
The fixtures library for the li3 PHP framework

Installs: 55 175

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 6

Watchers: 8

Forks: 6

Open Issues: 0


v1.1.1 2017-04-08 07:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 20:35:16 UTC


This plugin provide fixtures managment. Should work with any kind of Source adapters. The fixture class support the following datasource's hints:

  • If Source::enabled('schema') returns true, the Fixture manage schema (i.e create/drop) via Source::createSchema() & Source::dropSchema().

  • If Source::enabled('sources') returns true, the Fixture allow soft drop (i.e safe options).


The preferred installation method is via composer. You can add the library as a dependency via:

composer require unionofrad/li3_fixtures

li₃ plugins must be registered within your application bootstrap phase as they use a different (faster) autoloader.


The official manual has more information on how to register the plugin with the app or use alternative installation methods (i.e. via GIT).


The Fixture class


  • Fixture::create($safe); //Create the source only
  • Fixture::save($safe); //Create the source + save the fixture's records in.
  • Fixture::drop($safe); //Drop the source.
  • Fixture::populate($records); //Insert a record in the database
  • Fixture::alter($mode, $fieldname, $value); //Altering the schema before ::create()/::save().

Simple example of unit test:

namespace app\tests\cases\models;

use li3_fixtures\test\Fixture;

class SampleTest extends \lithium\test\Unit {

	public function testFixture() {
		$fixture = new Fixture([
			'connection' => 'lithium_mysql_test',
			'source' => 'contacts',
			'fields' => array(
				'id' => array('type' => 'id'),
				'name' => array('type' => 'string')
			'records' => array(
				array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nate'),
				array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Gwoo')


		$fixture->populate(['id' => 3, 'name' => 'Mehlah']);


The Fixtures class

Fixture is a kind of Schema which contain records and a source name or a reference to a model. So let save the above fixture in a class.

namespace app\tests\fixture;

class ContactsFixture extends \li3_fixtures\test\Fixture {

	protected $_model = 'app\models\Contacts';

	protected $_fields = array(
		'id' => ['type' => 'id'],
		'name' => ['type' => 'string']

	protected $_records = [
		array['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nate'],
		array['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Gwoo']
namespace app\models;

class Contacts extends \lithium\data\Model {}

If you have numbers of fixtures, it will be interesting to use the Fixtures class.

Example of use case:

namespace app\tests\integration;

use li3_fixtures\test\Fixtures;
use app\models\Contacts;
use app\models\Images;
// and so on...

class Sample2Test extends \lithium\test\Unit {

	public function setUp() {
			'db' => [
				'adapter' => 'Connection',
				'connection' => 'lithium_mysql_test',
				'fixtures' => array(
					'contacts' => 'app\tests\fixture\ContactsFixture',
					'images' => 'app\tests\fixture\ImagesFixture'
					// and so on...

	public function tearDown() {

	public function testFixture() {

Ok so why it's better to set the Fixture::_model instead of Fixture::_source ? Long story short, models had their own meta 'connection' value. If a fixture is "linked" with a model, it will automagically configure its meta 'connection' to the fixture's connection when is created or saved.


Fixtures::save('db', array('contacts'));
//The line bellow is not needed since Contacts have been configured by ContactsFixture.
Contacts::config(['meta' => ['connection' => 'lithium_mysql_test']]);

Advanced use case

For interoperability, sometimes it's usefull to adjust fixtures according a datasources.

You can alter Fixture's instance before creating it like the following use case:

$fixture->alter('add', [
	'name' => 'enabled',
	'type' => 'boolean'
]); //Add a field

$fixture->alter('change', [
	'name' => 'published',
	'value' => function ($val) {
		return new MongoDate(strtotime($val));
]); //Simple cast for fixture's values according the closure

$fixture->alter('change', [
	'name' => 'id',
	'to' => '_id',
	'value' => function ($val) {
		return new MongoId('4c3628558ead0e594' . (string) ($val + 1000000));
]); //Renaming the field 'id' to '_id' + cast fixture's values according the closure

$fixture->alter('change', [
	'name' => 'bigintger',
	'type' => 'integer',
	'use' => 'bigint' //use db specific type
]); //Modifing a field type

$fixture->alter('drop', 'bigintger'); //Simply dropping a field

Note :

You can recover a specific fixture's instance from Fixtures using:

$fixture = Fixtures::get('db', 'contacts');