typo3/cms-extbase dependents (53) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Powermail is a well-known, editor-friendly, powerful and easy to use mailform extension for TYPO3 with a lots of features

  • PHP


    Powermail Cleaner helps to clean up quick and easy old requests

  • PHP


    Add conditions (via AJAX) to powermail forms for fields and pages

  • PHP


    Google recaptcha TYPO3 extension for powermail

  • PHP


    Publication reference extension with im- and export with bibtex and xml files

  • PHP


    Library for generating and validating one time authorization codes (e.g. for email validation).

  • itzbund/siteconfig-impexp

    Siteconfig Import-Export. This is Part of the Goverment Site Build (GSB) 11. Der GSB 11 ist eine Maßnahme der Dienstekonsolidierung Bund (DKB) des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat (BMI) und wird im Auftrag des Informationstechnikzentrums Bund (ITZBund) durchgeführt.

  • PHP


    Base extension for the TYPO3 JobRouter® extensions

  • PHP


    Fork of HamburgerJungeJr/fe_user_cards 1.3.0 to be able to add composer support

  • PHP


    Karatbars Tools for TYPO3 contains various overrides, tasks, etc.

  • netzmacher/launchstartgreen

    Launches a ready-to-use website for Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen!

  • PHP


    Fork of HamburgerJungeJr/fe_user_cards 1.3.0 to be able to add composer support

  • Shell


    TYPO3 Guard the handling of legacy params in FE PSR-7 request

  • t3-themes/t3-theme-diag

    Diag is a very flexible TYPO3 theme built for Digital Marketing Agency, SEO Agency, Advertising Agency related businesses. You can easily create a modern website and start promoting your services in less than minutes. It is fully responsive and easy to Customize. Detailed documentation is included on how to install the theme, import demo content, and customize it.

  • t3graf/extended-bootstrap-package

    Extends Benjamin Kott's Bootstrap package with new, useful functions such as mega menus, an optional top bar panel, new CE's and more. Furthermore, it's a good example how you can adapt the bootstrap package to your own needs.