
Repository interfaces for PHP applications.

1.0.2 2025-01-13 17:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 17:48:58 UTC


Repository interfaces for PHP applications.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the repository service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-repository


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design



Repository Interface

namespace Tobento\Service\Repository;

interface RepositoryInterface extends ReadRepositoryInterface, WriteRepositoryInterface

Read Repository Interface

namespace Tobento\Service\Repository;

interface ReadRepositoryInterface
     * Returns the found entity using the specified id (primary key)
     * or null if none found.
     * @param int|string $id
     * @return null|object
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function findById(int|string $id): null|object;
     * Returns the found entity using the specified id (primary key)
     * or null if none found.
     * @param int|string ...$ids
     * @return iterable<object>
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function findByIds(int|string ...$ids): iterable;

     * Returns the found entity using the specified where parameters
     * or null if none found.
     * @param array $where
     * @return null|object
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function findOne(array $where = []): null|object;

     * Returns the found entities using the specified parameters.
     * @param array $where Usually where parameters.
     * @param array $orderBy The order by parameters.
     * @param null|int|array $limit The limit e.g. 5 or [5(number), 10(offset)].
     * @return iterable<object>
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function findAll(array $where = [], array $orderBy = [], null|int|array $limit = null): iterable;
     * Returns the found column values using the specified parameters.
     * @param string $column The column name for the values.
     * @param null|string $key The column name for the index key.
     * @param array $where Usually where parameters.
     * @param array $orderBy The order by parameters.
     * @param null|int|array $limit The limit e.g. 5 or [5(number), 10(offset)].
     * @return array
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function findColumn(
        string $column,
        null|string $key = null,
        array $where = [],
        array $orderBy = [],
        null|int|array $limit = null
    ): array;
     * Returns the number of items using the specified where parameters.
     * @param array $where
     * @return int
     * @throws RepositoryReadException
    public function count(array $where = []): int;

Write Repository Interface

namespace Tobento\Service\Repository;

interface WriteRepositoryInterface
     * Create an entity.
     * @param array $attributes
     * @return object The created entity.
     * @throws RepositoryCreateException
    public function create(array $attributes): object;
     * Update an entity by id.
     * @param string|int $id
     * @param array $attributes The attributes to update the entity.
     * @return object The updated entity.
     * @throws RepositoryUpdateException
    public function updateById(string|int $id, array $attributes): object;
     * Update entities.
     * @param array $where The where parameters.
     * @param array $attributes The attributes to update the entities.
     * @return iterable<object> The updated entities.
     * @throws RepositoryUpdateException
    public function update(array $where, array $attributes): iterable;
     * Delete an entity by id.
     * @param string|int $id
     * @return object The deleted entity.
     * @throws RepositoryDeleteException
    public function deleteById(string|int $id): object;
     * Delete entities.
     * @param array $where The where parameters.
     * @return iterable<object> The deleted entities.
     * @throws RepositoryDeleteException
    public function delete(array $where): iterable;

Entity Factory Interface

namespace Tobento\Service\Repository;

interface EntityFactoryInterface
     * Create an entity from array.
     * @param array $attributes
     * @return object The created entity.
    public function createEntityFromArray(array $attributes): object;

Read Only Repository Adapter

Any repository implementing the RepositoryInterface::class can be made read-only by decorating them using the ReadOnlyRepositoryAdapter::class:

use Tobento\Service\Repository\ReadOnlyRepositoryAdapter;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\RepositoryInterface;

$readOnlyRepository = new ReadOnlyRepositoryAdapter(
    repository: $repository, // RepositoryInterface

Events Repository Adapter

Any repository implementing the ReadRepositoryInterface::class or WriteRepositoryInterface::class can be made to dispatch default events by decorating them using the EventsRepositoryAdapter::class:

use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\EventsRepositoryAdapter;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\ReadRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\WriteRepositoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Event;

$eventsRepository = new EventsRepositoryAdapter(
    eventDispatcher: $eventDispatcher, // EventDispatcherInterface
    repository: $repository, // ReadRepositoryInterface or WriteRepositoryInterface
    // if false (default) event attributes get used on write methods
    immutableAttributes: false,

Default Events

Event Description
Event\Retrieved::class The event will dispatch after an entity is retrieved from the read methods only.
Event\Creating::class The event will dispatch before an entity is created.
Event\Created::class The event will dispatch after an entity is created.
Event\Updating::class The event will dispatch before an entity is updated.
Event\Updated::class The event will dispatch after an entity is updated.
Event\Deleting::class The event will dispatch before an entity is deleted.
Event\Deleted::class The event will dispatch after an entity is deleted.


The eventer may be used to easily create a EventsRepositoryAdapter::class if you want only to have certain events dispatched.

Create Eventer

use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\EventerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Repository\Eventer;

$eventer = new Eventer(
    eventDispatcher: $eventDispatcher, // EventDispatcherInterface

var_dump($eventer instanceof EventerInterface);
// bool(true)

Using Eventer

use Tobento\Service\Repository\EventerInterface;

class SomeService
    public function createAction(EventerInterface $eventer)
        $entity = $eventer
            ->create(['title' => 'Lorem']);
        // or
        $entity = $eventer
                repository: $this->someRepository,
                immutableAttributes: true, // default is false
            ->create(['title' => 'Lorem']);            
