
Who do you want to be?

4.0.0 2022-11-16 23:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 03:27:23 UTC


a plugin for Craft CMS

A Top Shelf Craft creation
Michael Rog, Proprietor

Who do you want to be?


Impersonator provides convenient controller actions for authorized users to impersonate, and un-impersonate, other users.


Visit the Plugin Store in your Craft control panel, search for Impersonator, and click to Install the plugin.

Alternatively, install via Composer:

composer require topshelfcraft/impersonator


You can configure the form parameter name and the impersonation session duration, via an impersonator.php file in your config directory:

use craft\helpers\App;
use TopShelfCraft\Impersonator\Settings;

return Settings::create()



From an authorized user session, submit a POST request to the impersonator/impersonator/impersonate action with an identifier (Username, Email, or ID) of the account to impersonate:

<form method="post">
  {{ csrfInput() }}
  {{ actionInput('impersonator/impersonator/impersonate') }}
  {{ redirectInput('my/start/page/path') }}
  <input name="impersonate" placeholder="ID, username, or email">
  <button type="submit">Impersonate!</button>

(You can customize the form input name by setting the accountParamName config item.)

Template Tags

When an impersonation session is active, the plugin provides some useful info for you to use in your templates:

  • The ID of the user performing the impersonation:

    {{ impersonator.getImpersonatorId() }}
  • The user performing the impersonation:

    {{ impersonator.getImpersonatorIdentity().fullName }} is impersonating {{ currentUser.fullName }}


The plugin keeps track of the session that initiated the impersonation, so you can provide your user a convenient way to end the impersonation and assume their original identity, without needing to log in again (as long as their original session is still valid):

{% if impersonator.getImpersonatorId() %}
  <form method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ actionInput('impersonator/impersonator/unimpersonate') }}
    {{ redirectInput('my/return/page/path') }}
    <button type="submit">Stop Impersonating</button>
{% endif %}


Version 4.x is compatible with Craft 4.0+.

If you've found a bug, or have a question, please open a GitHub Issue, and if you're feeling ambitious, submit a PR.
