
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the aloha/twilio package instead.

Twilio API for Laravel

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5.0.0 2021-02-10 17:00 UTC


Laravel Twilio API Integration

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Begin by installing this package through Composer. Run this command from the Terminal:

composer require aloha/twilio

This will register two new artisan commands for you:

  • twilio:sms
  • twilio:call

And make these objects resolvable from the IoC container:

  • Aloha\Twilio\Manager (aliased as twilio)
  • Aloha\Twilio\TwilioInterface (resolves a Twilio object, the default connection object created by the Manager).

There's a Facade class available for you, if you like. In your app.php config file add the following line to the aliases array if you want to use a short class name:

'Twilio' => 'Aloha\Twilio\Support\Laravel\Facade',

You can publish the default config file to config/twilio.php with the terminal command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aloha\Twilio\Support\Laravel\ServiceProvider"


The facade has the exact same methods as the Aloha\Twilio\TwilioInterface. First, include the Facade class at the top of your file:

use Twilio;

To send a message using the default entry from your twilio config file:

Twilio::message($user->phone, $message);

One extra feature is that you can define which settings (and which sender phone number) to use:

Twilio::from('call_center')->message($user->phone, $message);
Twilio::from('board_room')->message($boss->phone, 'Hi there boss!');

Define multiple entries in your twilio config file to make use of this feature.


Creating a Twilio object. This object implements the Aloha\Twilio\TwilioInterface.

$twilio = new Aloha\Twilio\Twilio($accountId, $token, $fromNumber);

Sending a text message:

$twilio->message('+18085551212', 'Pink Elephants and Happy Rainbows');

Creating a call:

$twilio->call('+18085551212', '');

Generating a call and building the message in one go:

$twilio->call('+18085551212', function (\Twilio\TwiML\VoiceResponse $message) {
    $message->play('', ['loop' => 5]);

or to make a call with any Twiml description you can pass along any Twiml object:

$message = new \Twilio\TwiML\VoiceResponse();
$message->play('', ['loop' => 5]);

$twilio->call('+18085551212', $message);

Access the configured Twilio\Rest\Client object:

$sdk = $twilio->getTwilio();

You can also access this via the Facade as well:

$sdk = Twilio::getTwilio();
Pass as many optional parameters as you want

If you want to pass on extra optional parameters to the messages->sendMessage(...) method from the Twilio SDK, you can do so by adding to the message method. All arguments are passed on, and the from field is prepended from configuration.

$twilio->message($to, $message, $mediaUrls, $params);
// passes all these params on.

The same is true for the call method.

$twilio->call($to, $message, $params);
// passes all these params on.

Dummy class

There is a dummy implementation of the TwilioInterface available: Aloha\Twilio\Dummy. This class allows you to inject this instead of a working implementation in case you need to run quick integration tests.

Logging decorator

There is one more class available for you: the Aloha\Twilio\LoggingDecorator. This class wraps any TwilioInterface object and logs whatever Twilio will do for you. It also takes a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface object (like Monolog) for logging, you know.

By default the service providers don't wrap objects with the LoggingDecorator, but it is at your disposal in case you want it. A possible use case is to construct a TwilioInterface object that logs what will happen, but doesn't actually call Twilio (using the Dummy class):

if (getenv('APP_ENV') === 'production') {
    $twilio = $container->make(\Aloha\Twilio\Manager::class);
} else {
    $psrLogger = $container->make(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class);
    $twilio = new LoggingDecorator($psrLogger, new \Aloha\Twilio\Dummy());

// Inject it wherever you want.
$notifier = new Notifier($twilio);



laravel-twilio is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license