
Extension of Voce Post Meta Plugin to create media meta fields

1.2.0 2015-07-13 17:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:06:27 UTC


Contributors: markparolisi, garysmirny, kevinlangleyjr, curtisloisel, voceplatforms
Tags: post, meta, media
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 3.8.1
Stable tag: 1.1.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


Extend Voce Post Meta with media fields

Only works on the new (WP 3.5+) Media Modal For support with the old thickbox media handling, use the 1.0.0 tag.


As standard plugin:

See Installing Plugins.

As theme or plugin dependency:

After dropping the plugin into the containing theme or plugin, add the following:

if( ! class_exists( 'Voce_Post_Meta_Media' ) ) {
	require_once( $path_to_voce_post_meta_media . '/voce-post-meta-media.php' );


Basic example for inserting an image

add_action('init', function(){
	add_metadata_group( 'demo_meta', 'Page Options', array(
		'capability' => 'edit_posts'
	add_metadata_field( 'demo_meta', 'demo_media', 'Demo Media', 'media' );
	add_post_type_support( 'page', 'demo_meta' );

Example using a custom mime type (in this example, a PDF)

add_action('init', function(){
	add_metadata_group( 'demo_meta', 'Page Options', array(
		'capability' => 'edit_posts'
	add_metadata_field( 'demo_meta', 'demo_media', 'Demo Media', 'media', array(
		'mime_types' => array( 'application/pdf' )
	add_post_type_support( 'page', 'demo_meta' );

** 1.2.0 **

  • Switched to bootstrap file to intilize extension to prevent fatal errors for setups that load dependencies before WP

** 1.1.3 **

  • Adding attachment title to display output of metabox

Added check for Voce_Meta_API

Removed support for all versions lower than WordPress 3.5

Initial version.