
Adds a command for converting service container configs to other file formats

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Open Issues: 3


0.3 2014-05-09 13:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 04:02:17 UTC


Adds the Symfony2 command "container:convert" which converts service config files to other formats

For one-off files, there's also a hosted Web UI you can use instead of installing this bundle.

What it does

You can specify the file to convert either on the commandline:

./app/console container:convert yml path/to/file.xml

Or leave out the file and do the conversion interactively.

./app/console container:convert yml

Adding the -o flag will output the new file instead of prompting you to write it, presumably so you can pipe it to another process somewhere.

The actual conversion is based on Symfony's built-in loaders and dumpers, so this should be exceedingly reliable.


  • Remove a coupling on input for file extension
  • Update the DependencyInjection/*Extension files as well (perhaps with PHP-Parser?)
  • Moar tests


Run the command below to install via Composer

composer require tuck/converter-bundle