
wechat sina qq alipay twitter google line facebook oauth

v2.2.6 2024-11-26 03:02 UTC


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After developing multiple QQ and WeChat logins, it is natural to develop an aversion. Inertia has returned and I want to search for relevant wheels online, but I have never found a one that I feel satisfied with. Either it is too difficult to understand when using, or the file structure is too messy, so I have to roll up my sleeves and do it myself.

!!Please familiarize yourself with the Oauth/QQ/WeChat documentation first!! Please have basic debugging skills !!

Welcome Star, welcome PR !

If you have any questions to communicate, please post them here : OAuth2 exchange Or Send an email 666@majiameng.com

Integrating many third party login interfaces, including qq-login、wx-login、sina-login、github-login、alipay-login、aliyum-login、douyin-login and so on



You can find the tinymeng/oauth documentation on the website. Check out the Getting Started page for a quick overview.

General third-party login instructions document

Gateways Login Name Login Method
qq 腾讯QQ PC Scan Code、App
wechat 微信 PC、 Official account、Applet、App
sina 新浪微博 PC、APP
alipay 支付宝 PC、APP
aliyun 阿里云 PC
github GitHub PC
google 谷歌google PC
facebook 脸书 PC
naver Naver PC
twitter twitter PC
line line PC
douyin 抖音 Douyin 、 头条 toutiao 、西瓜 xigua PC、APP
baidu 百度(开发ing) PC
coding Coding(开发ing) PC
csdn CSDN(开发ing) PC
gitee Gitee PC
gitlab GitLab(开发ing) PC
oschina OSChina(开发ing) PC

Pay attention to :Google、facebook、twitter These foreign platforms require overseas or HK servers to successfully callback


composer require tinymeng/oauth:^2.0.0 -vvv

The namespace used by the class library is \\tinymeng\\oauth


├── example                         Code source file directory
│   └── wx_proxy.php                WeChat Multi Domain Agent PHP Code Version
│   └── weixin-authorize-proxy.html WeChat multi domain proxy HTML code version, recommended to use HTML version
├── src                             Code source file directory
│   ├── Connector
│   │   ├── Gateway.php             Abstract classes that must be inherited
│   │   └── GatewayInterface.php    Interface that must be implemented
│   ├── Gateways
│   │   ├── Alipay.php
│   │   ├── Douyin.php
│   │   ├── Facebook.php
│   │   ├── Github.php
│   │   ├── Google.php
│   │   ├── Line.php
│   │   ├── Naver.php
│   │   ├── Qq.php
│   │   ├── Twitter.php
│   │   ├── Sina.php
│   │   └── Wechat.php
│   ├── Helper
│   │   ├── ConstCode.php           Common constant
│   │   └── Str.php                 String auxiliary class
│   └── OAuth.php                   Abstract instance class
├── composer.json                   Composer File
├── LICENSE                         MIT License
└── README.md                       Documentation

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1.微梦聚合快捷登录中转API 是一款社会化账号聚合登录系统,让网站的最终用户可以一站式选择使用包括微信、微博、QQ、百度等多种社会化帐号登录该站点。


