
How I Learned to Stop Worrying about ORM and Love MongoDb BSON

3.1.0 2025-03-10 15:15 UTC


How I Learned to Stop Worrying about Doctrine and Love MongoDb BSON

A symfony bundle for stopping the chase after the mythical object-database, or its fake approximation a.k.a Doctrine.


A almost-zero-config Object Data Mapper for MongoDB. It's a micro database layer with automatic mapping that rely on BSON types. It is intended for advanced users of MongoDB who know and understand the growth of a model on a schemaless database.

When I mean "micro", I mean the sum of NCLOC is about one hundred. Therefore it is fast as hell.


Include the bundle

$ composer require trismegiste/strangelove-bundle

You'll probably get an error at cache clearing since the config file strangelove.yaml does not exist yet.

Configure the bundle

Just run the wizard and answer the questions :

$ vendor/bin/strangelove-wizard.php

Create a Repository on a collection

Create a subclass of Trismegiste\Strangelove\MongoDb\DefaultRepository and extend it with business features.

Register the service

To register the repository class MyMovies on the collection 'movies' into the services.yaml config file, just add :

    # ... some services
        $collectionName: movies


Since you have atomicity on one document in MongoDB, you have to store complex tree-ish objects. If you avoid circular references, this ODM stores your object in a comprehensive structure into a MongoDB collection.

Every object has to implement one interface and use one trait :

class MyEntity implements \MongoDB\BSON\Persistable {
    use \Trismegiste\Strangelove\MongoDb\PersistableImpl;

The "top document" or the "root document", meaning the one who owns the primary key (a.k.a the field "_id" in MongoDB), must implement the interface Root and use the trait RootImpl.

class MyDocument implements \Trismegiste\Strangelove\MongoDb\Root {
    use \Trismegiste\Strangelove\MongoDb\RootImpl;


There is a default repository against a collection : DefaultRepository.


$record = $myRepository->load($primaryKey);


$rimaryKey = $oneObjectInheritingFromRoot->getPk();


$iter = $myRepository->search(['price' => ['$ne' => null]]);
foreach($iter as $record) {

This class implements the interface Repository. Read the phpdoc about it.


  • Don't use DateTime in your model, use BsonDateTime, you have a nice AbstractType for replacing Symfony DateType that converts DateTime into BsonDateTime
  • Don't use SplObjectStorage in your model, use BsonObjectStorage
  • Don't use SplFixedArray in your model, use BsonFixedArray

Please read the documentation about BSON serialization in MongoDB to know more : The MongoDB\BSON\Persistable interface


A thousand of complex objects that contain about a thousand embedded objects take 2.5 seconds to store on a cheap laptop. And it takes about 1.8 seconds to load and hydrate.


This ODM fully relies on BSON API for MongoDB. Your objects can be anything you want : no annotation, no constraint on constructor or extending some mandatory concrete class. Serialization and unserialization are made in the driver written in C, not PHP, that's why it is so fast.


This library is full tested with PHPUnit. Simply run :

$ vendor/bin/phpunit

A full functional test can be found in DefaultRepositoryTest.php.


Currently, there is one Decorator for an Iterator object : ClosureDecorator. It is useful for decorating iterators on cursors created by MongoDB repositories (see above)

Code coverage

Code coverage configurations are included in the phpunit.xml. Just run :

$ phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit

Html results are stored in ./docs/coverage.