
Provide information about package changes based on changelog files that are bundled with releases; provide tools for generating documentation files from changelog sources

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1.0.1 2024-02-08 09:58 UTC


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Provides information about package changes based on changelog files that are bundled with releases and introduces tools/commands for generating documentation files (in many different formats and with the option to create custom templates) from changelog sources.

It comes with several commands that aid the developer on setting up automatic package publishing logic in CI.

More information on recent changes HERE (which also serves as an example of how MD formatting for changelog.json looks like).

Note that the changelog output will only be generated when you have configured output generators for any of the output formats.

Configuration: overview

Environment variables can be defined as key value pairs in the project's composer.json

  "extra": {
    "changelog": {
      "source": "changelog.json"

Configuration: changelog file format

The module expects certain conventions to be used when declaring new changelog records, which are based on grouping the changes based on semantic versioning rules (+ provides some extra ones for even greater detail): breaking, feature, fix (extras: overview, maintenance).

The extra keys are mostly meant for dumping some data into the release notes about general theme of the new release or allowing some extra details to be added for the developers.

    "1.0.0": {
        "overview": "Some general overarching description about this release; Can be declared as a list",
        "breaking": [
            "code: Something changed in the sourcecode",
            "data: Something changed about the data format",
            "schema: Something changed about the database",
            "config: config path or flag renamed",
            "logic: default/expected execution path of the application/module changed"
        "feature": [
            "short description about feature1",
            "short description about feature2"
        "fix": [
            "short description about fix1",
            "short description about fix2"
        "maintenance": [
            "short description about changing something about the architecture, etc"
        "branch": "useful for multiple major-release branches and using 'version' and 'info' commands"

Note that all the groups are optional - the documentation generation and other features of the plugin will not error out when they're missing.

Developer is not limited only to these groups and any other group will end up being used in documentation generator output as well. The exception to this rule is the "overview" group, which is bound to additional processing logic and is not perceived as a "changes" group in the code.

Configuration: adding releases

The releases should be added in ascending order where the latest release is always the topmost record (as is the case with all change-logs that one might encounter).

    "2.0.0": {},
    "1.2.1": {},
    "1.1.1": {},
    "1.1.0": {},
    "1.0.0": {}

Configuration: upcoming releases

To make sure that all the commands of the plugin work as intended, upcoming releases should be marked in the changelog as "DEV.1.2.3", which will cause latest version reporter command to skip over it. Same could be achieved if the values is left blank.

This is useful in situations where multiple people are working on the upcoming release and you want to postpone the release of that version (in case you have some CI logic build around the changelog version command). As long as the 'DEV.' is there, the developers can stack their changes together under the same changelog record.

    "DEV.1.2.3": {
        "feature": [
            "some upcoming, yet to be released feature"

The plugin uses composer constraints validator so anything that does not validate as version constraint will be skipped over.

Feature: comments in changelog

Useful in situations when there's a specific guideline within a team on how changelog should be maintained and filled per release and what kind of groups should be used.

    "_readme": "Make sure to follow the conventions: http://some.url/changelog-conventions.html",
    "_guide": "Some tips on how the changelog for this specific package is maintained and updated",
    "1.2.3": {
       "feature": [
           "some feature"

Note that comments can be added on any level of the change-log and will always be ignored by the changelog reader/generator.

Feature: repository links

The changelog generator is capable of adding repository links to the changelog for each version by presenting both source link for certain version as well as diff/comparison for the code when compared to previous release.

This activates on two situations:

  • When composer.json of the package has support/source defined (part of standard Composer package config schema)
  • When repository with proper remote destination has been configured (with well formed URL)

The variables that become available through this in templates: {{link}}, {{diff}}.

This feature is enabled by default, but can be enabled by defining the following under changelog configuration within the composer.json of the package:

  "extra": {
    "changelog": {
      "feature": {
        "links": false

The links can be disabled for a single generator run as well by overriding the URL configuration with a specific command argument:

composer changelog:generate --url=false

Feature: release dates

The module will try to resolve the release date of certain version from the package repository when it's available. The available options to be used in output templates are: {{date}}, {{time}}.

This feature is enabled by default, but can be enabled by defining the following under changelog configuration within the composer.json of the package:

  "extra": {
    "changelog": {
      "feature": {
        "dates": false

Output: generators

This example is based on making Sphinx documentation generation available.

  "extra": {
    "changelog": {
      "source": "changelog.json",
      "output": {
        "sphinx": "docs/changelog.rst"

Available types: html, md, rst, slack, sphinx, txt, yml

Output: templates

The plugin ships with built-in templates for each of the generators, which can be configured by defining generators in an extended format.

  "extra": {
    "changelog": {
      "source": "changelog.json",
      "output": {
        "sphinx": {
          "path": "docs/changelog.rst",
          "template": "my/template/path/template123.mustache"

Note that the template file path is relative to the package root that owns the changelog configuration.

Templates use Mustache syntax with some extra helpers (for which the built-in templates serve as documentation/examples).

When relying on the generators to produce the changelog documentation, make sure to add the output path to VCS ignore file as well to avoid producing unintended modifications. The file will be overwritten if exist in the repository before the documentation generation is called.

The generator does support Mustache partials as well in which case the template paths should be given as dictionary where the entry point template has been defined under the key "root".


  "template": {
    "root": "my/template/path/custom_root.mustache",
    "mypartial": "my/template/path/release.mustache"

In this example, the choice to define a template for the key "mypartial" derives directly from referring to such a Mustache partial in the template that's defined in "root".

The reserved names for partials in this plugin are:

  • root - main entry-point for the renderer
  • release - used by default to output certain changelog group/version and it's details AND by changelog:info

The base files for each template can be found from HERE.


# Generate documentation pages from changelog configuration
composer changelog:generate 

# Generate changelog with version-bound (src) and (diff) links for each release
# Will override the default setting configured for the module
changelog:generate --url ssh://

# Report latest valid version from changelog (skip over the ones that are yet to be released)
composer changelog:version

# Report latest valid version for release/1.X
composer changelog:version --branch release/1.X

# Report latest release record from changelog (might be same as last valid)
composer changelog:version --tip

# Report upcoming release version from changelog (returns blank if there is no upcoming version)
composer changelog:version --upcoming

# Report current latest version without PATCH version
composer changelog:version --segments 2

# Report latest release details (in requested format)
composer changelog:info

# Validate changelog files content
composer changelog:validate

# Setup basic usage of the changelogs for a module
composer changelog:bootstrap

Upgrading The Module

When upgrading the module, one might encounter odd crashes about classes not being found or class constructor arguments being wrong.

This usually means that the class structure or constructor footprint in some of the classes have changed after the upgrade which means that the plugin might be running with some classes from the old and some classes from the new version.

It is safe to ignore errors like these when running the composer update command again does not produce any side-effects.


The modules ships with a dedicated development branch devbox which contains configuration for spinning up a dedicated development environment that can be used together with VSCode's Remote Containers.

Note that there is no strict requirement to use such a setup, but it's what was used to author the plugin and if you want to be sure that you have everything up and running without hick-ups, you can just as well take the shortcut.

System requirements:

  1. Have Docker installed.
  2. Have VSCode installed with 'Remote - Containers' extension.
  3. Have Mutagen installed (used for selecting syncing).


  1. git checkout devbox .devcontainer Dockerfile docker-compose.yml mutagen.yml
  2. git reset .devcontainer Dockerfile docker-compose.yml mutagen.yml
  3. [open the project with VSCode that has Remote Container extension installed]
  4. [use the 'Reopen in Container' option that is given in a prompt that opens]
  5. (only on Windows) mutagen project start
  6. Use 'Terminal > New Terminal' to open a terminal within the IDE.
  7. [from the terminal you can install the packages, trigger debugger, etc]

Note this setup does come with a pre-bootstrapped xDebugger, you just have to use the Run menu in VSCode and start listening and trigger a command via the terminal.