
An easy to use wrapper for the Dark Sky API (formerly

1.1.2 2017-03-28 12:29 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-05 18:16:24 UTC



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An easy to use wrapper for the Dark Sky API (formerly

Overcast will query the Dark Sky API for weather information for the longitude and latitude you specify. Additionally you may specify the specific time, past or present.

See the Dark Sky API documentation for more information.


Installation is as simple as using Composer:

    "require": {
        "vertigolabs/overcast": "dev-master"

Client Adapters

Overcast uses client adapters to connect to the Dark Sky API. This gives you the ability to create your own adapter for whatever HTTP client you'd like to use. This is especially useful for people who have special needs when dealing with retrieving data from third parties (firewalls, proxies, etc)

Overcast comes with two client adapters ready for use, FileGetContentsClientAdapter and GuzzleClientAdapter. You can also create your own by simply implementing the ClientAdapterInterface

By default, you do not have to specify which adapter to use. Overcast will automatically use the best client adapter available. If Guzzle is installed, it will use the GuzzleClientAdaptor, otherwise it will fallback to the FileGetContentsClientAdapter.

If you do wish to specify the client adapter, you'd do this with the second parameter when instancing the Overcast class:

$overcast = new \VertigoLabs\Overcast\Overcast('YOUR API KEY', new \VertigoLabs\Overcast\ClientAdapters\FileGetContentsClientAdapter());
// or
$overcast = new \VertigoLabs\Overcast\Overcast('YOUR API KEY', new MyAwesomeClientAdapter());


Since the Dark Sky API is simple, Overcast is equally easy to use. Simply create an instance of the Overcast class, then call the getForecast() method.

Overcast::getForecast() returns a nicely structured Forecast object which contains other data structures for handy access to all of the response data from Dark Sky.

$overcast = new \VertigoLabs\Overcast\Overcast('YOUR API KEY');
$forecast = $overcast->getForecast(37.8267,-122.423);

// check the number of API calls you've made with your API key for today
echo $overcast->getApiCalls().' API Calls Today'."\n";

// temperature current information
echo 'Current Temp: '.$forecast->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->getCurrent()."\n";
echo 'Feels Like: '.$forecast->getCurrently()->getApparentTemperature()->getCurrent()."\n";
echo 'Min Temp: '.$forecast->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->getMin()."\n";
echo 'Max Temp: '.$forecast->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->getMax()."\n";

// get daily summary
echo 'Daily Summary: '.$forecast->getDaily()->getSummary()."\n";

// loop daily data points
foreach($forecast->getDaily()->getData() as $dailyData) {
	echo 'Date: '.$dailyData->getTime()->format('D, M jS y')."\n";
	// get daily temperature information
	echo 'Min Temp: '.$dailyData->getTemperature()->getMin()."\n";
	echo 'Max Temp: '.$dailyData->getTemperature()->getMax()."\n";

	// get daily precipitation information
	echo 'Precipitation Probability: '.$dailyData->getPrecipitation()->getProbability()."\n";
	echo 'Precipitation Intensity: '.$dailyData->getPrecipitation()->getIntensity()."\n";

	// get other general daily information
	echo 'Wind Speed: '.$dailyData->getWindSpeed()."\n";
	echo 'Wind Direction: '.$dailyData->getWindBearing()."\n";
	echo 'Visibility: '.$dailyData->getVisibility()."\n";
	echo 'Cloud Coverage: '.$dailyData->getCloudCover()."\n";

This will output:

18 API Calls Today

Current Temp: 61.05
Feels Like: 61.05
Min Temp: 
Max Temp: 

Daily Summary: Drizzle on Tuesday, with temperatures peaking at 65°F on Thursday.

Date: Tue, Mar 31st 15
Min Temp: 53.83
Max Temp: 61.81
Precipitation Probability: 0
Precipitation Intensity: 0
Wind Speed: 12.77
Wind Direction: 308
Visibility: 8.93
Cloud Coverage: 0.25

Date: Wed, Apr 1st 15
Min Temp: 48.72
Max Temp: 60.08
Precipitation Probability: 0
Precipitation Intensity: 0
Wind Speed: 14.47
Wind Direction: 321
Visibility: 10
Cloud Coverage: 0.06

Date: Thu, Apr 2nd 15
Min Temp: 48.96
Max Temp: 65.46
Precipitation Probability: 0
Precipitation Intensity: 0
Wind Speed: 10.02
Wind Direction: 346
Visibility: 10
Cloud Coverage: 0

Date: Fri, Apr 3rd 15
Min Temp: 49.17
Max Temp: 63.68
Precipitation Probability: 0
Precipitation Intensity: 0
Wind Speed: 6.03
Wind Direction: 292
Visibility: 10
Cloud Coverage: 0.07

Date: Sat, Apr 4th 15
Min Temp: 47.14
Max Temp: 58.44
Precipitation Probability: 0
Precipitation Intensity: 0
Wind Speed: 11.48
Wind Direction: 288
Cloud Coverage: 0.3

Date: Sun, Apr 5th 15
Min Temp: 47.95
Max Temp: 56.2
Precipitation Probability: 0.09
Precipitation Intensity: 0.0017
Wind Speed: 14.35
Wind Direction: 285
Cloud Coverage: 0.06

Date: Mon, Apr 6th 15
Min Temp: 44.63
Max Temp: 57.25
Precipitation Probability: 0.01
Precipitation Intensity: 0.0005
Wind Speed: 8.06
Wind Direction: 281
Cloud Coverage: 0

Date: Tue, Apr 7th 15
Min Temp: 51.23
Max Temp: 60.55
Precipitation Probability: 0.32
Precipitation Intensity: 0.0022
Wind Speed: 8.06
Wind Direction: 258
Cloud Coverage: 0.24


  • Accept additional API options