
Translator for Nette framework

1.0.1 2022-03-04 10:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 10:53:01 UTC


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Translator for Nette framework.


use Efabrica\Translatte\Translator;
use Efabrica\Translatte\Resource\NeonDirectoryResource;

// Create new translator with default language
$translator = new Translator('sk_SK');

// Register new resources where translations are stored
$translator->addResource(new NeonDirectoryResource([__DIR__ . '/lang', __DIR__ . '/another/lang']));
$translator->addResource(new NeonResource(__DIR__ . '/dictionary.sk_SK.neon', 'sk_SK'));

// Translate basic string

// Translate with pluralization
$translator->translate('key', 10);

// Translate with parameters
$translator->translate('key', ['name' => 'Peter']);

// Translate with pluralization and parameters
$translator->translate('key', 10, ['page' => 'login']);

// Select translation language on the fly
$translator->translate('key', 1, [], 'en_US');

Nette extension

	translation: Efabrica\Translatte\Bridge\Nette\TranslationExtension
# Minimal configuration
    default: 'sk_SK' # mandatory

# Full configuration
    default: 'sk_SK' # mandatory
    fallback: # optional
        - 'en_US'
        - 'en_UK'
        - %appDir%/lang
    cache: Efabrica\Translatte\Cache\NullCache() # optional
    resolvers: # optional
        - Efabrica\Translatte\Resolver\StaticResolver('sk_Sk')
    resources: # optional
        - Efabrica\Translatte\Resource\NeonDirectoryResource(%appDir%/localize)

Syntactic sugar


    products_in_cart: 'V košíku je jeden produkt|V košíku sú %count% produkty|V košíku je %count% produktov'

Source: src/PluralForm.php

Example of count syntax:
sk: '1|2-4|0,5-Inf'
cz: '1|2-4|0,5-Inf'
en: '1|0,2-Inf'

Example of special count syntax (
en: '[-Inf,-10]big negative count|]-10,0[negative count|{0}zero count|{1}one count|{2,3,4}two,three,four count|]4,Inf]more than four count' 
sk: '[-Inf,-10]veľký negatívny počet|]-10,0[negatívny počet|{0}nula počet|{1}jedna počet|{2,3,4}dva,tri,štyri počet|]4,Inf]viac ako štyri počet' 


// Translator setup
$translator = ...

// To params array is set count variable
$translator->translate('dictionary.cart.products_in_cart', 2); // V košíku sú 2 produkty

// Param count from params array is used to select right plural form
$translator->translate('dictionary.cart.products_in_cart', ['count' => 2]); // V košíku sú 2 produkty

// If we set both params nothing is override
$translator->translate('dictionary.cart.products_in_cart', 10, ['count' => 2]); // V košíku je 2 produktov

Main classes


Resolves which language has translator to use.
Available resolvers:

  • StaticResolver - Resolves to given static lang.
  • ChainResolver - Multiple resolvers can be registered to this resolver. First resolver which returns non empty string is used.


Represents "storage" with translation strings. It can be anything - directory with translation files, database, redis or external api call.
Available resources:

  • NeonResource - One neon file.
  • NeonDirectoryResource - Multiple directories in which resource search neon files in format "{prefix}.{lang}.neon".


Used for cache generated directory.