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Simple history for Laravel models

v0.4.0 2023-06-30 12:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 01:41:51 UTC


Easily add keeping track of model modifications.


  1. Add "tochka-developers/model-history":"^0.1" to the require section of your composer.json

  2. Publish package assets:

php artisan vendor:publish 
  1. You may now edit the config file model-history.php to specify the name of the table to store history records. Please do it before running the migrations. Default name is history which is quite reasonable.

  2. Use \Tochka\ModelHistory\HasHistory trait in your model.

History structure

History records for all tracked models are stored in the same table specified in the config file (history is the default name). Each record contains the following data:

  • changed_at - time of modification;
  • entity_name - name of the table containing tracked model records;
  • entity_id - ID of the row in the tracked table the history entry relates to;
  • action - type of modification. The possible values are create, update, delete and restore.
  • new_data - a JSON containing new values. Therefore each history record is essentially a diff to the previous version of the model.


The history table always grows and is NEVER CLEANED UP by this package. Please consider the possibility of the history table becoming the largest in your database and occupying more space than all other tables ultimately exhausting all available disk space.