
Template String support for Symfony Expression Language

2.0.0 2022-12-24 04:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 09:01:48 UTC


🪡 Template Strings

for Symfony Expression Language (4-6)

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What looks like a dot, a cross and a wave, and does the same thing?

It's the concatenation operator, of course!

PHP uses a dot/period (.), many languages including javascript use +, whereas Symfony Expression Language uses the tilde (~).

This library provides a translation layer on top of Expression Language that converts template strings in ES6 format* to valid expression. While an updated Expression Language subclass is provided for convenience, you don't have to use it, and you can use the provided trait instead.

* only ES6 string interpolation (with any expressions and nesting) is supported; f.e. tagged templates are not.

🔌 Installation

As always, the recommended and easiest way to install this library is through Composer:

composer require "uuf6429/expression-language-tplstring"

🚀 Usage

If you do not plan on extending Symfony Expression Language class, you can use the provided drop-in:

$el = new \uuf6429\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguageWithTplStr();
$el->evaluate('`hello ${name}!`', ['name'=>'mars']); // => hello mars!

Otherwise, you can subclass the desired Expression Language class and use the provided trait:

class MyEL extends \uuf6429\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguageWithArrowFunc
    use \uuf6429\ExpressionLanguage\TemplateStringTranslatorTrait;
    public function compile($expression, array $names = [])
        if (!$expression instanceof \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ParsedExpression) {
            $expression = $this->translateTplToEl($expression);

        return parent::compile($expression, $names);

    public function evaluate($expression, array $values = [])
        if (!$expression instanceof \Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ParsedExpression) {
            $expression = $this->translateTplToEl($expression);

        return parent::evaluate($expression, $values);

$el = new MyEL();
    'users.map((user) -> { `hello ${user.name}!` }).join(` `)',
        'users' => new \Illuminate\Support\Collection([
            (object)['name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Doe'],
            (object)['name' => 'Jane', 'surname' => 'Roe'],
); // => hello John! hello Jane!