
Send notification to users using notification templates and multi notification channels, it's support Filament Native Notification Service with macro, and a full integration to FCM service worker notifications

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Filament Alerts Sender

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Send notification to users using notification templates and multi notification channels, it's support Filament Native Notification Service with macro, and a full integration to FCM service worker notifications


  • Send Notification to users using drivers
  • Use Filament Native Notification
  • Use Notification Templates
  • Notification Logs
  • Use Multiple Notification Channels
  • Hide Notifications Resources
  • Use Database Driver
  • Use Email Driver
  • Custom Driver Register
  • Custom Type Register
  • Custom Action Register
  • Multi Users Register
  • Register Notification Templates


Templates Create Template Create Template Image Edit Template Logs Send Notification Try View Template


composer require tomatophp/filament-alerts

after install your package please run this command

php artisan filament-alerts:install

if you are not using this package as a plugin please register the plugin on /app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php



to set up any model to get notifications you


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Laravel\Fortify\TwoFactorAuthenticatable;
use Laravel\Jetstream\HasProfilePhoto;
use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;
use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Traits\InteractsWithNotifications;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasApiTokens;
    use HasFactory;
    use HasProfilePhoto;
    use Notifiable;
    use TwoFactorAuthenticatable;
    use HasRoles;
    use InteractsWithNotifications;


the notification is run on queue, so you must run the queue worker to send the notifications

php artisan queue:work

Use Filament Native Notification

you can use the filament native notification and we add some macro for you

use Filament\Notifications\Notification;

    ->title('Test Notifications')
    ->body('This is a test notification')
    ->sendUse(auth()->user(), \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Services\Drivers\EmailDriver::class);

Notification Service

to create a new template you can use template CRUD and make sure that the template key is unique because you will use it on every single notification.

Send Notification

to send a notification you must use our helper SendNotification::class like

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Facades\FilamentAlerts;

        "find-text" => "change with this"
        "find-text" => "change with this"

where $template is selected of the template by key or id, and title, body use to select and replace string on the template with custom data

Notification Channels

you can use multiple notification channels like

it can be working with direct user methods like

$user->notifyEmail(string $message, ?string $subject = null, ?string $url = null);
$user->notifyDB(string $message, ?string $title=null, ?string $url =null);

Hide Notifications Resources

to hide the notification resources from the sidebar you can use the plugin method hideNotificationsResources like


Use Email Settings

we have build a Email settings to change your SMTP settings direct from GUI to allow this feature just add this method to the plugin


Add Custom Driver

you can add a custom driver follow up Driver abstract class like this


namespace TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Services\Drivers;

use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Jobs\NotifyDatabaseJob;

class DatabaseDriver extends Driver
    public function setup(): void
        // TODO: Implement setup() method.

    public function sendIt(
        string $title,
        string $model,
        int | string | null $modelId = null,
        ?string $body = null,
        ?string $url = null,
        ?string $icon = null,
        ?string $image = null,
        ?string $type = 'info',
        ?string $action = 'system',
        ?array $data = [],
        ?int $template_id = null,
        ?Notification $notification = null
    ): void {
        if ($modelId) {
            dispatch(new NotifyDatabaseJob([
                'model_type' => $model,
                'modelId' => $modelId,
                'title' => $title,
                'body' => $body,
                'url' => $url,
                'icon' => $icon,
                'type' => $type,
                'action' => $action,
                'data' => $data,
                'template_id' => $template_id,
        } else {
            foreach ($model::all() as $user) {
                dispatch(new NotifyDatabaseJob([
                    'model_type' => $model,
                    'modelId' => $user->id,
                    'title' => $title,
                    'body' => $body,
                    'url' => $url,
                    'icon' => $icon,
                    'type' => $type,
                    'action' => $action,
                    'data' => $data,
                    'template_id' => $template_id,


then just use the facade service method in your service provider boot()

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Facades\FilamentAlerts;

public function boot() {

Register Custom Type

you can add a custom type using facade service method in your service provider boot()

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Facades\FilamentAlerts;

public function boot() {

Register Custom Action

you can add a custom action using facade service method in your service provider boot()

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Facades\FilamentAlerts;

public function boot() {

Register Custom User Type

you can add a custom user type using facade service method in your service provider boot()

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Facades\FilamentAlerts;

public function boot() {

User Alerts Resource Hooks

we have add a lot of hooks to make it easy to attach actions, columns, filters, etc

Table Columns

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateTable;

public function boot()

Table Actions

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateActions;

public function boot()

Table Filters

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateFilters;

public function boot()

Table Bulk Actions

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateBulkActions;

public function boot()

From Components

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Form\NotificationsTemplateForm;

public function boot()

Page Actions

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\ManagePageActions;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\EditPageActions;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\ViewPageActions;
use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\CreatePageActions;

public function boot()

Infolist Entries

use TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Infolist\NotificationsTemplateInfoList;

public function boot()

Custom Resource Classes

you can customize all resource classes to be any class you want with the same return from the config file

 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Resource Building
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * if you want to use the resource custom class
'resource' => [
    'table' => [
        'class' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateTable::class,
        'filters' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateFilters::class,
        'actions' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateActions::class,
        'header-actions' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateHeaderActions::class,
        'bulkActions' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Table\NotificationsTemplateBulkActions::class,
    'form' => [
        'class' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Form\NotificationsTemplateForm::class,
    'infolist' => [
        'class' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Infolist\NotificationsTemplateInfoList::class,
    'pages' => [
        'list' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\ManagePageActions::class,
        'create' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\CreatePageActions::class,
        'edit' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\EditPageActions::class,
        'view' => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAlerts\Filament\Resources\NotificationsTemplateResource\Actions\ViewPageActions::class,

Publish Assets

you can publish config file by use this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-alerts-config"

you can publish views file by use this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-alerts-views"

you can publish languages file by use this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-alerts-lang"

you can publish migrations file by use this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-alerts-migrations"


if you like to run PEST testing just use this command

composer test

Code Style

if you like to fix the code style just use this command

composer format


if you like to check the code by PHPStan just use this command

composer analyse

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