
Yo from your console

1.0.0 2015-02-01 21:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 04:04:19 UTC


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Yo from your console


Yo CLI is available via Composer.

$ composer require toin0u/yo-cli


First you need to create a configuration file with your API token. You can see an example here.

  • custom location: yo.phar <command> -c path/to/file
  • .yo.yml
  • yo.yml
  • $HOME/.yo.yml


  • Yo TOIN0U: yo.phar user toin0u
  • Yo TOIN0U with a ink: yo.phar user toin0u
  • Yo TOIN0U with a GPS coordinate: yo.phar user toin0u 55.6760968 12.5683371
  • Yo ALL your subscribers: yo.phar all
  • Yo ALL your subscribers with a link: yo.phar all
  • Check if TOIN0U Yo username exists or not: yo.phar check toin0u
  • Get your total subscribers: yo.phar total
  • Create an accound named TOIN0U999: yo.phar create toin0u999 (screencast)

NB: Yo ALL is limited to one per minute !


Yo CLI is tested with PHPUnit.

$ phpunit


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