
A spam protector and form field using Google's reCAPTCHA v2 or optionally a foundation v3 implementation

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2.4.3 2024-02-20 14:30 UTC


Adds a "spam protection" field to SilverStripe userforms using Google's reCAPTCHA service.



composer require undefinedoffset/silverstripe-nocaptcha

After installing the module via composer or manual install you must set the spam protector to NocaptchaProtector, this needs to be set in your site's config file normally this is mysite/_config/config.yml.

    default_spam_protector: UndefinedOffset\NoCaptcha\Forms\NocaptchaProtector

Finally, add the "spam protection" field to your form by calling enableSpamProtection() on the form object.



There are multiple configuration options for the field, you must set the site_key and the secret_key which you can get from the reCAPTCHA page. These configuration options must be added to your site's yaml config typically this is app/_config/config.yml.

    site_key: "YOUR_SITE_KEY" #Your site key (required)
    secret_key: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY" #Your secret key (required)
    recaptcha_version: 2 # 2 or 3
    minimum_score: 0.2 # minimum spam score to achieve. Any less is blocked
    verify_ssl: true #Allows you to disable php-curl's SSL peer verification by setting this to false (optional, defaults to true)
    default_theme: "light" #Default theme color (optional, light or dark, defaults to light)
    default_type: "image" #Default captcha type (optional, image or audio, defaults to image)
    default_size: "normal" #Default size (optional, normal, compact or invisible, defaults to normal)
    default_badge: "bottomright" #Default badge position (bottomright, bottomleft or inline, defaults to bottomright)
    default_handle_submit: true #Default setting for whether nocaptcha should handle form submission. See "Handling form submission" below.
    proxy_server: "" #Your proxy server address (optional)
    proxy_port: "" #Your proxy server address port (optional)
    proxy_auth: "" #Your proxy server authentication information (optional)

# The following options can also be specified through Environment variables with Injector config
      SiteKey: '`SS_NOCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY`'
      SecretKey: '`SS_NOCAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY`'
      ProxyServer: '`SS_OUTBOUND_PROXY`'
      ProxyPort: '`SS_OUTBOUND_PROXY_PORT`'
      ProxyAuth: '`SS_OUTBOUND_PROXY_AUTH`'

Adding field labels

If you want to add a field label or help text to the Captcha field you can do so like this:

    ->setTitle("Spam protection")
    ->setDescription("Please tick the box to prove you're a human and help us stop spam.");

Commenting Module

When your using the silverstripe/comments module you must add the following (per their documentation) to your _config.php in order to use nocaptcha/spamprotection on comment forms.


Retrieving the Verify Response

If you wish to manually retrieve the Site Verify response in you form action use the getVerifyResponse() method

function doSubmit($data, $form) {
    $captchaResponse = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Captcha')->getVerifyResponse();

    // $captchaResponse = array (size=5) [
    //  'success' => boolean true
    //  'challenge_ts' => string '2020-09-08T20:48:34Z' (length=20)
    //  'hostname' => string 'localhost' (length=9)
    //  'score' => float 0.9
    //  'action' => string 'submit' (length=6)
    // ];


ReCAPTCHA v3 is different to v2, users won't be presented with a "Are you a robot?" checkbox, instead user actions are returned a spam score 0.0 to 1.0 when they submit the form. Out of the box, this module will block any submission with a spam score of <= 0.4 but this can be tailored either site-wide using the Config API

  minimum_score: 0.2

Or on a per form basis:

$captchaField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Captcha')-

For more information about version 3, including how to implement custom actions see https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3

Handling form submission

By default, the javascript included with this module will add a submit event handler to your form.

If you need to handle form submissions in a special way (for example to support front-end validation), you can choose to handle form submit events yourself.

This can be configured site-wide using the Config API

    default_handle_submit: false

Or on a per form basis:

$captchaField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('Captcha');

With this configuration no event handlers will be added by this module to your form. Instead, a function will be provided called nocaptcha_handleCaptcha which you can call from your code when you're ready to submit your form. It has the following signature:

function nocaptcha_handleCaptcha(form, callback)

form must be the form element, and callback should be a function that finally submits the form, though it is optional.

In the simplest case, you can use it like this:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    // where formID is the element ID for your form
    const form = document.getElementById(formID);
    const submitListener = function(event) {
        let valid = true;
        /* Your validation logic here */
        if (valid) {
            nocaptcha_handleCaptcha(form, form.submit.bind(form));
    form.addEventListener('submit', submitListener);

Reporting an issue

When you're reporting an issue please ensure you specify what version of SilverStripe you are using i.e. 3.1.3, 3.2beta, master etc. Also be sure to include any JavaScript or PHP errors you receive, for PHP errors please ensure you include the full stack trace. Also please include how you produced the issue. You may also be asked to provide some of the classes to aid in re-producing the issue. Stick with the issue, remember that you seen the issue not the maintainer of the module so it may take allot of questions to arrive at a fix or answer.