
Database access classes, part of QuEasy PHP framework

1.1.0 2024-09-06 11:07 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-15 05:32:17 UTC


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QuEasy PHP Framework - Database

Package v-dem/queasy-db

QuEasy DB is a set of database access classes for CRUD operations. Some of the most usual queries can be built automatically (like SELECT by unique field value/values, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE). More complex queries can be defined in database and/or tables config. The main goal is to separate SQL queries out of PHP code and provide an easy way for CRUD operations.


  • QuEasy DB extends PDO class, so any project which uses PDO can be seamlessly moved to use QuEasy DB.
  • Simple CRUD database operations in just one PHP code row.
  • Separating SQL queries from PHP code.


  • PHP version 5.3 or higher


composer require v-dem/queasy-db

It will also install v-dem/queasy-helper.



  • You can use setLogger() method which accepts Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation to log all queries, by default Psr\Log\NullLogger is used.
  • By default error mode is set to PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION (as in PHP8) if another mode is not set in $options.
  • For MySQL Server need to set option PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND to SET GLOBAL SQL_MODE=ANSI_QUOTES or run same query before calling DB-specific methods.
  • For MSSQL Server need to run SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON or SET ANSI_DEFAULTS ON query before calling DB-specific methods.



$db = new queasy\db\Db(
        'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
        'user' => 'test_user',
        'password' => 'test_password',
        'options' => [


$db = new queasy\db\Db(
        'connection' => [
            'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
            'user' => 'test_user',
            'password' => 'test_password',
            'options' => [

Or PDO-way:

$db = new queasy\db\Db('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'test_user', 'test_password', $options);
  • Fourth argument ($options) is optional, will be passed to PDO::prepare()

Get all records from users table

$users = $db->users->all();

Using foreach with users table

foreach ($db->users as $user) {
    // Do something

Get single record from users table by id key

$user = $db->users->id[$userId];

It's possible to use select() method to pass PDO options; select() returns PDOStatement instance:

$users = $db->users->id->select($userId, $options);

Get multiple records

$users = $db->users->id[[$userId1, $userId2]];

Insert a record into users table using associative array

$db->users[] = [
    'email' => 'john.doe@example.com',
    'password_hash' => sha1('myverystrongpassword')

Insert a record into users table by fields order

$db->users[] = [

Insert many records into users table using associative array (it will generate single INSERT statement)

$db->users[] = [
        'email' => 'john.doe@example.com',
        'password_hash' => sha1('myverystrongpassword')
    ], [
        'email' => 'mary.joe@example.com',
        'password_hash' => sha1('herverystrongpassword')

Insert many records into users table by order

$db->users[] = [
    ], [

Inserting many records into users table with field names denoted separately

$db->users[] = [
    ], [
        ], [

Also it's possible to use insert() method (in the same way as above) when need to pass PDO options; returns last insert id for single insert and number of inserted rows for multiple inserts:

$userId = $db->users->insert([
    'email' => 'john.doe@example.com',
    'password_hash' => sha1('myverystrongpassword')
], $options);
$insertedRowsCount = $db->users->insert([
        'email' => 'john.doe@example.com',
        'password_hash' => sha1('myverystrongpassword')
    ], [
        'email' => 'mary.joe@example.com',
        'password_hash' => sha1('herverystrongpassword')
], $options);
  • Second argument ($options) is optional, will be passed to PDO::prepare()

Get last insert id (alias of lastInsertId() method)

$newUserId = $db->id();

Update a record in users table by id key

$db->users->id[$userId] = [
    'password_hash' => sha1('mynewverystrongpassword')
$updatedRowsCount = $db->users->id->update($userId, [
    'password_hash' => sha1('mynewverystrongpassword')
], $options);
  • Third argument ($options) is optional, will be passed to PDO::prepare()

Update multiple records

$db->users->id[[$userId1, $userId2]] = [
    'is_blocked' => true

Delete a record in users table by id key


Delete multiple records

unset($db->users->id[[$userId1, $userId2]]);
$deletedRowsCount = $db->users->id->delete([[$userId1, $userId2]], $options);
  • Second argument ($options) is optional, will be passed to PDO::prepare()

Get count of all records in users table

$usersCount = count($db->users);

Using transactions

$db->trans(function() use($db) {
    // Run queries inside a transaction, for example:
    $db->users[] = [
  • On exception transaction is rolled back and exception re-thrown to outer code.

Run custom query (returns PDOStatement)

$users = $db->run('
    SELECT  *
    FROM    "users"
    WHERE   "name" LIKE concat(\'%\', :searchName, \'%\')',
        ':searchName' => 'John'
  • Third argument ($options) is optional, will be passed to PDO::prepare()

Run query predefined in configuration

This feature can help keep code cleaner and place SQL code outside PHP, somewhere in config files.

$db = new queasy\db\Db(
        'connection' => [
            'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
            'user' => 'test_user',
            'password' => 'test_password'
        'queries' => [
            'searchUsersByName' => [
                'sql' => '
                    SELECT  *
                    FROM    "users"
                    WHERE   "name" LIKE concat(\'%\', :searchName, \'%\')',
                'returns' => Db::RETURN_ALL

$users = $db->searchUsersByName([
    'searchName' => 'John'
  • Possible values for returns option are Db::RETURN_STATEMENT (default, returns PDOStatement instance), Db::RETURN_ONE, Db::RETURN_ALL, Db::RETURN_VALUE

Also it is possible to group predefined queries by tables:

$db = new queasy\db\Db(
        'connection' => [
            'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
            'user' => 'test_user',
            'password' => 'test_password'
        'tables' => [
            'users' => [
                'searchByName' => [
                    'sql' => '
                        SELECT  *
                        FROM    "user_roles"
                        WHERE   "name" LIKE concat(\'%\', :searchName, \'%\')',
                    'returns' => Db::RETURN_ALL

$users = $db->users->searchByName([
    'searchName' => 'John'

Using v-dem/queasy-db together with v-dem/queasy-config and v-dem/queasy-log


return [
    'db' => [
        'connection' => [
            'dsn' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=test',
            'user' => 'test_user',
            'password' => 'test_password'
        'tables' => [
            'users' => [
                'searchByName' => [
                    'sql' => '
                        SELECT  *
                        FROM    "users"
                        WHERE   "name" LIKE concat(\'%\', :searchName, \'%\')',
                    'returns' => Db::RETURN_ALL

    'logger' => [
            'class' => queasy\log\ConsoleLogger::class,
            'minLevel' => Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG


$config = new queasy\config\Config('config.php'); // Can be also INI, JSON or XML

$logger = new queasy\log\Logger($config->logger);

$db = new queasy\db\Db($config->db);

$users = $db->users->searchByName([
    'searchName' => 'John'
  • All queries will be logged with Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG level. Also it's possible to use any other logger class compatible with PSR-3.