Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Add wrapper functions to make configuring b13/container easier
1 291 0
Extends TYPO3 EXT:seo hreflang functionality for EXT:news records
270 0
Extends TYPO3 EXT:seo hreflang functionality
2 627 1
Render the additional content elements of news in your desired column
28 0
Base extension - Post powermail form submissions as jira issues
36 0
JiraCloud extension - Post powermail form submissions as jira issues
11 0
Post powermail form submissions as jira issues
26 0
Add autocomplete tokens to powermail fields
8 922 2
Captcha Extension for Powermail
22 023 5
Add a button to TCA fields that adds sup, sub or other html
91 0
Create vcf card with QR Code
362 0
A collection of more or less useful ViewHelpers and Utilities
911 1
Extend TYPO3 video functionality
5 842 1
Embed Whatchado Videos in TYPO3
553 1