
Image processor interface for PHP applications.

1.0.4 2024-12-30 16:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:31:34 UTC


Image processor interface for PHP applications using Intervention Image as default processor.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the imager service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-imager


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Basic Usage

Create Imager

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

var_dump($imager instanceof ImagerInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Imager Interface to learn more about the interface.

Image Processing

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$response = $imager
    ->resource(new File('path/image.jpg'))
    ->action(new Action\Crop(width: 200, height: 200))
    ->action(new Action\Save('path/image.webp'));
var_dump($response instanceof ResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Resource section for available resources.

Check out the Action section for available actions and its response type.

Check out the Response section for response details.

You might be using the corresponding methods instead

$response = $imager
    ->crop(width: 200, height: 200)


Base64 Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\Base64;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new Base64(
    data: 'Base64 encoded image data'

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(25) "Base64 encoded image data"

Binary Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\Binary;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new Binary(
    data: 'Binary image data'

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(17) "Binary image data"

Data Url Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\DataUrl;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new DataUrl(
    data: 'Data-URL encoded image data'

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(27) "Data-URL encoded image data"

File Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File as BaseFile;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new File(
    file: 'path/image.jpg' // string|BaseFile

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($resource->file() instanceof BaseFile);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Filesystem Service - File to learn more about it.

Stream Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\Stream;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;

$resource = new Stream(
    stream: $stream // StreamInterface

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($resource->stream() instanceof StreamInterface);
// bool(true)

Url Resource

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\Url;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;

$resource = new Url(
    url: ''

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(33) ""



Applies the specified background color for transparent images.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Background;

$action = new Background(
    color: '#333333' // string


// or using method:
$imager->background(color: '#333333');


Blurs the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Blur;

$action = new Blur(
    blur: 20 // int, between 0 and 100.


// or using method:


Adjusts the brightness of the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Brightness;

$action = new Brightness(
    brightness: 20 // int, between -100 and 100.


// or using method:


Colorizes the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Colorize;

$action = new Colorize(
    red: 20 // int, between -100 and 100.
    green: 5 // int, between -100 and 100.
    blue: 45 // int, between -100 and 100.


// or using method:
$imager->colorize(red: 20, green: 5, blue: 45);


Adjusts the contrast of the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Contrast;

$action = new Contrast(
    contrast: 20 // int, between -100 and 100.


// or using method:


Crops the image with the specified parameters.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$action = new Crop(width: 200, height: 200, x: 10, y: 10);


// or using method:
$imager->crop(width: 200, height: 200, x: 10, y: 10);


Encodes image to the specified mime type.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Encode;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;

$action = new Encode(
    mimeType: 'image/webp',
    quality: 90, // null|int

$response = $imager->action($action);

// or using method:
$response = $imager->encode(mimeType: 'image/webp');

// return type:
var_dump($response instanceof Encoded);
// bool(true)

Check out the Encoded Response to learn more about it.


Supported mime types:

  • image/jpeg or just jpeg, jpg
  • image/pjpeg or just pjpeg
  • image/png or just png
  • image/gif or just gif
  • image/webp or just webp
  • image/tiff or just tiff, tif, if processor supports it
  • image/svg+xml or just svg, if processor supports it
  • image/psd or just psd, if processor supports it
  • image/bmp or just bmp, if processor supports it
  • image/x-icon or just ico, if processor supports it
  • image/avif or just avif, if processor supports it


The quality for the image ranging from 0 to 100.


Fits image to the specified width and height.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Fit;

$action = new Fit(
    width: 200,
    height: 200,
    position: Fit::CENTER, // is default
    upsize: null // is default


// or using method:
$imager->fit(width: 200, height: 200);


  • Fit::TOP_LEFT
  • Fit::TOP
  • Fit::TOP_RIGHT
  • Fit::LEFT
  • Fit::CENTER is default
  • Fit::RIGHT
  • Fit::BOTTOM


// with upsize limit: (image width is 200)
$imager->fit(width: 300, height: 150, upsize: 1.5); // limits to 250

$imager->fit(width: 300, height: 150, upsize: 1); // limits to 200

$imager->fit(width: 300, height: 150, upsize: 0.5); // limits to 150


Mirrors image horizontally or vertically.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Flip;

$action = new Flip(
    flip: Flip::HORIZONTAL, // is default


// or using method:
$imager->flip(flip: Flip::HORIZONTAL);


  • Flip::VERTICAL


Adjusts the gamma of the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Gamma;

$action = new Gamma(
    gamma: 2.3 // float, between 0.01 and 9.99.


// or using method:


Greyscales the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Greyscale;

$action = new Greyscale();


// or using method:


Auto orientates image by EXIF data to display the image correctly.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Orientate;

$action = new Orientate();


// or using method:


Pixelates the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Pixelate;

$action = new Pixelate(
    pixelate: 10 // int, between 0 and 1000.


// or using method:


Resizes image by the specified parameters.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Resize;

$action = new Resize(
    width: 200, // null|int
    height: null, // null|int
    keepRatio: true, // bool (true is default)
    upsize: null, // null|float


// or using method:
$imager->resize(width: 200);


// resize the image to a width of 200: (will keep aspect ratio)
$imager->resize(width: 200);

// resize the image to a height of 200: (will keep aspect ratio)
$imager->resize(height: 200);

// resize image to a fixed size:
$imager->resize(width: 200, height: 100, keepRatio: false);

// resize only the width of the image:
$imager->resize(width: 200, keepRatio: false);

// resize only the height of the image:
$imager->resize(height: 200, keepRatio: false);

// with upsize limit: (image width is 200)
$imager->resize(width: 300, upsize: 1.5); // limits to 250

$imager->resize(width: 300, upsize: 1); // limits to 200

$imager->resize(width: 300, upsize: 0.5); // limits to 150


Rotates image by the specified number of degrees clockwise and fills empty triangles left overs with the specified background color.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Rotate;

$action = new Rotate(
    degrees: 20 // float, between -360 and 360.
    bgcolor: '#ffffff' // string, is default


// or using method:
$imager->rotate(degrees: 20);


Adds a sepia filter to the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Sepia;

$action = new Sepia();


// or using method:


Saves the current processed state of the image to the specified filename.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Save;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\File;

$action = new Save(
    filename: 'path/image.jpg',
    // The prioritized mimeType for the filename to save.
    mimeType: 'image/webp', // null|string
    quality: 90, // null|int
    overwrite: Save::OVERWRITE, // is default
    modeDir: 0755 // is default

$response = $imager->action($action);

// or using method:
$response = $imager->save(filename: 'path/image.jpg');

// return type:
var_dump($response instanceof File);
// bool(true)

Check out the File Response to learn more about it.


The filename to save the processed image.


The prioritized mimeType for the filename to save. If specified the filename will change its file extension to the corresponding format.

Supported mime types:

  • image/jpeg or just jpeg, jpg
  • image/pjpeg or just pjpeg
  • image/png or just png
  • image/gif or just gif
  • image/webp or just webp
  • image/tiff or just tiff, tif, if processor supports it
  • image/svg+xml or just svg, if processor supports it
  • image/psd or just psd, if processor supports it
  • image/bmp or just bmp, if processor supports it
  • image/x-icon or just ico, if processor supports it
  • image/avif or just avif, if processor supports it


The quality for the image ranging from 0 to 100.


use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Save;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionException;
Option Description
Save::OVERWRITE Allows overwriting image which is the default.
Save::OVERWRITE_UNIQUE Creates unique image if exists.
Save::OVERWRITE_THROW Throws ActionException if image exists.


The directory mode to create the folders from the filename if they do not exist.


Sharpens the image.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Sharpen;

$action = new Sharpen(
    sharpen: 20 // int, between 0 and 100.


// or using method:


Encoded Response

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\Encoded;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;

$response = $imager->encode(mimeType: 'image/png');

var_dump($response instanceof ResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($response instanceof Encoded);
// bool(true)

// returns the encoded image data:
$encodedImage = $response->encoded();
$encodedImage = (string)$response;

// Returns the base 64 encoded image data:
$base64encodedImage = $response->base64();

// Returns the data url:
$base64encodedImageDataUrl = $response->dataUrl();

// Info data:
$mimeType = $response->mimeType(); // string
$extension = $response->extension(); // string (e.g. "jpg")
$imageWidth = $response->width(); // int
$imageHeight = $response->height(); // int
$imageSize = $response->size(); // null|int|float
$humanImageSize = $response->humanSize(); // string, like '15 KB'

File Response

The file response holds the processed image file.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\File;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File as BaseFile;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;

$response = $imager->save(filename: 'path/image.jpg');

var_dump($response instanceof ResponseInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($response instanceof File);
// bool(true)

var_dump($response->file() instanceof BaseFile);
// bool(true)

// returns the width of the image:
// int(200)

// returns the height of the image:
// int(100)

Check out the Response Interface to learn more about it.

You may check out the Filesystem Service - File to learn more about it.

Advanced Usage

Grouping Actions

For reusage, you might create a group of actions to be processed.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Processable;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionException;

class SomeActions extends Action implements Processable
     * Create a new instance of SomeActions.
     * @param int $width
    public function __construct(
        private int $width
    ) {}
     * Process the action.
     * @param ImagerInterface $imager
     * @param int $srcWidth
     * @param int $srcHeight     
     * @return ImagerInterface|ResponseInterface
     * @throws ActionException
    public function process(
        ImagerInterface $imager,
        int $srcWidth,
        int $srcHeight
    ): ImagerInterface|ResponseInterface {
        return $imager
            ->resize(width: $this->width);

     * Returns the action parameters.
     * @return array
    public function parameters(): array
        return [
            'width' => $this->width,
     * Returns a description of the action.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Greyscaled and resized image to width :width.';

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

$response = $imager
    ->action(new SomeActions(width: 200))

Creating New Action

If you want to create a new action, you would need to handle each processor individually.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\Processor;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Processable;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionException;

class SomeNewAction extends Action implements Processable
     * Create a new instance of SomeAction.
     * @param int $foo
    public function __construct(
        private int $foo
    ) {}
     * Process the action.
     * @param ImagerInterface $imager
     * @param int $srcWidth
     * @param int $srcHeight     
     * @return ImagerInterface|ResponseInterface
     * @throws ActionException
    public function process(
        ImagerInterface $imager,
        int $srcWidth,
        int $srcHeight
    ): ImagerInterface|ResponseInterface {

        if ($imager->getProcessor() instanceof InterventionImage\Processor) {            
            $image = $imager->processor()->image();
            // do something with the intervention image.
            return $imager;
        // handle other processor or throw ActionException
        return $imager;

     * Returns the action parameters.
     * @return array
    public function parameters(): array
        return ['foo' => $this->foo];
     * Returns a description of the action.
     * @return string
    public function description(): string
        return 'Some new action with foo :foo processed.';

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

$response = $imager
    ->action(new SomeNewAction(foo: 200))

Actions To Messages

You might render the descriptions of the processed actions using the messages factory.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Message\MessagesFactoryInterface;

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

$response = $imager
    ->crop(width: 200, height: 200, x: 0, y: 0)

$messagesFactory = new Message\MessagesFactory();

var_dump($messagesFactory instanceof MessagesFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

// You may filter out actions:
$actions = $response->actions()->withoutProcessedBy();

$messages = $messagesFactory->createMessagesFromActions(
    actions: $actions // ActionsInterface

foreach($messages as $message) {

// string(52) "Cropped image to width 200, height 200, x 0 and y 0."
// string(56) "Saved image path/image.webp with quality "90"."

You may check out the Message Service to learn more about it.

You may check out the Actions Interface to learn more about it.


Imager Factory Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;

$imagerFactory = new ImagerFactory();

var_dump($imagerFactory instanceof ImagerFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)


Creates a new imager.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;

$imagerFactory = new ImagerFactory();

$imager = $imagerFactory->createImager();

var_dump($imager instanceof ImagerInterface);
// bool(true)

Imager Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

var_dump($imager instanceof ImagerInterface);
// bool(true)


Sets the image resource to perform the actions.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$resource = new File('path/image.jpg');

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

$imager = $imager->resource(resource: $resource);

Check out the Resource section for available resources.


Returns the image resource or null if not set.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$imager->resource(resource: new File('path/image.jpg'));

$resource = $imager->getResource();

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)


Returns the processor or null if not yet available.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$imager->resource(resource: new File('path/image.jpg'));

$processor = $imager->getProcessor();

var_dump($processor instanceof ProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)


Sets the image resource as file.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$imager->file(file: 'path/image.jpg');

var_dump($imager->getResource() instanceof File);
// bool(true)


Adds an action to be processed.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Save;

$action = new Save(filename: 'path/image.jpg');

var_dump($action instanceof ActionInterface);
// bool(true)

$imager->action(action: $action);

Check out the Action section for available actions and its response type.

Processor Factory Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ProcessorFactory;

$processorFactory = new ProcessorFactory();

var_dump($processorFactory instanceof ProcessorFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)


Creates a new processor for the specified resource.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ProcessorFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorCreateException;

$processorFactory = new ProcessorFactory();

$processor = $processorFactory->createProcessor(
    resource: new File('path/image.jpg'), // ResourceInterface

var_dump($processor instanceof ProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)

// throws ProcessorCreateException if processor could not get created.

Processor Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ProcessorFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$processor = (new ProcessorFactory())->createProcessor(
    resource: new File('path/image.jpg'),

var_dump($processor instanceof ProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)


Processes the action specified.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ProcessorFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionProcessException;

$processor = (new ProcessorFactory())->createProcessor(
    resource: new File('path/image.jpg'),

$imager = (new ImagerFactory())->createImager();

$processed = $processor->processAction(
    action: new Action\Crop(200, 200), // ActionInterface
    imager: $imager, // ImagerInterface

// $processed might be:
var_dump($processed instanceof ImagerInterface);
// bool(true)

// or depending on the action:
var_dump($processed instanceof ResponseInterface);
// bool(false)

// throws ActionProcessException if action could not get processed.

Resource Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Resource\File;

$resource = new File('path/image.jpg');

var_dump($resource instanceof ResourceInterface);
// bool(true)

Action Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$action = new Crop(width: 200, height: 200);

var_dump($action instanceof ActionInterface);
// bool(true)


Returns the action parameters.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$action = new Crop(width: 200, height: 200);

// array(4) { ["width"]=> int(200) ["height"]=> int(200) ["x"]=> NULL ["y"]=> NULL } 


Returns a description of the action.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$action = new Crop(width: 200, height: 200);

// string(61) "Cropped image to width :width, height :height, x x: and y :y."


The action by which the action was processed.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$action = new Crop(width: 200, height: 200);

$action->setProcessedBy(action: 'ClassName');

// string(9) "ClassName"

Actions Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionsInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Crop(width: 200, height: 200), // ActionInterface

var_dump($actions instanceof ActionsInterface);
// bool(true)


Adds an action.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$actions = new Actions();

$actions->add(new Crop(width: 200, height: 200)); // ActionInterface


If has any actions.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action\Crop;

$actions = new Actions();

// bool(true)

$actions = new Actions(
    new Crop(width: 200, height: 200),

// bool(false)


Returns a new instance with the filtered actions.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Action\Crop(width: 200, height: 200),
    new Action\Resize(width: 200),

$actions = $actions->filter(
    fn(ActionInterface $a): bool => in_array($a::class, [Action\Crop::class])


Returns a new instance with the specified action(s) only.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Action\Crop(width: 200, height: 200),
    new Action\Resize(width: 200),
    new Action\Save(filename: 'image.jpg'),

$actions = $actions->only(Action\Crop::class, Action\Resize::class);


Returns a new instance except the specified action(s).

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Action\Crop(width: 200, height: 200),
    new Action\Resize(width: 200),
    new Action\Save(filename: 'image.jpg'),

$actions = $actions->except(Action\Save::class, Action\Resize::class);


Returns a new instance without actions processed by another.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Action\Sepia(),
    (new Action\Greyscale())->setProcessedBy(Action\Sepia::class),
    new Action\Save(filename: 'image.jpg'),

$actions = $actions->withoutProcessedBy();


Returns all actions.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Action;

$actions = new Actions(
    new Action\Crop(width: 200, height: 200),
    new Action\Resize(width: 200),

foreach($actions->all() as $action) {
    var_dump($action instanceof ActionInterface);
    // bool(true)

// or just
foreach($actions as $action) {}

Response Interface

use Tobento\Service\Imager\ResponseInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\File;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;

$response = new File(
    file: 'path/image.jpg',
    actions: new Actions()

var_dump($response instanceof ResponseInterface);
// bool(true)


Returns the actions processed.

use Tobento\Service\Imager\Response\File;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\Actions;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ActionsInterface;

$response = new File(
    file: 'path/image.jpg',
    actions: new Actions()

var_dump($response->actions() instanceof ActionsInterface);
// bool(true)

Intervention Image

Intervention Image imager implementation.

Intervention Imager Factory

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ImagerFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ImagerFactoryInterface;

$imagerFactory = new ImagerFactory(
    config: ['driver' => 'gd'], // is default

var_dump($imagerFactory  instanceof ImagerFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Imager Factory Interface for its available methods.

Check out the Intervention Image Configuration for the config available parameters.

Intervention Processor Factory

use Tobento\Service\Imager\InterventionImage\ProcessorFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Imager\ProcessorFactoryInterface;

$processorFactory = new ProcessorFactory(
    config: ['driver' => 'gd'], // is default

var_dump($processorFactory  instanceof ProcessorFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Processor Factory Interface for its available methods.

Check out the Intervention Image Configuration for the config available parameters.
