
Currency Converter Class with features of caching and identifying currency from country Code

2.6 2021-03-01 05:52 UTC

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Exchange rates/Currency Converter Library with features of caching and identifying currency from country code.

Getting started

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$converter = new CurrencyConverter\CurrencyConverter;
echo $converter->convert('USD', 'NPR'); // will print something like 97.44

// caching currency

$cacheAdapter = new CurrencyConverter\Cache\Adapter\FileSystem(__DIR__ . '/cache/');
$cacheAdapter->setCacheTimeout(DateInterval::createFromDateString('10 second'));
echo $converter->convert('USD', 'NPR');

Why Use It

  • Reliable Rate, Uses fixer.io API
  • Caching of rate, to avoid connecting to fixer.io again and again
  • Conversion without currency code(from country code)


  • PHP version 5.5 or later
  • Curl Extension (Optional)


This library depends on composer for installation . For installation of composer, please visit getcomposer.org.

Add "ujjwal/currency-converter":"2.*" to your composer.json and run php composer.phar update


Please head on to /examples folder.

For further documentation, please look at the /docs.