
Spatie\Translatable field for MoonShine Laravel admin panel

3.0.1 2025-02-01 15:19 UTC


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Extend JSON field.


MoonShine Moonshine Spatie Translatable Currently supported
>= v1.0 ^1.0 no
>= v2.0 ^2.0 yes
>= v3.0 ^3.0 yes


This field belongs to a separate package, you have to complete the installation before using it

For MoonShine 2.*:

composer require "visual-ideas/moonshine-spatie-translatable:^2.0"

For MoonShine 3.* (current version):

composer require "visual-ideas/moonshine-spatie-translatable:^3.0"

The field is purposed for work with the Laravel-translatable package made by Spatie. Before using the Spatie\Translatable field, make sure that:

  • The spatie/laravel-translatable package is installed and configured.
  • The field passed to the Spatie\Translatable is added to the $translatable array of the model.
use VI\MoonShineSpatieTranslatable\Fields\Translatable;
Translatable::make('Title', 'name')

Mandatory translations

The ->requiredLanguages(array $languages) method is used to specify the languages required by the validator for creating/saving a record. It is recommended to pass the config('app.fallback_locale') value to this method

use VI\MoonShineSpatieTranslatable\Fields\Translatable;
Translatable::make('Title', 'name')
    ->requiredLanguages([config('app.fallback_locale'), 'ru'])

Recommended translations

If you specify this array, the language codes in the forms for adding/modifying a specific translation will be placed at the beginning of the list of all possible languages.

use VI\MoonShineSpatieTranslatable\Fields\Translatable;
Translatable::make('Title', 'name')
    ->priorityLanguages([config('app.fallback_locale'), config('app.locale'), 'de', 'fr', 'uk'])


You can delete specific translations from out of the entered ones

Translatable::make('Field', 'field')

If you leave the translation text blank, it will be deleted! If there are two translations into the same language, the translation that comes first will be deleted (replaced)!