PHP client for sending SMS/OTP using MSG91.

1.4 2022-08-25 04:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-25 09:53:49 UTC


PHP client for sending SMS/OTP using MSG91, includes optional support for Laravel.


composer require vaibhavpandeyvpz/msg91

Laravel < 5.5

Once the package is installed, open your app/config/app.php configuration file and locate the providers key. Add the following line to the end:


Next, locate the aliases key and add the following line:

'Msg91' => Msg91\Laravel\Facade::class,


You need to add MSG91_KEY in your project's .env file. You can also publish the default configuration file as config/msg91.php using below command.

$ php artisan vendor:publish



  • Send an SMS to one or more numbers.

// send an SMS to one number
$result = Msg91::sms(
    'Hello there!',
    4 /* 1 = Promotional; 4 = Transactional */,
        'DLT_TE_ID' => '<dlt-registered-template-id>',

// send same/different SMS to multiple numbers
$result = Msg91::sms(
        ['to' => ['919999999999', '918888888888'], 'message' => 'Hello fellas!'],
        ['to' => ['917777777777'], 'message' => 'Hello vpz!'],
    4 /* 1 = Promotional; 4 = Transactional */,
        'DLT_TE_ID' => '<dlt-registered-template-id>',
  • Send OTP to a number.

$result = Msg91::otp('919999999999', 'MSGIND', [
    'template_id' => '<msg91-approved-otp-template-id>',
  • Retry OTP (as voice) to a number.

$result = Msg91::retry('919999999999', true); // returns true or false
  • Verify OTP sent to a number.

$result = Msg91::verify('919999999999', 1290); // returns true or false


Include msg91 in your notification's channels:


 * @param  mixed  $notifiable
 * @return array
public function via($notifiable)
    return ['msg91'];

Define the toMsg91 method:


use Msg91\Laravel\Notification\Message as Msg91Message;

public function toMsg91()
    return (new Msg91Message)
        ->message(__('This is just a test message.'))
            'DLT_TE_ID' => '<dlt-registered-templated-id>',

Implement routeNotificationForMsg91 method in your notifiable class:


public function routeNotificationForMsg91($notification)
    return $this->phone;

Finally send the notification:


$notifiable = /* some class */
$notifiable->notify(new App\Notifications\Msg91TestNotification());

For sending the notification to an arbitrary number, use below syntax:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;

Notification::route('msg91', '919999999999')
    ->notify(new App\Notifications\Msg91TestNotification());


You can validate sent OTPs using provided validation rule named msg91_otp as shown below:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;

$data = ['phone' => '919999999999', 'otp' => '1234'];

$validator = Validator::make($data, [
    'phone' => ['required', 'digits_between:10,12'],
    'otp' => ['required', 'digits:4', 'msg91_otp'], // default key for source number is 'phone', you can customize this using 'msg91_otp:key_name'

if ($validator->fails()) {
    // report errors


See LICENSE file.