
(Very) opinionated structured logging for PHP. Probably not for you.

0.1.2 2021-09-26 22:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 04:35:07 UTC


(Very) Opinionated, structured, logging for PHP. Probably not for you.


This package represents my (admittedly evolving) approach to logging for PHP applications. It composes timdev/stack-logger with monolog to produce a distinct flavor of ndjson logs.

The main goal is to reduce the number of things I need to decide or remember when setting up logging in PHP application. Therefore, configuration knobs are intentionally minimized.

The Logger

The logger extends timdev/stack-logger's MonologStackLogger, providing a static factory with only three scalar arguments (only one of which is required). It also provides a couple of convenience methods to help log application events and exceptions. And that's it.

Included Middleware

StackLogger opens up some nice possibilities. Particularly in middleware-based web applications, it can be nice to add some persistent context to the logger instance early in the request, so it's included in all subsequent logging calls.

This library includes several StackLogger-aware PSR-15-compatible middleware that I've used in web app projects.


Extracts request attributes from the PSR7 ServerRequest and adds them as context to the logger.


use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as SRI;
use TimDev\Log\Middleware\LogRequestAttributes;

$middleware = new LogRequestAttributes(
    // A StackLogger instance
    // map of context-key => request-attribute name | callable
        // Extract 'user_id' attribute from request, and set the 'uid' 
        // context value on the logger.
        'uid' => 'user_id',
        // The above is a shortcut for:
        'uid2' => fn(SRI $req) => $req->getAttribute('user_id'),
        // If you want other data from the request, you can use the same pattern
        // to get it. For example:
        'ref' => fn(SRI $req) => $req->getHeader('Referer')[0] ?? null

The middleware will not set context keys for null values.

For more example usage, see the tests


This middleware strips the Location header from redirect-responses and replaces the body with basic HTML document that includes a meta-refresh tag.

This is handy if you're using something like Monolog's BrowserConsoleHandler that relies on emitting javascript for the browser to execute in order to push log messages to the browser's console.


use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as SRI;
use TimDev\Log\Middleware\DevelopmentRedirect;

// Seconds to delay before refreshing. Default is zero.
$delaySeconds = 2;
$middleware = new DevelopmentRedirect($delaySeconds);

This middleware should usually be added early in your pipeline, since it only touches the response, and you want the response-mutation to happen last or nearly-last. In my projects, I typically do something like this:

// ErrorHandler is the outermost middleware.
// If we're adding it, the DR middlware is the second outer-most.
if (getenv('APP_ENV') === 'development'){
    $app->pipe(new DevelopmentRedirect(1));
// ... all the rest of my middlewares.

Framework Integration


To date, I've been using this setup with Mezzio-based applications.

This package provides a ConfigProvider and a LoggerFactory.

To set this logger up in your mezzio project, just add the ConfigProvider in your config, and you'll have a logger in your container:

$logger = $container->get(\TimDev\Log\Logger::class);

// It's a PSR3 logger!
$logger->info('I can do PSR3 things ...');

// It's a StackLogger!
$childLogger = $logger->withContext(['some' => 'context']);

// You can throw exceptions at it!
$ex = new \LogicException('Ya dun goofed!');

// etc

You can configure the logger in any of your config/autoload/*.php files as appropriate. A full configuration might look like:


return [
    'timdev' => [
        'log' => [
            'name'    => 'my-app',              // default: 'app'
            'logfile' => 'data/logs/app.log'    // default: 'php://stdout'
            'enable_browser_console' => true,   // default: false
            'dev_redir_delay_seconds' => 2      // default: 0