
Image manipulation bundle for Laravel 4

dev-master 2014-12-21 06:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 06:30:56 UTC


You can install this package in the standart way. Add:

"todsto/image-crop-resizer": "dev-master"

to your composer.json. Run composer update Publish the configuration

php artisan config:publish todsto/image-crop-resizer

Open your app/config/app.php and add 'Todsto\ImageCropResizer\ImageCropResizerServiceProvider', to the providers array. Then add 'ICR' => 'Todsto\ImageCropResizer\ImageCropResizer' to the aliases array. This will register 'ICR' as alias for the base bundle class.

Basic usage

The bundle stores the images in the public/uploads/context/size folder.

To set the your own contexts use the app/config/packages/todsto/image-crop-resizer/contexts.php. The file looks like this

return [
    'default' => [
        'small' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'action' => 'crop-resize'
        'medium' => [
            'width' => 200,
            'height' => 200,
            'action' => 'crop-resize'
        'large' => [
            'width' => 300,
            'height' => 300,
            'action' => 'crop-resize'

"default" is the default image context. Context has different sizes which has width, height and action. The action defines the way that the image will be processed. "crop" crops a region with the provided measures from the middle of the image. "resize" resize the image to given measures. "crop-resize" crops a region from the image, but first resize it, so the image will be cropped with no deformations and with minimal losses.

To use the bundle just call in you controller the process method of the ImageCropResizer class. As you have an alias, your code might look like this:

    class TestController extends Controller {

        public function getTest() {
            return View::make('test');

        public function postTest() {
            $image_name = ICR::process(Input::file('image'), 'default');

            // Some database actions here
            return Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Success');


In the template:

    {{ Session::get('message') }}

    {{ Form::open(['url' => 'test/test', 'method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']) }}
    {{ Form::token() }}

    {{ Form::file('image') }}

    {{ Form::submit('Submit') }}

    {{ Form::close() }}

The process method takes as first argument the file object from the input field. The second argument is the context. The process method returns the generated unique image name.