (by default debug logs are not sent)
  • level_mention (ERROR): above this level, the logs will be red in Mattermost and people will get pinged
  • mentions ([@here]): array of people to ping in case of log above level_mention
  • short_field_length (62): context content longer than this value will be put in a long field in Mattermost (two colmun layout, see screenshot)
  • max_attachment_length (6000): truncate the content below this value (Mattermost will refuse the payload otherwise)


logger()->info('Some message', [
    'context' => 'Some contex',
    'an_array_of_things' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],

// Or

throw new Exception('An exception occured');


  • Add the possibility to queue the HTTP request