
Adding the missing features to the fantastic Laravel Cashier package

0.9.5 2016-10-04 05:13 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-13 01:52:14 UTC


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Via Composer

$ composer require travoltron/cashier-extras

Add the following to config/app.php:



This package adds a few interactive CLI tools to make working with Stripe and Laravel's Cashier package a little bit easier. For now it supports creating, listing, and deleting both Stripe Plans and Coupons.

The Laravel Cashier package documentation states that to run it's own suite of tests, some plans and a coupon need to be added to your Stripe account.

The added commands are as follows:

###Cashier Testing

php artisan cashier:test-data

This adds the needed plans and coupons for Laravel Cashier testing.

###Check Stripe Keys

php artisan stripe:check-keys

This checks that the .env file has been populated with the correct keys and checks at a very loose level that the keys are correctly formatted.

###Stripe Plans

php artisan stripe:list-plans

Displays a table of the plans currently enabled on your Stripe account.

php artisan stripe:make-plan

Interactive wizard to create a plan via the CLI.

php artisan stripe:delete-plan {id}

Deletes a plan with the supplied id. To see this ID, list the plans, and select the value from the first column.

###Stripe Coupons

php artisan stripe:list-coupons

Displays a table of the coupons currently enabled on your Stripe account.

php artisan stripe:make-coupon

Interactive wizard to create a coupon via the CLI.

php artisan stripe:delete-coupon {id}

Deletes a coupon with the supplied id. To see this ID, list the coupons, and select the value from the first column.


By default, the config/services.php file has a section for Stripe setup like so:

'stripe' => [
    'model' => App\User::class,
    'key' => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
    'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),

In order to check for the keys being set properly, change this to:

'stripe' => [
    'model' => App\User::class,
    'key' => env('STRIPE_KEY', env('STRIPE_TEST_KEY')),
    'secret' => env('STRIPE_SECRET', env('STRIPE_TEST_SECRET')),

and add the keys STRIPE_TEST_KEY and STRIPE_TEST_SECRET to your .env file.

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.