
Role-based Access Control: Roles, Permissions and ACL

1.0.7 2014-03-12 08:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 17:39:38 UTC



Role-based access control solution, extracted from my legacy codebase. It provides a permissions and roles system as well as a simple ACL implementation.

Scrutinizer Quality Score

##Core concepts


A client may be associated with certain roles, e.g. Authors or Admins. These are stored in a RolesStorage object that contains role IDs.

use \tomkyle\Roles\RolesStorage;

$roles = new RolesStorage( 1, 2 );
echo $roles->contains( 2 ) ? "YES" : "NO";

###ACL A service may be restricted to certain roles. AccessControlList as an extension of RolesStorage will do that:

use \tomkyle\Roles\RolesStorage;
use \tomkyle\Roles\RolesAwareInterface;
use \tomkyle\AccessControlList\AccessControlList;
use \tomkyle\AccessControlList\AccessControlListAwareInterface;

class MyUser implements RolesAwareInterface {
  use RolesAwareTrait;

class MyService implements AccessControlListAwareInterface {
  use AccessControlListAwareTrait;

$service = new MyService;
$service->setAccessControlList( new AccessControlList( 1, 2) );

$user = new MyUser;
$user->setRoles( new RolesStorage( 2, 3 ) );

echo $service->isAllowed( $user ) ? "YES" : "NO";

###Permissions A client may be allowed or disallowed to do certain things. PermissionsStorage will do that:

use \tomkyle\Permissions\PermissionsAwareInterface;
use \tomkyle\Permissions\PermissionsAwareTrait;
use \tomkyle\Permissions\ApplyPermissionsStorage;

class MyUser implements PermissionsAwareInterface {
  use PermissionsAwareTrait;

$user = new MyUser;

// Reads users permissions from database:
new ApplyPermissionsStorage( $user, $pdo );

echo $user->hasPermission( "my_action" ) ? "YES" : "NO";


This library has no dependencies except a PDO connection. Install from command line or composer.json file:

#####Command line

composer require tomykle/rbac


"require": {
    "tomkyle/rbac": "dev-master"

#####MySQL This package comes with two MySQL dumps, install.sql.dist and install.sample-data.sql.dist. Simply execute their contents; former installs tables, indices and unique constraints, dropping existing tables; latter adds sample data. See comments in table info or field comments.

The databasa schema uses InnoDB tables for better transaction and relation handling, although currently not using these features (since I never have worked with it yet).

##Database Roles, Permissions and their respective associations to clients are stored in a bunch of database tables:

##Administration Sorry, currently there is no administration tool available. I used to manage them manually in the database. Anyhow, unique constraints will prevent you from adding doublettes. So if you have to delete a certain role or permission, do not forget the relation tables that refer to their primary key.