
✋ Provides various ways to break/block scenarios.

v1.0.0 2018-10-28 01:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:36:57 UTC


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✋ Provides various ways to break/block scenarios in Behat.



  1. Install with Composer in your Behat project:
    composer require uuf6429/behat-breakpoint
  2. (Optionally) install the context (in your behat.yml) so you can use it in your tests:
    # ...
            features: "%paths.base%/features/"
          - Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext
    # ...
          - uuf6429\BehatBreakpoint\Context           #  <-- just add this line
    # ...


You can look at composer.json for the specifics, but PHP 5.6+ and Behat 3.0+ are always required. Additionally, each type of breakpoint has specific requirements:

None of the above packages are installed automatically; since someone may want to use the Xdebug extension without needing Mink (and vice-versa).


In Code

Construct the desired breakpoint from the ones listed below and trigger() it.

  • AlertBreakpoint - Shows a javascript alert in the specified browser session and waits until it is closed.
    new \uuf6429\BehatBreakpoint\Breakpoint\AlertBreakpoint(
        \Session $session,        // The WebDriver session to work with.
        string $message = NULL    // (Optional) A message to show to the operator.
  • ConsoleBreakpoint - Displays a message in the current terminal and waits until [enter] is pressed.
    new \uuf6429\BehatBreakpoint\Breakpoint\ConsoleBreakpoint(
        string $message = NULL,          // (Optional) A message to show to the operator.
        null|resource $output = NULL,    // (Optional) Output handle (defaults to PHP's STDOUT)
        null|resource $input = NULL      // (Optional) Input handle (defaults to PHP's STDIN)
  • PopupBreakpoint - Displays a new window with some HTML and waits until it is closed by the user.
    new \uuf6429\BehatBreakpoint\Breakpoint\PopupBreakpoint(
        \Session $session,                  // The Mink session to work with. It must support javascript.
        string $popupHtml,                  // The HTML of the popup page *body*.
        int $popupWidth = 500,              // (Optional) The popup's default width.
        int $popupHeight = 300,             // (Optional) The popup's default height.
        bool $popupIsScrollable = false,    // (Optional) Enables scrollbars (and scrolling) within the popup.
        bool $popupIsResizeable = false     // (Optional) Allows the popup to be resizeable.
  • XdebugBreakpoint - Pauses execution until a connected xdebug client resumes execution.
    new \uuf6429\BehatBreakpoint\Breakpoint\XdebugBreakpoint()

In Gherkin

First add the context to your behat project config (behat.yml) and then use any of the following steps in your feature files:

  • Shows a javascript alert in the currently open page and pauses execution until it is closed.. Definition(s):
    Given an alert breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    Then an alert breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    When an alert breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    Then a console breakpoint is triggered with message "Breakpoint reached! Press [OK] to continue..."
  • Shows a message in the Behat console and waits for the user to press "enter" before continuing execution.. Definition(s):
    Given a console breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    Then a console breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    When a console breakpoint is triggered(?: with message "(?P<message>[^"]*)")?
    Then a console breakpoint is triggered with message "Breakpoint reached! Press [Enter] to continue..."
  • Shows a browser popup with some HTML and pauses execution until it is closed.. Definition(s):
    Given a(?: (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+))? popup breakpoint is triggered with the following content:
    Then a(?: (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+))? popup breakpoint is triggered with the following content:
    When a(?: (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+))? popup breakpoint is triggered with the following content:
    Then a 300x200 popup breakpoint is triggered with the following content:
    <h1>Hello world</h1>
  • Causes any connected xdebug session to break into a debugging session, pausing execution.. Definition(s):
    Given an xdebug breakpoint is triggered
    Then an xdebug breakpoint is triggered
    When an xdebug breakpoint is triggered
    Then an xdebug breakpoint is triggered