
A deterministic pseudo-random number generator

1.0.1 2016-02-12 22:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 17:21:49 UTC


Implementation of a DPRNG algorithm aimed at being simple to implement in almost any general-purpose programming language. Its intended use are simple games; scenarios where a pseudo-random sequence has to be replayed deterministically with low memory and computational cost. The algorithm is not secure. DO NOT USE THIS FOR SECURITY RELATED TASKS.

A JavaScript implementation that generates equal sequences for the same salts/seeds can be found here

Please contribute with your own implementation in your favorite language! A description of the algorithm and test vectors can be found in I`ll cross-link compliant forks :)

Installation & Usage

composer require tmarsteel/php-dprng:1.* or just download the single class file.

use tmarsteel\dprng\DPRNG;

// secure random numbers (seeded from mcrypt_create_iv() if available, rand() otherwise)
$rng = new DPRNG();

// deterministic random sequence
$seed = 0xA2F38C0;
$rng = new DPRNG($seed);

// generate random numbers
$random = $rng->next(); // random float from 0 inclusive to 1 exclusive (same range as Math.random())

$random = $rng->nextInt(14, 300); // random integer in the range 14 to 299

$bytes = $rng->nextBytes(30); // 30 random integers in the range 0 to 255

Entropy / Randomness inspection

ENT is a neat program to inspect the entropy and randomness of a sequence of bytes or bits. This table compares its output with values returned from rand(), mcrypt_create_iv() and this DPRNG. For explanations on the metrics see the ENT Website These numbers do only show that output of this DPRNG is sufficently random to be indistinguishable from random noise to HUMANS. Computers will be able to work out the initial salt given a RIDICULOUSLY SMALL SAMPLE!

RNG OS Entropy Arithmetic mean Chi-Square % Correlation coefficient Monte-Carlo PI error %
rand() Windows 10 7.998118 127.6669 99.99 -0.006520 0.55
DPRNG seeded by mcrypt_create_iv() Windows 10 7.992490 127.7548 29.17 0.005192 0.02
mcrypt_create_iv() Windows 10 7.993520 127.6631 86.44 0.010960 0.37
rand() Ubuntu 15.10 7.992890 127.6763 56.82 -0.004945 1.15
DPRNG seeded by mcrypt_create_iv() (a) Ubuntu 15.10 7.993482 127.8451 84.77 -0.000205 2.43
mcrypt_create_iv()(b) Ubuntu 15.10 7.993261 127.4429 73.70 0.000831 0.4

You can run these tests yourself with the ent executable and the entTestfile.php script.
(a) source = MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM


Here is a full list of the methods supported by tmarsteel\dprng\DPRNG objects and their signatures + contracts:

float next()
Returns an uniformly distributed float value in the range [0, 1) (0 inclusive to 1 exclusive).

float nextFloat(float $from, float $to)
Returns an uniformly distributed float value in the range [$from, $to) ($from inclusive to $to exclusive).

int nextInt(int $from, int $to)
Returns an uniformly distributed integer in the range [$from, $to] ($from inclusive to $to inclusive).

array nextBytes(int $n)
Returns an array of length $n. Each entry is a uniformly distributed integer between 0 and 255.